Stash Spotlight: Benefit Powders

The Muse has successfully collected all the Benefit Powders aside from 10. I've no idea why I never purchased 10 but it's def on my to buy before I die list. Aside from 10 I have virtually all the powders even ones that aren't always so suitable for my skin (Hoola...eep!).
I dunno if it's the packaging or the awesome quality but I sure do love them!
Jump ahead to view my stash!
For a really long time Benefit Dandelion was my absolute fav of the powders and than along came Benefit Thrrrob which quickly replaced it in my heart and on my favorite list. But without a doubt as of now and possibly always (unless Benefit tops this release) Benefit Coralista is thee most awesome of the Benefit Powder releases.

With the release of Benefit Coralista I think they opened a brand new door for the powder collection and I sincerely hope and pray they embrace the idea of Coralista and use it to make more great powders. If you haven't tried Coralista yet the Muse highly suggest grabbing some.

All in all the Muse sure is mighty proud of her little stockpile of Benefit Powders!
Which Benefit Powders do you own?
Which are your favs?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Benefit, Spotlights
Throbb and Coralista have the cutest packaging. I think Dandelion, Coralista and Throbb look very pretty :)
Benefit fixed the problem and my order is on the way! :D Thanks for the heads-up on this one. I hope to acquire at least one of the blushers next time.
all hail the Muse
I have the 10 and Thrrb. I like 10 for every day stuff. I even had to repurchase it! Definitely a fantastic buy for quick every day stuff.
Ah, but have you ever hit pan on any of them.... come to think of it, I'd be interested to see if you've ever hit pan on anything! I have but only 4 or 5 times, which considering my age seems impossible.
Ah, but have you ever hit pan on any of them.... come to think of it, I'd be interested to see if you've ever hit pan on anything! I have but only 4 or 5 times, which considering my age seems impossible.
I own dallas actually. It's pigmented but sheer eonugh that you can't look clownish! I love it becuase it's a dusty rose color.
great collection! all the boxes look lovely. i only own powder pop! (3 in 1 haha)
can't say i love any of the shades though. dandelion is too pale to show up on me, dallas is not really the kind of colour i gravitate towards. (i like Nars Torrid, Cargo Gotham type shades aka peachy-pink/coral, pink)
only hoola make a pretty gd contour powder for me so i've been kinda disappointed with the shades
plus point: the texture of the blushes are lovely
Hey Muse! I own Dallas, Thrrob, and Coralista. They are all absolutely gorgeous and I've actually hit pan on Dallas. I've NEVER hit pan on a blush, ever.
I want to get dandelion, but i always forget about it. I'll get it one day!
hey dd!
;) I love the packaging best of all myself :)
hi laura!
awesome, awesome! :) hehehe so glad you got ;)
stop back and give the good word..curious whatcha think!
hi tongueincheek!
I really need to try 10! :) I've been meaning too for awhile now.
hi beautybitch!
NEVER LOL! I don't think I've ever hit pan on anything I own lol!
hi Anonymous!
Dallas really gives a healthy look doesn't it :)
hi Angeline!
Thanks hun :) I never indulged in it...I wanted too but seemed pointless since I had them all anyway ;) but that box set is so bloody cute!
Aww sorry to hear they aren't really working fabs for ya :( I really love Dandelion and Thrrob :) and Coralista AMAZINGGGGGGGG def try it if you like NARS blushes :)
hi Shefali!
I'm with you :) totally gorg :) Me either LOL don't feel bad :D
hey jackie!
it would really be nice on you ;)
That's me with 10...I've been meaning to try it for ages!
Hi, can I check whether georgia or coralista shows up more orange?
coralista without question hun :)
I have dandelion, thrrrob and georgia! my fav being thrrrob and least fav georgia. thrrrob is my fav because the color looks so different when its on my cheeks and on the pan. :) my fav used to be dandelion too before thrrrob came along! i love using thrrrob especially during autumn/winter when i tend to use cooler colors. when the spring/summer comes i tend to use more peachy pink colors such as nars orgasm/deepthroat/stila convertible color gerbera. as for georgia, i dont really like it because i cant use it as a blush eventhough im super duper fair! The color is just too light that its really more of a luminizer than a blush.=( I must try coralista soon ;)
hi aretha!
How are you?! that's what happens with me and thrrob too! It's so sheer in the pan but gorgeous on my cheeks!
Georgia is a nice shade but not as nice as the rest of the powders in the collection! If you like orgasm you'll LOVE coralista!!!!!!!
I have Thrrrob and I absolutely LOVE!!! It is the only one that I own, because I won it at a giveaway site, but if I had any $, I would own them all. The quality is great and I am DYING for coralista (yes, an all caps kind of emotion). Great review......Benefit can donate to me anytime too.
If I had your collection, I would glow with pride!
hi leane!
I'm a thrrob fan too :) It's really fabs! Awesome that you won it!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
You must must try coralista soon :)
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