10 MAC Lip Glosses You Should Own

Somehow, someway MAC Lipgloss wiggled it's way into my heart. My first try with MAC gloss was a nightmare and I ended up hating it for ever after because of the terribly sticky, tacky formula. As you know I've since made peace with the formula and even give it props for being tacky enough to stay in place for hours at a time.
I'm now the pride owner of one too many MAC lip glosses. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Who knows but the fact remains I can't get enough of them and I look forward to new shades with each release.
Check out my list below fro 10 MAC Lip Gloss shades I think you should own or at least consider adding to your collection!
MAC glosses come and go through my life as collections release. The shades you see above are ones that stick out in my mind and I consider favorites! The Muse thinks you should think about adding one or two of these colors to your collection, loves 'em!
Anyone own any of these shades?
What are some MAC gloss shades that stick out in your mind?
Tell the Muse!
I really love Love Nectar (Lustreglass) and Lovechild (Lipglass)! Lychee Luxe is nice as well, but sometimes I'm way too pale to pull it off properly. Corps de Ballet (Lipglass) was smashing on me, but I can't seem to find it anymore so I think it was discontinued.
Cult of Cherry, Boundless, Pink Poodle, Dreamy, Venetian, Little VI are some of my favorites :)
I miss their 3D glass :(
Wish they would at least repromote.
Little Vi is the only one that sticks out in my mind. And its being discontinued!! I needa stock up!
I love Possum Nose Pink! I bought an extra one at the Cosmetics Company Outlet since it's a limited edition lip glass. It's such a pretty color :)
Try MAC Plushglass in Ample Pink, it is my absolute favorite shade. It is pretty close to the color of my lips but it has a bit of plumper in it so it makes them look like soft and pillowy. Everytime that I wear it, males just stare at my lips...its rather amusing.
Trance Plant Lustreglass. Would be a great color for you. Looks much different on than it does in the tube.
From your list, I just have Moonbathe and I love it. For some reason the scent of it reminds me of almonds. I love the shade!!!
I own one and that is the Heatherette one in Starlet Kiss, I really hope they re release it!
MAC Prrr has always been my fav.
I can't get enough of the lipglass in Underage. Dreamy is great as well, and Lil Hot Pepper. The Viva Glam VI Limited was awesome too! Unfortunately my eyes are bigger than my lips in the sense that I buy more than I can possibly wear! But at just $14 a pop and the fact that you can turn in 6 mac containers for a brand new product, it's worth it.
i have never tried Mac lipglass i heard it was too sticky. although i was considering getting Pink Grapefruit after i saw this picture! it looks so pretty bring it back mac!!!
i found wondershine on this site
have you ever ordered from/heard of this site?
hi silk finch!
Thanks for sharing some of your favs :-D Corps de Ballet sounds gorg...must go look that up!
hey dd!
YES cult of the cherry awesomeness :-D Pink Poodle I love but some days I feel like I can't pull it off ;-D
hi anonymous
aw ditto! maybe soon!?
hi jackie!
wow two people already mentioned this must check it out :-D
hello m!
Me too :-D It really is a great one ;-D I wish my CCO had it as I can do with a back up!
hi erin!
LOL I need this :-D sounds gorg!
hi terri.
hmmm will have to check it out hun! Thanks for the rec :-D
hi rita!
I love moonbathe too :-D does kinda have an almond smell. It looks fab over bright stains :D
hello urluver
I do too. I always regret not buying two le's as I fear they will never pop up again!
ooo yes heather have it, love it!
hi princess!
LOL cute I know the feeling my eyes are indeed bigger than my lips too but they are rather cheap and worthy of more than one shade sometimes :-D
Great choices for colors thanks for sharing 'em with us!
hello anonymous!
it is very much so but I think that's one thing that makes it good in the long run as that tacky feel makes it long wearing ;D Pink Grapefruit is my FAV!
It's really nice. Believe the general catalog has it...from what I heard anyway!
hi anonymous
nope never heard of the site. great find though :D
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