Beauty News: DuWop Twilight Lip Gloss DuWop Lip Venom V
I'm the first to admit I absolutely adore Twilight so of course a new themed lipgloss from the movie by DuWop has me in fits of joy!

Jump for the beauty news on DuWop Twilight Lipgloss (or DuWop Lip Venom V, name is unconfirmed as of yet).
Entertainment Weekly reports that DuWop Twilight Lip Gloss is a lip stain mixed with DuWop's popular Lip Venom! Some reports I've read are saying that there will be an entire makeup collection themed for the Twilight film and that Robert Pattinson is already sporting DuWop Twilight on the set. You'll see this gloss and possibly this collection, if rumors are true, later this year but I'm betting by the end of Summer for Fall Collection releases.
Count me on board for purchasing the gloss and anything else they choose to theme with Twilight. WANT! This could be one LE collection that sells out FAST!
Would you buy Twilight themed cosmetics?
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Labels: Beauty News, DuWop, Lips
I know Hot Topic had some Twilight themed makeup and I wasnt really into it. I adore Twilight but Twilight movie themed stuff kinda turns me off.
But things like the Revlon cream eyeshadows in "Twilight" or the MAC eyeshadow in "Claire De Lune" I go nuts over LOL.
Since I already have, yes :)
1. Beautiful Girl Minerals has a Twilight eye shadow quad.
2. Aromaleigh Cosmetics has sparkling finishing powder so you can shine like a Cullen ;P
hey marie
wasn't too into that either but can so get on board with duwop ;_D
yea it's kinda a bit teenie and cheesy in regards to merchandising :P
hehe you're too cute!
hehe awesome dd :-D
cullen loving all around!
as long as i dont turn as pale as edward...
hahah seems like fun idea!
LOL Jillian
I wouldn't mind :-D
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