Kat Von D True Romance Eyeshadow Palette in Gypsy

As I type this I am holding in my hand thee must have palette of the Season, the Muse dubs it so, thus it must be so (was that even a sentence?). I'm talking about the brand new Kat Von D True Romance Eyeshadow Palette in Gypsy!
The Muse has never been so emotional over a palette in her life. Kat Von D continues to impress me more and more lately so much so I find the need to go to Sephora and add all her eyeshadows into my cart and just look at them and sigh...I never click submit but I dream about doing it.
Kat Von D True Romance Eyeshadow Palette in Gypsy whoa. I couldn't pass up snagging this gorgeous palette for 15% off recently and boy am I ever glad I did because it's stupid gorgeous. I'm so enthralled at the moment that I just want to pet it and whisper sweet nothings in it's ear so it may be a while before I actually swatch it...it's just too pretty!
The Muse promises a review soon but please for the love of god don't wait! Run to Sephora and get one now. As for me I'm going to light some candles and make sweet love to it tonight....or not....we'll see what happens....wink!
Labels: Kat Von D, Summer Collections 2009
That does look lovely. I do the same with all the Kat Von D stuff. The only thing I ever purchased was the Tattoo Concealer. But I may have to take a closer look at this one.
oh my... that does look gorgeous! Remember to wear protection :D
Those colors look really pretty and I like the sparkle (green just doesn't seem like an eyeshadow color that should ever be matte)... but I have a hard time thinking it could ever look good on me - except for the first 3 colors.
lol. I heart you! You are so silly/funny. Anyway, Yeah I totally agree Kat Von Dee has been coming out with some really good stuff lately. I can't wait to get my hands on one!
I'm confused. . . I thought Kat Von D stuff was just the Sephora brand, repackaged with her name/likeness/endorsement (and I know you're not a fan of Sephora much!). I'm pretty sure I read that on another blog. Do you know anything about this? I'm quite interested in some of her liners and shadows, but don't want to spend more if it's just the Sephora brand, repackaged. Thanks for the information!
Making swet love to a palette? rofl!!
I'm looking forward to seeing a FOTD, I just wouldn't know what to do with the yellowy colour?
I dream about makeup and skincare stuff too. lol
I really, really, really, really want this palette and her brush set but they're not available in the UK *sob* and ebay is crazy pricing! Nevermind musey - I'll enjoy it through you! :) x x
so pretty... and the name's evocative too :)
I ordered this from Sephora last week and it should be arriving today!!! I can't wait to rock it out this weekend!
hey jackie!
I have one single shadow and I wants more :-D plus of course the concealer. How do you like it btw?
hey connie!
LOL! We practiced safe sex :-D
hi leah!
They aren't actually matte aside from the black :-D the pic is misleading :-D
hi crissy!
hehe! glad I made ya laugh babes!
truly! She has a brand new single shadow that's all gold and shimmery WANT :-D
hi anonymous!
I'm confused too as I've never heard that???? If Sephora makeup was as good a quality as Kat Von D I'd buy it everyday. The quality packaging wise and quality wise is far superior to ANY sephora brand cosmetics I've tried before.
I've never heard Sephora endorse Kat Von D as repackaged items of their own line.
These shadows are WAYYYYYYYYYYYY better than anything I've tried from Sephora, promise. So where ever you read that def take it with a grain salt...so not true :-D
At least in my experience!
Honestly if Sephora paid this much attention to their own line I'd be on it like white on rice!
I love Kat Von D e/s palettes - I got the last three and yes, this is def. on my list of things to get!
hi emma!
LOL sometimes I like a little palette loving :-D
It's weird as the yellow color is almost a cream shadow...it's golden and metallic and just WOW. It's a great highbrow highlighter :-D
hehe don't we all my dear don't we all!
hey chica!
did you try MUA? get a buddy on MUA I'm positive someone will cp :D
also I seen a few on evil pay fairly reasonable ask someone if they ship uk maybe?
hi Mukho
isn't it?!
hi bonnie!
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! you got 15% off right?! :D
amazingggg right?
jealous of your other palettes :-D
Hey can you please do swatches before next tuesday? my boyfriend is going to new york and I wanna see if I need to add this to my list of makeup for him to pick up at sephora. Thanks. It looks like love.
hi ally
def will try! :D I want to get the review up as soon as possible just need to do some fotd's!
it's gorg :D
This is so pretty. I have her Beethoven palette and Lolita l/s. I have been very pleased with the quality of her line and LOVE the packaging!
Muse--it came in the mail yesterday as expected and I LOVE it. So gorgeous! Plus--Best.Packaging.Ever. I am SO keeping the box!!
yup, Kat Von D m/u is made by sephora. When you go to Kat Von D product page on sephora, under her logo is the sephora. She designed the packaging and stuffs but its all sephora.
hi kim!
Agreed. quality wise and packaging is awesome! :-D I look forward to purchasing more from her collection
hi bonnie!
ME TOO! lol the box was awesome :-D
Loves it all!
thanks emily. either way it's still a whole lot better than anything sephora put out :-D
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