Escada Coffret Set: It's Back!

Dear Escada,
I'm so sorry for not telling you how much I love you lately. I know I haven't sent flowers in a while but that doesn't mean I don't care!
Always yours,
the Muse
The Muse had a sincere case of nostalgia when she noticed that Sephora is selling the Escada Coffret again. Sniff, excuse me I had to wipe a tear from my eye.
The Muse remembers years back when she purchased her very first Escada Coffret. The love affair started soon after.
Le sigh!
The new Escada Coffret at Sephora couldn't help but bring back those memories. Available for $35 USD it contains six mini Escada fragrances. Ahhhh the memories.....the fond, fond memories.
Love ya Babs!
The Muse loves you Escada, thanks for bringing back the coffret, likey!
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