Boots No7 Spring Collection 2009
I get a tiny bit excited when Boots releases a limited edition collection. Granted Boots No7 isn't the best cosmetic brand in the world but I tend to veer towards it when I hear the words "limited" and "edition" in the same sentence. I've been collecting Boots No7 LE items for as long as the sky is blue so of course when I noticed they had a new Spring Collection I kinda did my little happy dance!

Yes, Yes you can diss on it all you like but I'm still kinda sorta loving it!
Remember kids it's the little things that makes the Muse happy!
The collection consists of the Boots No7 Petal Lip Tint, Boots No7 Eye Palette, and Boots No7 Petal Blusher. All of the palettes are available in two shade selections aside from the eye palette. The collection allows for a warm or cool look if you so please. I'm quite smitten with the No7 Petal Blusher although I'm not feeling the price range on most of the line which is topping in at £8 to nearly £11 hmmmm....can it be cheaper now please?

Aside from the price the line up is quite nice and keeping with the Spring theme of things. I'm considering picking it up just because I like collecting these particular palettes but we shall see as I've already used up a majority of my Spring Collection budget.
It's ok, I give you leave to rant over the shat quality of Boots No7 now.
Comment box is open!

Labels: Boots, British Brands, Spring Collections 2009
I took Boots No.7 for granted when I lived in London but now that I'm halfway across the world it look so much more tempting. I'm heading back to London this week for a short trip so I'll definitely take a look at these in person. I wouldn't have considered looking the collection if you hadn't featured it so Boots No.7 should be giving you commission!
Is it just me, or does that blusher look like a Korean brand product?? (Innisfree baked highlighter)
I bought all of them the day they came out - how sad is that? :) I had three £5 off vouchers and also got a free gift worth about £30, so all in all not a bad deal. I've only tried the lip tint, that's actually pretty good. And they are so pretty. :) Did you get the Christmas LE palettes too?
I swatched some of this today and was really dissapointed with the colours, especially for the price, and size of the product!
hi beautybitch!
LOL totally hear you hun! I normally just pick up the LE's from Boots as normally tey tend to be a little bit special!
hehe I WISH! Boots do you hear that!?
It does kinda look like the baked highlighter from innisfree I agree!
hey girl :)
awww that leaves this out than :P
I'll skip!
hi anita!
I did get the christmas le's :) damn you got a sweet deal....I wish I could get boot points and vouchers for my purchases hehe I'd be a gazillionaire :)
I know this is kinda late...just stumbled on this when I was reading the Boots Original formula thingy. I think the Eye palette is really pretty. Sigh! if only there's Boots in Malaysia, then I would be the 1st to grab all their LE stuff. Yes, like you, I can't resist anything L..imited and E..dition!
hey von von
Me neither LOL! LE does my head in :-D I know that feelin'!
We don't get many of the LE's either don't feel bad :(
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