Bourjois Paris Website Update
Oooooo I do believe I spy with my little eye something new from Bourjois Paris!

I was excited to see that Bourjois Paris has updated the master portal of it's website with a new page! Aside from the French portal nothing else has much changed upon clicking through all the country portals but it doesn't leave me without hope that maybe, just maybe, we'll finally see some sort of update on the US portal!
Please Bourjois? Pretty please.
I'm not really counting on it with the economy the way it is but it sure would be delightful to hear about some new tid bit or another. Or even a page change from the Bourjois Paris Clubbing selection that's been up on the US portal for over a year now.
Le sigh!
The French portal has completely updated the look and feel of their site so I'm hopeful these changes will relay back to the other country portals, of course, in particular, the US one!
Here's to hoping! I long for some small bone from Bourjois Paris US! Your fans are out here, the Muse happens to be one!
Missing Bourjois Paris?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Bourjois Paris
I don't know what is wrong with your site, but I am not able to access it via Firefox or Safari on my home laptop or work desktop (both Macs). I have to google your site, and then from there bring up a cached version. I can click on individual posts with no problems though.
Just an FYI in case others are having problems.
hi sophia
I tried it on all my computers, my laptop, my powerbook, and my mac and no problems at all. both at work and at home plus a few friends houses.
how is it loading for you today?
do let me know.
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