Ben Nye Red Neutralizer Review
Going into Ben Nye virtually blind folded about the line is truly a stupid idea. Take for example that the Muse recently purchased Ben Nye Red Neutralizer to use as a concealer....

Tis virtually white what the heck was I going to do with it?
Read ahead to find out if it was a trash or a stash.
Ben Nye Red Neutralizer is specially designed to conceal intense redness due to bruising, acne, broken capillaries, of course it was a rather a silly idea to purchase it for use as an under eye concealer.
I unintentionally purchased this off of E-bay after hearing the wonders of Ben Nye products as a concealer. Little did I know that the concealer was used for treating redness not dark circles. Considering the E-bay description was completely wrong describing the product I ended up with a white base that's almost gray in color which was definitely not something which would turn out useful as an under eye concealer.

Turns out it actually kinda sorta works.
The E-bay seller said that this particular shade could be used to brighten the eye area and could be used as a base prior to foundation for brightening the face and concealing problem skin. Considering I don't have a problem with my skin aside from icky puffy, dark circled eyes I wasn't looking to conceal much but turns out that the product works quite well at brightening up my completion when I use a very tiny dab!
The product is nice and creamy plus has a nice rich pigmentation. It smooths under eyes fairly well to brighten the eye area up. I took note that it kinda sorta works like the white powder that comes with the Bobbi Brown Concealer Palette or the mineral finishing powder in the Laura Mercier Camouflage Pot.
Interestingly enough I thought the product worked as a great prep prior to applying concealer or foundation. Remember though a simply dab will do otherwise you'll be ghastly white looking if you go overboard. I use a tiny amount under my eyes followed up with my own concealer and it seems to do well at covering up my puffy eyes and my dark circles. A little dab around the sides of my chin and under my upper lip brightens my face up and hides any dull, darker areas on my skin. Follow up with foundation where ever you apply so the finish is more natural.
The product is slightly drying under my eyes so I have to be sure to prep and prime well prior to use as although it has a nice formula that's soft and silky, it still manages to feel a tad on the drying side.
Although the product is meant to neutralize red I made as much use of it as possible for a few other things and I think I'll consider purchasing it again should I run out as I'm starting to like it more than my normal skin whitening routine! I only paid $8 USD so of course I'll be going back to try out a better shade for use under my eyes as I'm positive I'll be able to find a more suitable color to use.
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I have never tried Ben Nye anything Musey, but I've read the good pigmentation on their bright shadows! this is refreshing to know about a concealer from them
That is very interesting, I had to immediately check it out on ebay, since I am sooooo pale and blessed with darkest circles, this sounds about right for me, redness or no, I think a good concealer is a good concealer. Thanks for that tip!!!
hi nikki!
;) it's pretty good. not bad at all. I'm interesting in picking up a more natural shade to see how well it conceals!
hi nell!
Lucky you I wish I was paler ;) hehe! It could do you well!
My pleasure hope it works!
i love love Ben Nye.. especially their shadow..they are so intense in color and such shimmery shadows...i have Ben Nye Lumiere Color Palette..and it is my most treasured piece of collection. It is really expensive to get Ben Nye in UK and it is a bit hard to get as well.. =/ i had to order from US last year cause i couldn't find it in UK..but it is worth the trouble =]
hi loner!
They have some great stuff :-D have you tried ebay? Seems a bit cheap on there!
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