Labello Lipbalm Review
Last week could possibly fall into the "end of the world as we know it" category considering that the Muse ran out of Labello Lipbalm.

The Muse takes these things uber serious and when she realized she was down to the last tiny drop of her Labello Lipbalm in Cherry she took herself off to her storage closet and proceeded to look for a new one.
None left.
Talk about panic attack.
But Muse couldn't you go to the store and get some Chapstick?

Hells no! Chapstick is so NOT a Labello!
Jump ahead to read why the Muse adores Labello.
You may or may not be privy to the brand Labello here in the US, it's basically a glorified Chapstick. That's the key word, it in in it's a glorious lip treatment that make your lips feel happy!
I discovered Labello years ago in Amsterdam and ever since that faithful day I am never without at least 4-5 tubes that I stash in my bathroom, my desk draw, my beside table, and even one in my kitchen. The moral of the story is YOU need Labello Lipbalm and shouldn't be without it.
But why Muse?
If you're a Chapstick lover (do Chapstick lovers exist?) or just a general lover of tasty lip balms, I'll kindly remind you that Labello makes the best around. Not only does Labello make a wide variety of flavors and formulas, it also happens to be an extremely moisturizing, shiny, glossy, tasty treat for the lips! The formula is highly emollient and leaves lips with a wet, shiny, glossy look while offering moisture, a tiny hint of color, and in some formulas, SPF.

Who doesn't need a great lip treatment for the cold harsh weather? This is ideal for preventing or curing chapped, dried lips while offering a beautiful glossy finish and a kiss of a fruity taste! Yums! Labello manages to keep a girl happy with over 25 different formulas and flavors of balm and is every introducing new flavors, new formulas, and new products (selections vary from country to country). Who doesn't love variety?

Labello is available within Europe but you can find a few online shops that sell the line and also Evil-bay has a few sellers. I normally have a friend in Amsterdam who airmails about ten or so when I need them and it lasts me for quite a while and I find it cheaper ordering it in bulk however if you're just wanting to try it out I do suggest nabbing one online if you have no other option.
Labello is 100 years old and quite fond of telling the world that Nobody Kisses Better...this Muse couldn't agree more which is why she Muse Approves Labello Lipcare with a big hearty YAY!

The Muse thinks you needs some, the sooner, the better.

Love Labello?
Which are your fav flavors?
Fav formulas?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Beauty Abroad, Beauty on a Budget, German Brands, Labello, Reviews
Musey! when i saw your post title, I was expecting you to rant about Labello! LOL Now! I want to hit myself! A friend told me Labello lip balms are good and I had the chance to purchase it when I was in China, yes darling! It's not available in the Philippines but it's available in CHINA WHAT???? lol
Thanks for your review, I have to try this when I visit China again.
WHAT??? Maracuja Labello? OMG. These are awesome lip balms. Do you have access to the passion fruit ones there? Could I con you into doing a CP for me? Pretty please. :)
I use to use Labello when I lived in Portugal. Brings back memories. :) When I saw it in Canada a few years back, had to pick it up. Picked some up when I went to Paris too.
I'm envious that you have access to Labello! I can only find the Nivea version which I hear is the same though it only comes in Cherry, Passionfruit and plain! I'm dying for that grapefruit one - it looks wonderful!
oh i do love my cherry labello! i've gone through 3 in the last year. and that's actually impressive given i've got around 5 lip products (from balm to gloss to tint) in my bag ALL the time ;)
i love cherry the most and strawberry isn't that bad either but the colour isn't as awesome as cherry's benetint-ish stain.
lip nourishment at its finest! i wish there'd be an spf edition of it, though. hiromix x
I've seen some European teens using it. They seem to love it. Now I'm definitely intrigued.. How much do they roughly cost?
The pink grapefruit looks so pretty! They look just like the Nivea ones...are they the same?
I love cherry Labello. It is possibly my favorite thing in the world. Yay Europe, for once!
Hi muse! I cannot live without my labello original! We dont get the fruity ones here though which sucks cause they look so good! The best part is that the original labello doesnt have any gross taste to it.
Muse, I've never heard of Labello, but it looks EXACTLY like my new Holy Grail lip balm, Nivea's Kiss of Moisture. Have you tried it?
this is the same as nivea right? except in canada we don't carry all those flavours
Labello is also available in Canada (though the range is not as extensive as in Europe) as Nivea lip balm :)
i have used honey labello previously, a friend in france gave it to me as a present. i;m not in love with that, not too moisturizing for my liking :(
me personally love caudalie lip conditioner! it's not tinted though.
The Nivea chapsticks in the U.S. are actually Labello (I'm not sure how it works, but when you look at the label on Nivea chapsticks, they are actually produced by Labello). Except they do not work as well as real Labello...But yay Labello! I also found out how awesome they were when I was in Amsterdam last summer! (They also sell them in Asian markets--or at least Hong Kong.)
I love Labello! I also have many tubes of the original - blue or green tube. Dodn't know they make so many colours now!
Hello Muse !
first of all i would like to say you have a every goed website !!!!
i check it really every day.. but never had the guts to place a comment..
but now i saw you love labelle too !!
i am really an labello-freak.. i have really every labello that is could by in holland/germany
here in holland *where i come from* is labello really a huge brand !! and in germany it's even more ! they have more labello's then holland..
how much flavours do you have at the moment ?
Hi Muse! Long time reader, first time poster - hope you don't mind. I love your site, go to it everyday. I've been hearing so many good things about Labello lipbalm and I totally want to try them! I heard that Nivea is the same company(?) and they released what is supposed to be the same thing here in the states, but I've been hearing conflicting testimonies on makeupalley. So I was wondering if you tried these supposed "US Labello balms" and if they're comparable? Thanks, lovely!
- Spiffy
Omg, i totaly love labello too :)
I live in Belgium, so you can buy them in every store here!
My absolute favorite flavour is velvet rose! It gives the pretties pink glow and it smells like candy! If you havent tried it yet, i really recommend it!
Labello was my starter drug when I was a child, and I have not stopped using yet...Even though I´ve graduated to more sophisticated fixes like Chanel, I always come back to them.
Should you ever run out again (Lord forbid), just say the word, I´ll keep you in Labellos for the rest of your days.
It is soooo hard to get hold of Labello in UK!! I do however get sent to S Africa now and again and I always stock up!! The medicated one is also great!
You could pick up some Nivea lipbalm, I think they're the same formula as Labello, if I'm not wrong they're produced at the same factory!
Nivea has the exact same packaging for their lipbalms too - I have the Cherry one and it even contains the heart shaped cherries with stem!
I <3 Labello too! I got this Caregloss & Shine thing a while ago and I loves it to death! But I can't find it any more in stores *sniff* They have other kind of things but just not this one any more - booo!!! But Labello makes the best glorified chapsticks ever!
I sense a great idea for a giveaway ;)
This review TOTALLY got me drooling. I realised that the pictures looked familiar and did a lil research. Turns out, Labello lipbalm is now Nivea. They so have Nivea lipbalms in Singapore. Nivea bought over the company a while back. In Singapore Nivea only comes in three colours though.. I SOO have to get one and check it out for myself! Thanks MUSE!
hi sophy!
Me too!!!!!!!!!! :) Cherry is my favs!
hi sher!
I love the fruit ones :) I like the pearl shimmer too those are awesome!
hi kimmy!
Nivea=Labello :) that's why but I just think the ones in abroad are much nicer and way more variety!
hi Anonymous!
yup but labello has alot more variety :)
hi Camilla
I've seen them in Canada myself but the variety in Germany/Nederlands is alot better :)
Hey Muse,
this is my first comment, I love reading your blog. Its the first thing I look for when I get to work. Well, I to have a really big problem with dry, chapped lips. So I am always looking for good lip treatments. You got me so excited about Labello, that I did some research and found out that it has been bought out by Nivea. They plan to keep the same ingrediants but change up the name. There are two websites I found that still sell some of the items before they completely switch to Nivea re-packaging. has very limited items and shipping is $6.95. Anyways good Luck with your search.
By the way, have you ever tried the Goldie line of cosmetics??
hello there wonderfulwortelworld!
I like the honey but it's not my favs :)
I think they are nicely glossy :) and alot cheaper than caudalie I guess that's why I dig it ;)
hi anonymous.
Nivea has alot less variety which is why I go with the Labello line from Europe. It's the same thing just not the variety aspect :) Plus I always thought Labello was way more glossy :)
good stuff right?
hi Karelessly in Love
omg they have a ridiculous amount lately..the new pearl shimmers are lovely plus they introduced a potted labello in Holland! Likey!
hello nadia!
thank you very much *hugs* I really appreciate you reading my site daily :)
thanks for commenting today! I love hearing from everyone that reads my blog!
LOL sounds like some stash you have! Are you from the nederlands? That's where I get these from :)
I just got a box so I have about 7 flavors and three of the gloss ones (unflavored)!
thanks for commenting hun!
hi spiffy!
Not at all I love readers who comment :) but it's ok if you don't :)
thanks for visiting so often :)
Nivea is indead the same company but I personally love the variety that the Labello label offers and think the formula is much better.
I think the formulas are different and I really do prefer Labello over the nivea brand ones ;) but it's worth trying out I guess....if you can go with Labello :)
hi evelyn!
You're so lucky! I LOVE rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's a fav of mine too! Aside from cherry it's my second fav :)
hey nell!
LOL ;) oh my god thanks Nell appreciate it *hugssssssss* hehe!
hi glow chaser!
I like the medicated one too and the SPF is awesome ;) It's hard to get here too..Nivea has the sublet but they aren't as good :P
hi evil fish!
They are the same company but the formulas are different :)
Stick with Labella love 'em better hehe!
hi anonymous!
yup nivea and labello are one and the same :) although I prefer labello's formula!
hi j!
I LOVEEEEEEEE caregloss and shine :) They are so glossy! I like the pink!!!!!! Hells yes..chapstick is nothing on a labello stick!
hi Unintended!
good idea unintended maybe one day! :)
hi cheryls !
hehe awesome :) Labello is the Euro side of Nivea...basically the same company.
I don't like the nivea version prefer the original labello version :) Labello is much more variety in color, flavors, and formulas :)
If I were you I'd def get Labello as it is the original ;)
It's awesome you'll love it :)
my pleasure hun!
hi Emperatris
Thanks for reading my blog :) I really appreciate it!
Me too in the winter my lips are gross!
Nivea didn't buy out's the same company :) Labello is just marketed as Nivea in the US :)
The formula of a nivea balm is much different when compared to a Labello in my opinion which is why I go through the trouble of having them shipped from europe to the us :)
what search? Confused sorry...what was it I was searching for??? Hehe bit clueless sorry?
Goldie from BBW? No I haven't tried it :)
hi nikki!
LOL nope it's a hit with me :)
it's so sad as it's not here either..we have nivea but it's crap imho!
Oh do! It's well worth the time to track down!
Good stuff!
hi carla!
I have access to them all. My xboyfriend's sister lives in Amsterdam and ships them over for me ;)
yes of course!!!!!! email me!!!!!!!
I didn't know you lived in portugal! awesome! Funny as all my Summer's in portugal I never ONCE seen a labello...I must have been totally out of the loop!
hi ghoulina!
I like the labello ones better and hells the variety is fabs hehe!
the grapefruit is tasty ;)
hi hiromix !
lol serious addiction eh? :)
I carry these around like I would $ or a credit card!
cherry is totally bentint-ish! Good comparison!
Oh lord I wish they did SPF in the flavored ones too! They have the sun version but no flavor damnit it!
Hi Muse !
yes i'm from the netherlands !
oh nice that you have that much, then you can switch all the time !
my stash is at the moment about 12 labello's, i probably i become more.. because every new labello i have to have ;)
i do have other lipbalms too im a little bit addicted to it.. and it's a shame that a lot of american brands do not ship internationally.. i see so much nice things !!
well you're site is that great i just love it !! i have to check it every day otherwise i not feel compleet LOL :)
Thanks for the review! I've tried the pink shimmer one but it made me too I tried to gold shimmer one...and that STILL left me too pale (Not to mention, it was really matte O_O ). When I saw the fruit ones, I was dubious about getting it. After hearing your great review and seeing how glossy it is in your swatch, I think I might go pick one up tomorrow, kiki.
hi nadia!
awesome! Hehe! variety is the spice of life :)
If they were more readily available here I'd prob have a ton more hehe!
Aw it is indeed...have you tried MUA? sometimes you can meet a nice person to cp for you :)
Thank you so so much for reading it everyday :) I truly appreciate it ;)
hello dark nyx!
You're most welcome. really??? Labello? Or nivea?
I've always had a moist, glossy finish with them!
Looking forward to hearing what you think of the fruity ones ;)
They are fabs...true HG for me!
Hi Muse!
The "Pearl and Shine" one and "Gold and Shine" ones were Labello. Trust me, don't get those. O_O
I actually couldn't find the Labello fruity ones. =[ I ended up getting the Nivea one...what's the difference anyway? Wiki says that Labello is sometimes sold under the name Nivea so I thought I'd give it shot. Plus, the strawberries on the package looked too yummy not to buy. =Þ
hi dark nyx!
those are on my do not buy list lol!
It is indeed sold under the same name ;) I find the ones from Labello much glossier and shiner and the ones from Nivea a bit drying :P
Hey, just a follow up!
I bought all the fruity ones and I love every one of them. Tinted lipbalms are my absolute faves and these are the best! And they're so **** cheap!!! Thanks for posting about them. I'm now going to try the pearl ones.
yayay awesome hauling karelessly :)
I'm so so glad you're enjoying them :)
My pleasure! I look forward to hearing how you like the pearl!
Hello Muse.
Where can i buy Labello in US? I really wanna try some after reading this entry!
Hello Muse.
Do you know when can I buy this Labello? I really wanna try some after reading this entry.
hi little lovie apologies for the delay but I'm backed up with comments :)
mostly you can check ebay. I have a friend who purchases and airmails it to me. check mua or ebay ;)
Hope this helps!
I completely agree!
I found it in south africa last year, but only bought one stick of cherry, and I've almost run out :(
But still it tops everything else :)
hi anonymous!
awesome ;-D glad to have a fellow fan!
It's awesome..cherry is a fav of mine!
Gosh! And I've had Labello here all my life but never been a fan of it! I simply don't like it at all! Makes my lips horribly dry :(
hey linn
omg really?!
I love it LOL ;-D how bizarre
Lol. I am from the Netherlands and when I was younger I always used Labello because that brand was best available and well known. But when I learned about brands like Rosebud for instance I stopped using Labello.
But after reading this, I am interested in Labello again! I guess I did not know how lucky I am to live in a country where it is available everywhere. I just assumed it was available everywhere.
I looked at and saw there is a new Star Fruit! It is called Dragon Fruit and looks great. Have you tried that one yet?
Will go shopping tomorrow and I will try to find some Labello's. :) Thanks for mentioning it! And do you know how long a Labello lasts (in case you don't use it up)? A year? Longer? Shorter?
Love your blog, keep up the good work! <3
hi daysleeper!
Good to hear from you. Rosebud is an HG for me too. good stuff. Labello is such a great cult favorte :-D We have the nivea brand but it isn't as good imho.
I did indeed try it and it's de-lish! Very sweet and fruity.
I normally use one up within 6 months...they are so melty they go rather quick :-D
but I'd say a maybe 8 months and than toss. They are so cheap it's worth tossing out for a new to avoid germs/bacteria :-D a year at most.
Thanks so much glad you enjoy my Musings!
I completely agree with you! Once I tried chapsticks and...I regretted it! I don't think they're bad but they're soo not Labello!! I love my Velvet Rose one. Sooo creamy, smells good and gives my lips a hint of pink =)
Oh, yeah, I do like Labello lipbalms, but I'm sorry cause I AM a ChapStick lover! I think I'm the #1 Fan! Really, I've got a pair of Strawberry Flavor, 1 of Cherry Flavor and 1 of FlavaCraze (Fruit Explosion I guess, something like that...) I'm almost running out all of them by now :( Oh, and I lost the Non-Flavor Moisturizer, which was good, though...
But the thing is I LOOOOOOOVE CHAPSTICK, I just CAN'T be without some! My lips just have to have this wetty sensation and I'm always tempted to lick these Oh My God just delicious flavors! And ever since I have used this balm, my lips have turned to be soft and simply gorgeous. I've got this habit of looking all the lips that I see, you know, so I've turned kinda obssesed by wanting to have mine as perfect as can be, and thanks ChapStick! I'm having what I wanted ;D
Oh, and by the way, Labello is not that bad :) I've got the Star Fruits Cherry Flavor, and it's really tasty, but I don't like having my lips so glossy and sticky(I've heard boys just can't stand kissing sticky lips), and it gives my lips a really hot pink color, which don't go with my face, dunno why. Is it true it's hard to find them? Well, I'm from Mexico, by the way, and here is really easy to find 'em, just go to any Drug Store and you'll find a large variety of them.
Cheers and thanks for the entry! Was nice
CSLF !! (ChapStick Lover Forever!!)
LOL glad you like chapstick so much anonymous.
I'm really a lover of Labello myself as chapstick is a bit too waxy for me.
It's not too hard, ebay and online shops have them around. Chapstick is easier to find here for sure and nivea has a labello-like balm as well but personally I think the nivea and labello one have different formulas even though it's the same company :-D
Enjoy your chapstick thanks for sharing!
hi anonymous
glad to hear we have another labello fan :-D
it's def better! Loves it!
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