Majolica Majorca Gorgeous Wing Mascara Golden Brown Review
I've previously reviewed Majolica Majorca Gorgeous Wing mascara and hated it but I am a glutton for punishment so when I seen that MJ was releasing a brand new version of Lash Gorgeous Wing along with the Holiday Collection I quickly decided I had to have it!

Purchasing a new version of Majolica Majorca Lash Gorgeous Wing was a no brainer for me considering that I fell in love with the promo image and of course had the desire to "dupe" the look of the model. The original release of Gorgeous Wing Mascara is a black version and what was released with the Majolica Majorca Holiday Collection was a limited edition golden brown version. I really found the effect interesting and unique on the model's eyes and even though I hate fiber mascaras with a passion I quickly decided I had to try it for myself.
The bad and not so surprisingly news is Gorgeous Wing Mascara is just as crappy as the original release. I really can't stand how this mascara feels on my lashes! Honestly, it's so irritating as I go through the entire day feeling like I have an eyelash in my eye! ugh! The fibers get somehow trapped under my upper waterline and make me feel like I have something in my eye which makes for a rather long day of trying not to rub my eyes.

It's understandable why the mascara is so popular with the Asian market though as it does "feather" lashes as it promises. I think this appeals as many Asian girls have shorter, stubbier lashes and they desire more length and volume, it can't be denied that this gives both but I'm not too big a fan of the fluffy, feather like feel of my lashes. It's rather unusual but it feels like I'm wearing a really soft, soft pair of false lashes after use.

Now the entire "golden brown" effect doesn't entirely work and you'll have to look rather closely at my lashes to see anything golden or brown about them. This doesn't really disappoint and I'm not ranting simply because many colored mascaras fail to work very well. Even Urban Decay Big Fatty Color doesn't really do much for turning your lashes completely a different color. So really it doesn't bug me very much as I'm not really surprised at the lack of pigmentation of the formula but I did have hopes as the model in the promotional images does have rather nice golden brown lashes.

Overall, I think I'm just generally pissy about the fact that I simply don't like fiber mascaras and the irritating feeling that I have something in my eye!
I actually will say it's probably worth checking out if you a. love fiber mascaras or b. have shorter, stubbier lashes.
Personally it's a losing situation and I've learned that twice is plenty enough to try this out so if anymore versions are released I best keep away! Can someone write this down and remind me of it when the next MJ promo goes live and introduces some new style of Gorgeous Wing? K, thanks. I just need to be reminded in the future how much I truly dislike this one!
Lover of Gorgeous Wing?
Lover of fiber mascaras?
Hates 'em?
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Labels: Holiday Collections 2008, Japanese Brands, Majolica Majorca, Reviews
oh my gosh ahahah hi MUSE!! long time no talk i missed talkin to you ahaha. ive been busy with school work and on campus job that I could not write comments. sorry about it. you are right. asian girls have stubbier lashes. So me likey!! send it to me for my b-day present? ahaha. im kidding. GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i wish i can buy japanese products. they are AMAZINGGGG. and i envy your EYESSSSS they are so HUGEE and SPARKLYYY
i tried the lash gorgeous in our local drugstore and i think it doesnt have much effect on my lashes.. at least nothing obvious compared to my dior iconic mascara :( is it me or??
anyway museeee can you introduce me to some good mascaras? for volume OR length OR curl?
loveeees! have been reading your every post ;)
I don't like Lash Gorgeous Wing either. =[ When I first saw the promo in fall '08, I bought it right away, hoping it would be "the one" to end my search for the perfect mascara...but no. I was tempted to get this one too but didn't end up getting it. Anywho, don't worry Muse, I promise to remind you!
But! We MUST get the new Lash Expander! xD
I've got this and I cant really say whether I love it or hate it. -_-'' Pros are I don't have any fibres falling into my eyes and it does hold the curl the whole day. But like the previous MM mascaras, they make my lashes feel stiff and hard! The golden brown colour is not obvious unless you look super closely. :( I was really hoping that the golden brown will turn out well! Overall its not a bad mascara but its not a must buy!
hi minsun!
How are you?
Miss talking to you too :) I hope you're not too, too busy!
LOL you're too cute :) My eyes are buggy at best hehe!
I love Japanese cosmetics too...really good stuff :)
hi cheryl!
Nope it's not feathers lashes and creates more of a natural look which I hate :P
have you tried the lorac mascara I reviewed? It's fabs..also beaute de kose makes some fabulous mascaras :)
dior iconic is great too!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading my blog :-) I appreciate it greatly!
hi dark nyx!
sigh :P me either. glad you didn't as it's rubbish :P
I just thought it might be worth it since it's colored but meh ;P rubbish!
and thanks I'll need it lol!
oh I'm all over the new frame mascara :)
hey serene!
I agree with everything you's ok just not great but the fibers do irritate me a whole lot :P
I'm looking forward to the new frame mascara maybe that's better!
Hi Muse!
I am writing down in my journal to remind you of how much you hate Gorgeous Wing, haha!
I primarily use mascaras for my lower eyelashes and use fake lashes for my upper eyelash (i know, weird :D). Anyways, I bought one myself because I totally fell in love with the feathery visual for MM's autumn collection. But the mascara did not work its magic in reality, and yes, the fibers fell all over the place after about 6 hours at work. and didn't make my lashes look as feathery anyway. so i figured i'll probably not purchase other MM mascaras since I didn't love the previous mascaras released by them either. I thought I was weird since so many others loved their previous mascaras. I just felt like their earlier mascaras really made my eyelashes stiff and uncomfortable. Works for other people just not as well for me. I had rather prefered Kate Doll Lash mascara, which was really inexpensive and just lengthened eyelashes really well.
hi laura!
lol thanks hun!
I rarely wear falsies as I'm such rubbish applying them!
I really fell in love with the autumn look too but it really was an irritating formula for my eye!
I think it's either love or hate with MJ :-) I happen to love the standard formula but I know many people feel the same as you do, that it makes lashes stuff and uncomfortable.
I felt like gorgeous wing feathered the lashes nicely but the fibers drove me BATS!
I really like KATE mascara ;) and in some cases it does work even better than MJ!
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