Pieces of Life: The Twilight DVD Edition
Hello kids.
Welcome to Pieces of Life: The Twilight DVD Edition.
Did I totally hear some of you start to scream and cry? I did right? The Muse is fond of musing about our friend Edward so of course she had to muse a little about the release of Twilight on DVD today and alert you all that it's coming to a DVD near you on March 21st!
Get our your Eau de Edward and your Mrs Cullen T-Shirts and brace yourself for a re-watch of Twilight in the comfort of your own home.

The Muse happens to be a purist and she will say, possibly to your horror, that I hated the movie with a passion. Robert Pattinson? Well hello gorgeous I'd do you (Side Note: I wasn't thinking that after I heard he hadn't washed his hair in a few weeks ewww)! But honestly, let's be honest ok? Honestly, aside from the one scene with saliva exchange between Robert and Kristen there was absolutely none of the chemistry, none of the passion, none of the emotion that the books detailed so beautifully. I can debate and rant this bloody topic all day with you but I shall say no more.
The important moral of this story is Twilight is available on DVD as of March 21st and of course yours truly will be buying it and rewatching it just in case it was good...one never knows as the Muse seen it on the first day it released and sat between many a screaming and squealing teenage girl..wait..that was my mate Jai who was squealing sorry about that...who knows maybe it was good and all the squealing took away from award winning performances...but I'm not counting on it!
Go ahead...
Rave it or rant it!
My comment box is your comment box!
PS the Muse is, as always, a Team Edward player! Go Team Edward!

Labels: Babbling Bits, Books, Pieces of Life
i'm still NOT going to watch it. i hate it when they ruin the book for me.
I agree with you on the chemistry in the movie between Robert & Kristen! Other than their kissing scene, I felt none of passion the book & the books that followed described. I saw the movie prior to reading the first book and while I had actual faces to match up with the book's characters, I never really found myself picturing Kristen's face as Bella while reading the rest of the Twilight Saga. Isn't that sad? :(
Oh I'm with u Muse!!! I really H-A-T-E the movie, is like WTH????? where's all the magic and all that cheesy stuff I read? and sincerely any of the actors is gorgeous enough to play a Cullen, the special effects surely sucks... and well I can rave about it all day long :P.
Oh btw I'm totally Team Jacob!!
Regards from Mexico,
I'm most def gonna get it. I mean...of course, I have to get it, right?
But...its coming out on a Saturday? Thats weird. I'm a bridesmaid in a friends wedding on the 20th...after the reception, I may just have to head somewhere to pick it up after...so I can recover on Saturday by watching me some Edward Cullen...
yep, sounds good.
Thank goodness! I hated the movie with a passion as well!! I don't care how gorgeous some of the cast is; it does not excuse all the shortcomings of that film. Anyway, did you hear the makers of the perfume are also being sued for totally ripping off the design? How classy, right? :P
I have to agree that I didn't like the movie at all but I mostly kept my opinion to myself. I felt like if I'd ranted about it I would've been been quartered with my bits strewn to the ends of the earth. My older sister even liked it. We no longer talk (kidding!). A disapointment and a waste of good movie theater money!
I have to agree that I didn't like the movie at all but I mostly kept my opinion to myself. I felt like if I'd ranted about it I would've been been quartered with my bits strewn to the ends of the earth. My older sister even liked it. We no longer talk (kidding!). A disapointment and a waste of good movie theater money!
HI Muse!
Looking forward to it as well; I read the whole series in Dec; until your blog I'd never heard of it (I know, horror!!!!) I hated the movie version; don't stone me, but I think they could have found a better Edward..have you seen the ABC family channel series Kyle XY? That lead
guy..now THAT is someone I could see playing Edward. And what is up with the chick who plays Bella?! Book-Bella wasn't as neurotic and eye-darting as this chick..oy vey.
BUT I'm really looking forward to the next movie! They'd better do fantastical special effects on those wolves..hope there's better chemistry between the Jacob character and the neurotic chick.
hi anne!
ditto :(
hi rani faye!
Mmm I was so disappointed with the late of passion!
I thought Kristen was cast ok...I can somewhat picture bella looking like her however her acting was stiff :P
hi eve!
Ditto :( I'm totally with you hun sigh....really a disappointing mess sigh! Hopefully they'll do better the next round!
LOL ;) I'm a team edward player but go jacobbbbb! hehe! give ya little shout out there :)
hey jackie!
Me too! I think maybe they wanted to appeal to the teens by releasing on Sat!
I'll def rewatch and purchase but just loved the books WAY more :)
Have fun at the wedding!
hi jennbee!
HAAAAAAAA no kid? I didn't hear that lmao sued for eau de edward? how sad lol!
Personally didn't love the movie :P even gorgeous cute guys didn't do it for me lol it was a trainwreck!
hi paige!
It's trash say it loud say it proud :)
LOL My best friend Jai liked it..and he and I no longer talk either ;) lol!
Hi Elizabeth!
omg thank god you read about it here hehe ;) I liked Robert as Edward he did alright...but he was stiff as was kristen :P
the kyle guy hmmm...I dunno if I can see him as edward as he's kinda cutesy looking ;) but maybe!
I'm hoping the next movie is better b/c lord knows this was trash!
*Crazy girly scream*
OME I'm gonna mark my calender for this!
I loved the movie,especially the Baseball and Ballet Scenes.
Go Team Edward!
lol layla ;)
Go Team Edward indeed!
<---all about edward!
I thought the chemistry was definitely there! And the Muse might be happy to know that Robert Pattinson does wash his hair. He said in a live interview that he just made all that stuff up about not bathing, etc. He said it's amazing how people will believe anything. I was thinking I would love it if the Muse would do a review on the m/u the actors wore in the movie(such as Benefit's Ms.Behavin'), but if you hate the movie I guess you probably won't want to. :(
hi kim
personally I thought their was absolutely no chemistry at all.
as for washing his hair and such was obviously a joke :) I do so love to mention that in ever post I do about Robert ;) and I'd say from looking at it it sure did look pretttyyyy darn dirty lol and greasy as hell!
I probably won't be doing a post on m/u the actors wore as quite a few bloggers already did this..so it seemed pointless to do it gain.
I really didn't like the movie, true. I'm a big fan of the books though!
Thanks for the comment
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