Spring Greens! 5 Great Green Eye Shadows for Spring

I can't help but associate Spring with the color green. Green symbolizes rebirth somehow and the beginning of a warmer season when the new flowers begin to bloom, the grass begins to peek it's head up from the cold melting blanket of snow, and nature begins to come alive with the warmer weather.
You should probably be prepared as Spring is right around the corner and what better way to brace yourself for the up coming season than with five great green eye shadows that are sure to help you kick off Spring!

For the budget friendly makeup girl try out Milani Runway Eyes Wet/Dry Eyeshadow in Leaf Green which is a sparkling light green that looks gorgeous on it's own or paired up with a softer lilac or a darker green for a beautiful contrast! At around $4 USD this won't break into your Spring budget. Get it this week at CVS during the Milani Buy One Get One 50% Off Sale!

Want to go a bit darker? Dark green always looks mysterious and alluring on brown eyes, take the Muse's word for it! For a cheap, inexpensive dark green eye look try out Terra Eye Shadow in Emerald Green which runs around $6.49 to $7.49 USD at Duane Reade Drugstores.

If you want to step up your game and indulge in a sparkling green shadow try out Vincent Longo Wet/Dry Sparkling Eyeshadow in Verite. This dark green shade has plenty of sparkle and looks beautiful used wet or dry!

Urban Decay is known for it's heavy duty sparkly eye shadows but Acid Rain has a nice silky finish sans glitter and packs plenty of soft Spring green that will light up your eyes!

Take your green abroad and indulge in a minty green shadow like Maquillage Eye Shadow in GR168. This minty green shade offers a different shade of green for Spring that's unique and pleasing on any color eye!

What are your fav green shadows for Spring?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Japanese Brands, Maquillage, Milani, Seasonal Shades of Color, Swatches, Urban Decay, US Drugstore Brands, Vincent Longo
I love greens but somehow I never pull the color off on my eyes -_-"" any suggestion muse?maybe because my skin is dark??
Aromaleigh just released a Spring Solstice 2009 LE collection and I ordered some of the colors. One of the colors, heartleaf, looks like the PERFECT green for spring to me. Shade Desc: The freshness of budding leaves with sparkles of violet. Of course, I also love MAC's Juxt for a pretty green, Fyrinnae's OMGWTF, and Aromaleigh's Divine Intervention or Estranged.
I think MAC's Swimming eyeshadow is gorgeous. Someone also suggested Juxt to me as well. There's also an NYX trio called Serengeti that's so pretty for Spring.
Definitely Shiseido The Makeup's Hydro-Power shadow in Green exotique.
MM's BL724 is a nice, light, shimmery-green, too. Looks kind of like the Terra shadow.
i LOVE victorias secret beauty rush eyeshadow in money green. not all of that lines eyeshadows show up well, but with a good primer (udpp) the colors really pop and last.
I love the Vincent Longo color...my fav olive green!
Hey Muse.
I was wondering if you ordered the Majolica Majorca Skin Remaker foundation from adam beauty before. If you did do u know if the price ($135hkd) includes the case? I've already contacted them, but no one has replied :(
Mmmmmm! I heart greens. That Terra e/s looks like a T'estimo one that I have. I've been thinking of doing a post on greens too; it's such a pretty colour and can sometimes be a neutral shade.
Revlon's Spring collection Olive it Up green works really well :)
I love greens :)
Ohhh, love UD Acid Rain. I need to dig it out and use it!
The maquillage one is so pretty!
My favoirte green shadows are Stila jade and cha cha, and one of their Asia exclusive trio called Spring Ephemeral...the teal-green is so dreamy!
hm....... I seldom use greens as they don't really flatter me. :( I'll go with pinks for spring!
I don't think I can wear green eyeshadow, or blue for that matter. It looks dreadful on me!
hi acutelife!
Awww well..let's see...have you tried a deeper, darker green with a bit of black for contrast? Maybe this could be good on a darker tone :-D
hey dd!
seen it :-D looks quite nice also did you see the new facefront color story?
hi psychoexgirlfriend!
agrreeeeeeeeed love that shade :) I haven't seen the NYX trio...must look out for that :-D
hey en!
ohhhh yes that's a great one :-D and so is the MM color! MM made some great greens ;-D wish they'd release a few new single shades!
hi anonymous!
Nice one and inexpensive too :-D the VS BR shadows are so awesome. I did a review not too long ago how simple and cheap they are.
hi leann!
I haven't tried any of the other vl shadows aside from the sparkling wet/dry and the souffles :-D
I'm deprived!
After my FaceFront problems with their not answering my phone calls, returning my phone calls, returning my emails, etc etc, I will not order from them again. I had to open a dispute in PayPal to even GET them to contact me. I sent back all the products I had from them and got a refund. They sent me a $50 gift certificate to try and make up for the fact that they had such shitty customer service, and I sold it to someone. They lost me as a customer and I blasted them in my blog, and then one of their company's trolls came and left nasty comments in my blog. Bleh.
hi maggie.
no hun the case is $68HK and the powder pact is $135HK
hope this helps.
pacts and cases are always sold separate be it online or in a drugstore.
hey mags!
ditto :-D Oooo please don't mention testimo I miss it so le sigh!
hey nikki!
Haven't tried it! Must be on the look out for it :-D Lurve me some greensz :)
hi pixie!
Acid rain is theee awesome :-D Mildew is another of my favs :-D
hi citrine!
it's minty-lish :-D
Is the Spring Ephermeral in the fairy trio? if so I have that one and it's gorg!
hey pets!
Pinks are great :) Have to do a pink round up!
hi emma!
Awww! Sometimes blues drown my eyes out terribly :( I find a bit of light light powder under the eyes makes it more wearable :)
I love the look of the terra e/s, when I have some ££ I'm gonna get you to cp I think!
(still working on locating those crisps)
hey dd
whoa that sucks! must go read your post! That's rubbish! I hate companies like this :(
anytime love anytime :-D
LOL bloody crisps are eluding you! I had my friend Libs looking too and she said she hasn't seen 'em either.
Here, to make it easy:
whoa dd that's crap!
Yeah, that's how I felt.
That's why I put that out there.
And I was really unhappy with the company leaving posts on my blog, some got nasty. I just put exactly what happened to me. I won't do business with them again. Bleh.
hey dd!
that's crummy :(
I'm quite interested in the new blush but this sounds shitty!
Yeah :( and speaking of comments, I think I'm going to have to start moderating mine on my blog, I keep getting annoying companies posting links to their website and I'm getting tired of deleting them :(
hey dd
sorry delayed reply.
I moderate as I get all sorts of idiots and spam comments so it's best to mod them imho :P
I've been able to stop some because I made it so that if you post on older entries (like over 7 days) it requires moderation, so I can just delete them. They seem to post on older entries.
hey dd!
oh interesting. didn't know about that option!
I notice that I get spam on older posts too!
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