Musings of the Day: Make-Up Less!?

Fest up peeps! Do you leave your house without makeup on? Foundation-less? Gasp! Not a stitch of blush on your cheeks!? No lipgloss!?
Find out if I do after the jump!
If I'm running errands or just hanging out with friends my normal makeup wear is a bit of moisturizer, concealer, and cheek stain. That's about it. I don't do mascara, gloss, lipstick, shadow, etc......
How about you?
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Labels: Musings of the Day
::Holds head down shamelessly:: all too often. I am getting better though because I like playing with colors and who better else to experiment on then myself.
Well, the other day it was so hot that I thought "well, let's have a almost bare look today!". My minimum these days is Skin Food BB Cream and lipstain, topped with a clear gloss or blam, and a cheek stain or a cream blush XD My age (20 and a half) and almost living on my university, which is mostly composed by men (about 75%? can't remember), makes it possible XDD
Lately I haven't been wearing any makeup at all...I fill in my brows, and smooth on primer to keep my skin looking matte...and that's it.
I usually leave home at least with a powder and lipbalm! I can't go out without a gloss or balm and pat of face powder :D
Lip gloss is my favorite item in makeup, but I only wear it 3,4 times a week when I am outdoor...(most of them are consumed when I am in my room playing with them...)
Then I wear some cheek stain once a while (I used to put on Stila cherry crush around 3 times a week, and it ran out within a month...)
So...plain face is my normal look...
I go sans makeup all the time. So much so, I think my SA/MA think I'm crazy for buying makeup at all! (I rarely go to the counter with anything, maybe occasionally lipgloss).
I rarely go without some sort of lippy because I ADORE lippies. A plain day for me is a bit of eyeliner on the upper lash line, mascara and a lippy, but I rarely do that. I like to wear eye shadow way too much!
Hi muse!!
I don't go out without mascara and blush...
and sunscreen...but that doesn't count =)
If I'm just hanging out around home I usually don't wear any makeup. It really is a shame, I should slap something on my face...but I don't. So yes I do leave the house without makeup on...and it pretty often.
eep, i never venture outside the house without makeup...i don't wear all that much but i don't think i'd have the balls to go foundation-less aaargh!!
I am always in a rush so I normally just wear powder foundation, blush and liptint. XD If I have more time I will wear eyeliner. Seriously if I dont wear blush and liptint people would ask me if I'm sick or something o.o XD So those two are a must. XD I normally wear full make-up when attending events, because I have more time than usual to prep myself. XD Same couldnt be said during my brother's wedding though, I only weared powder, blush and liptint as well cuz my mother was rushing me to do this and that so no time for extra prepping! XDDDD
i go MU-less all the time :p even to work! LOL!
Well, it happens, and it usually leads to people asking me if I'm sick or very tired. My face has no definition without makeup, pale eyes, pale lashes, pale lips.
If I don't have time to wear a lot of makeup, I'll usually do tinted moisturizer, tinted lipbalm, blush and mascara (ALWAYS mascara).
I will admit it! I leave the house without a stitch of makeup more often than I would like(4 out of 5 times). Usually, I try to slap on a little concealer and lip gloss. Alot of times, I am just too lazy. I am confessing. I am running really low on concealer too, so it is a pain to try to dig out a couple drops of concealer just for a quickie errand run.
hi K&T Makeup Artistry !
Aw that's ok hehe. If you can get away with it I say go for it!!!!!!!! :-D
hi ines!
that sounds like a really nice natural look :-D Plus if it's warm out it'll be great makeup for a sunny day as you aren't having to sport a ton of cosmetic on your face :-D
hey sarah!
hey if you can get away with I say go for it :-D
hi nikki!
I can't leave the house without concealer :-D At the least concealer and a stain hehe!
hi Citrine!
I'm the same I sport cheek stain daily :) it lasts and lasts and lasts so no touch ups :) and gloss I'm also the same I eat it off half the time lol!
hi Kaoru!
LOL ;-D Hey if you can do it that's awesome :) I can't leave the house without at least stain and concealer in place :-D
hey dd!
I love shadow too hehe I wear it at least 6 days out of the week ;-D I rarely go out without at least concealer and a stain in place ;)
hi ale!
hehe :-D I rarely leave the house without anything in place....I have to have at least a stain and a concealer under my eyes otherwise I feel naked and tired looking!
hi jackie!
hells if you can get away with it awesome :-D I need at least concealer under my eyes and a stain on my cheeks otherwise I look haggish :P
hi fluffychicken!
LOL! I can get away without foundation but I SOOOO need concealer no way can I go without :)
I only use sunblock and concealer for school. Saves money as well. =) If I'm out with friends, I'll add blush and maybe some eye makeup if I have time. ;)
It depends on what's up for the day. If I'm feeling particularly lazy and I'm only going to the gym or grocery store, I'll just wear lip balm. I'm at that point in life where I just don't care, ya know? But usually I wear some makeup (and I'd NEVER go to work without it) just because it's fun to play with it.
hi xisa!
I normally go with a bit f concealer and some tint for face and lips :-D
I'm the same but not so much sick looking but tired looking :D
I normally do full makeup every morning when getting ready for work and full makeup when I go out to dinner and such but just hanging out I do the same...a bit of tint and concealer maybe some powder and I'm good :-D
hi plue!
Yes but you're gorg without it :-D
hi pixie!
I'm the same I look rather tired and drown out with out anything on :-D
I go with a bit of stain and concealear and will look fresh as a daisy :-D
hi diana!
Lucky I can get away without foundation but concealer is a must...interesting technique with bronzer as a shadow :-D
I normally go bare lipped but i really should gloss up as I'm prone to chapped lips yak!
hi leane!
hells hun if you can get way with nothing I say go for it :-D
I seriously can't leave home without concealer :P I wish I could!
hi belle!
Sounds good to me :-D Sunblock def important!!!!!!!!
hey claire!
I always say if you can get away with it might as well :-D I normally can't go without at least concealer and lip stain/cheek stain :-D
I don't go out without foundation, concealer, blush and mascara, otherwise I just look spotty and washed-out! I hate having to skulk home without makeup on after I've had a facial at the beauty therapist. Embarassing!
i can do w/o foundation and powder but i need my cream blush and mascara! :) cream blush because i can use it on my lips and cheeks and mascara because it really opens up your eyes. ^_-
I always go to school without makeup.. but I feel bare without my eyeliner most days :D
If I HAVE to go somewhere quick without makeup I will at least wash my face and put on a little SPF15 lipgloss. Maybe a bit of dusting with an SPF15 mineral powder. I have to wash my face though because my skin is so oily and looks "dirty" from the oil oxidising if I don't.
I don't look horrid without makeup, I just look a bit, well, tired.
If I was hanging out somewhere near my place, I'll just draw my eyebrows and put on some eyeliner. :) My main focus are my eyes.
I used to go out with no makeup all the time, just moisturise my face and I'm good to go. But since I cut my hair and got this fringe, I find that black eyeliner makes my eyes pop, so haven't been leaving the house without it!
hi emma!
I understand sometimes my skin is SOOOOOOO dull! At the very least I need some stain and some concealer!
Aww! I think we all know the feeling :-D makeup is our security blanket sometimes!
hi aretha!
Blush of any kind for me :-D Otherwise I look drowned out and tired :-D
hi Angelica!
hells if you can get away with it I say go for it babe!
hi wendy!
That's me too! I look tired without it and depending on how my skin is behaving sometimes dull...a bit of concealer and a stain always helps :-D
hey pets!
You're lucky hun! i need a bit of stain and concealer to look decent :-D
hi irmiana!
Ooo your cut sounds lovely :-D I always leave off on eyeliner but I really should put it on as it does something nice for my eyes :D
I thought I was getting away with wearing little or no makeup most of the time (although on the weekends I always wear something) but lately I've been wearing more and the BF loves it and always makes nice comments! So, I think that might be a hint that I look better with a little color. :) It's strange how some folks look TOTALLY different without makeup.
hey bonnie!
you're lucky! I need at least concealer! awww that's awesome, always nice to hear good comments! Oh lord I know I look way diff without it :-D!!!!!!!
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