MAC SugarSweet Shadestick Review, Swatches, and First Impressions
Oh my god I'm in such a pissy mood right now! After work today I picked up my friend Jai and whisked us away to MAC to snatch up some SugarSweet for ourselves. Normally it's just easier for me to head to MAC Soho to haul or Macy's on 34th but my mate Martin, who works for Apple, was working the Mall circuit today so instead of our normal haunts we hit the MAC at the mall. Martin is our shadow so we can't go anywhere without him in tow thus we decided to become mallrats so we could kill two birds with one stone, pick Martin up for dinner and snag some MAC.
Such a big mistake. We are so killing Martin, tis his fault we couldn't haul MAC SugarSweet today. Upon arriving at the MAC we noticed that they had the display out for SugarSweet and it only had the Shadesticks on it. So we asked after the rest and you guessed it, nothing in stock yet.
Boo, freaking, hoo! What the hell? To say we were disappointed is an understatement but we did get some yay factor in as we got all of the Shadesticks and I think that's what Jai and I were the most excited about.

Jump ahead to have a look!
I only have my eye on a few other things from the collection so I am happy, at the very least, that they had the Shadesticks because that was honestly high on my list of things to get. I also want to snag Perfect Topping and Sugarshot. My list isn't all that huge so I guess I'm not too devastated. I'm avoiding the glosses like the plague because as one reader mentioned they are seriously nice but with 2-3 uses they are going to be one big mess so it's just not worth it. The lippies aren't exactly all that fabulous so I can safely skip those and the rest of the shadows hold little appeal. I do wish MAC had release a blush or two with the collection.

For me the gems of this collection were the Shadesticks. It's been a while since MAC released Shadesticks and these are some stunning shades. The revamped packaging is pretty slick as well which makes them even more appealing. I wasn't always a lover of Shadesticks but after seeing how easier they make it to apply pigment I started to like them.
Four new shades are released with MAC SugarSweet and one regular catalog shade. Penny is the shade that's already available from MAC and just released in new clothes for this collection.
Cakeshop, which you would think would be the shade of batter or cake, is a frosty green almost olive shade. Wonderful shade and a possible favorite for me but strange name! Lemon Chiffon is a creamy shimmering white gold, another favorite for me. Butternutty, really a crummy, rubbish shade when viewed but swatched it's a gorgeous nude pink that's stunning! Red Velvet is a deeper pink with an almost matte like finish. And finally Penny is a pretty peachy copper shade.

I absolutely love all of the shades and think they are well worth picking up. Correct me if I'm wrong but the price on these has gone up as they are $16.50 USD each but I recall them being a little less? Or maybe not.
I highly recommend grabbing some for yourself as they really do make life easier with shadow application and particularly pigment application. I find I get less fall out and a deeper color pay off when I use a Shadestick prior to applying pigment.
Overall, MAC SugarSweet is the first collection I've been excited about in months and I highly recommend heading over to MAC and having a swatch, you're sure to fall in love with a few of the items available.
I also caved while I was in store and purchased Popster Tinted Lip Conditioner and Tippy Blush. I wasn't too surprised after seeing Hello Kitty in person for the first time that still it failed to wow me.
In closing the Muse thinks the new MAC Shadesticks deserve a Muse Approval for purchase. Likey!

What did you haul from MAC SugarSweet?
Skipped it altogether?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Eyes, First Impressions, MAC, Reviews, Spring Collections 2009, Swatches
I'm going to head to the mall this weekend to haul me some SugarSweet. I was going to behave.. but not now :)
I hauled Perfect Topping, Peppermint Patti, and Lollipop Lovin. Shadesticks don't intrest me much and neither did the glosses. I may go back for an eyeshadow and Saint Germain.
I'm not a shadestick person, but I have to admit that those are gorgeous. Yay for MAC.
hey dd :-D
LOL I hear ya :-D it's hard to resist!
nice haul jackie! the glosses were a no go for me too...too messy :P
me either pixie but they kinda make life easier when working with piggies and these are particularly fab colors :-D
I think the CakeBake looks mettalic like a baking pan, that may have been where they got the inspiration. I really like the color of the CakeBake......
Great review, muse!
hi leane!
Good point! It doesn't kinda look like that :-D Cakebake is lovely will make for a fine smokey green eye :)
Thanks hun!
I'm not even a massive Mac fan but I'm fancying Butternutty!
cant wait for this collection to come to the uk! we're always slow in getting mac. :( the lemon chiffon and butternutty shadestick looks gorgeous!
Hi Muse, could u please post up a swatch of Refined MSF? I'm thinking of getting it.. It looks pretty! =)
Thank you for the swatches :]
Butternutty, Cakeshop, Lemon Chiffon = MAG's. ^_^
Thanks SO much for the photos and swatches. I've wondered about them. :)
hi muse !!
what a nice new things from mac !!
i just got my HK mac stash give a boost :P
i couldn't leave the nice things in the store !!!
how are you muse ?
it's very busy up here with school and everything it's really exhausting i can't even do my dailies any more :(
I think even for non mac fans these are rather gorg ;-D
so pretties and spring like!
hi aretha!
I know :( It's so freaking delayed :P all the fun goes out of it when it releases later! They are really nice! Great bases :-D
hi belle!
Absolutely will do so later today or tonight :-D
hello anonymous!
my pleasure hun.
hey mags!
hehehe! They are so fabs :-D My pleasure hun! You're gonna love 'em!
hi nadia!
good to hear from you :-D LOL awesome! I indulged in a blush and a lip conditioner from HK when I went to pick this up!
I'm fabulous thanks for asking and you?
awww I totally understand, I'd love more hours in the day :-D
Big Hugs!
now that Red Velvet is a want from me! :D
Cakebake/ Cakeshop is a lovely colour, which I think I don't have :P
And ooh! Butternutty and Lemon Chiffon, sweet pastel-like colours! Me likey! Ah! Penny is gorgeous too!
OMG! I want all of them!
hi plue!
isn't it lovely?!
LOL I know! They were a temptation I couldn't resist gorgeous shades!
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