Badger Balm Headache Soother Review
I'm talking to my sister at the moment (by the time you read this though it'll be much later in the evening and she'll be feeling much better) and she was saying what a terrible headache she had and how she wished I was carrying around some Badger Headache Soother as it would be a great time to try it out.
She's never tried it before but was willing to have a go considering she's having a bit of a migraine at the moment.

So what is Badger Headache Soother? Jump ahead for the deets!
Last night I was having my own little headache nothing major just tiny so I broke out my Badger Headache Soother and was feeling instantly relaxed and relieved.

Badger Headache Soother is an organic blend of virgin olive oil, beewax, peppermint, and lavender. This blend is cocktailed into a balm that you can rub onto your neck, temples, and pulse points. I stick to rubbing this on my neck, resting on my back, with my eyes closed and I'll experience almost instant relief from my headache.

The balm is cooling due to the peppermint which also happens to be the dominant note so as you breath in you'll get a cool, fresh burst of peppermint. The lavender in the blend breaks the peppermint down a fair bit and gives off the scent of a cooling, herbal blend which relaxes and soothes headaches in a flash.
An aspirin is always a good remedy for a headache but the Muse thinks Badger Headache Soother Balm performs just as good and is a whole lot healthier.
If you experience stress headaches, eye strain headaches, or just a regular old headache here and there, the Muse highly recommends trying out a tin of Badger Balm Headache Soother to relieve and refresh you!
Loves it!

Check out more Badger Balms at

Labels: Badger Balms, Reviews
I wish I had some earlier. I was having a mini breakdown of sorts this morning and I totally came close to losing my mind. That stuff would have been handy, especially since kids get expelled for having asprin or even midol on them at school (rediculous, I know).
Wow, this sounds interesting, never heard of a balm for headaches :) I'm kinda interested in it... but this is mostly about aromatherapy, isn't it? Would it work for a person without sense of smell? Like me? XD
Hi Muse - is the lavender really strong or do you mostly smell the peppermint? I'm allergic to lavender (well sensitized actually but it's similar) and lavender scents sometimes make me sneeze uncontrollably, so I usually avoid them. But I can tolerate small amounts, so I'm curious.
Sounds like a great product. Peppermint tea is supposed to help soothe migraines but sometimes you get so nauseated that you can't sit up or keep anything down. Something like Badgers would be very helpful. Is it possible to purchase it at a regular US drugstore?
hey sarah!
Awww you ok hun? whoa your school sounds strict as holy hell!!!!!!!! sheesh just for aspirin!?
hi ines!
it is indeed may feel nice and cooling on your aching head though as the peppermint gives of a refreshing cool burst but for the most part the smell and the cooling sensation work together to create a certain calming experience making headaches disappear :)
so if you sense of smell is off it's prob not the best choice for an aching head heeh!
hey claire!
Mmmmm you smell alot of peppermint and the lavender is a base note but it turns the two notes into a very interest herbal blend. It's a fresher lavender than you may be used to from say brands like BBW or L'octaine. Not sure if that makes sense.
This doesn't come in the small tin as of yet or at least I don't think it does so maybe wait for the small tin...the large tins are 8 bucks but they have a tiny balm tin so that would be a good splurge as it if fails to work you didn't dish out for a huge tin and can just pass it on the your friends or family :)
hi en!
Indeed!!!!!!!! :-D I sometimes get weak to the stomach when I have a particularly bad migraine so this is ideal. I'm not sure I know a ton of online shops that sell 'em but nothing in drugstores...I did notice camping shops sometimes have the line :)
If you need a cp just yell at me!
btw do I owe you an email? If I do please accept my sincere apologies I'm a crap shoot with email!
Great thanks! I'll check it out. Straight up real lavender essential oil is a sneeze fest (& I won't go near dried lav either, achoo!). It's a sad consequence of being overexposed, I used to make aromatherapy products. But if it's diluted enough I'm okay and I *heart* peppermint.
Thank you for the info! I'll check around online.
I don't think you owe me an email...?
hi claire!
my pleasure! I don't actually like the smell of lavender at all but with the peppermint it's rather nice :-D
I think the peppermint should make you feel way better as it drowns on the lavender big time ;-D
I though I did. I'm such rubbish with email :-D
if you need any help locating lmk dear!
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