Avon Color Rich 24K Gold Lipstick Review, Swatches, and FOTD
Remember the Avon Color Rich 24K Gold Lipstick I was telling you about? Turns out it's something rather special! I do so highly suggest checking these out for yourself from Avon as they are truly good and inexpensive to boot!

Each tube is $4.99 USD and contains a beautiful sparkling shade of highly moisturizing and pigmented lip color. Who can't love that price? The shades all contain a healthy dose of gold shimmering flecks which ends up intensifying the color of the lipstick and making your lips gleam and shine! Gorgeous!
I tried two shades but I'm heading back for more shortly as truly they are gorgeous. The two colors I tried were Ruby in Gold and Golden Wine. Ruby in Gold is a beautiful deep peach a la my favorite MAC Lipglass Pink Grapefruit (I know, I know you're tiring of hearing about Pink Grapefruit already!). Now Gold Wine had me terrified when I first seen it! The shade takes vampy up a few notches to say the least. In the tube it's a deep, dark almost black cherry shade....terrifying....but it applies maroon with tiny flecks of gold! Gorgeous! If you ask which shade I like more I couldn't possibly say as they are both beautiful.

For the price and the great quality I'm slapping a Muse Approved sticker on 'em! I loves 'em and thinks you will to!

If you're looking for that perfect sparkling lippie for the Holiday Season with a nice price tag, look no further Avon Color Rich 24K Gold Lipstick has you covered!
Snag yours by clicking here! I still want to try out Golden Raisin, 24K, and Natural Gold for myself! How about you?
Tried these already?
Love 'em!
Tell the Muse!

Avon Holiday Collection 2008: License to Shine
MAC Devoted Poppy Lip Palette Review, Swatches, and FOTD
Urban Decay Limited Edition Lipstick Case
Lavshuca Rouge Star Classic Lipstick Review, Swatches, and FOTD
Labels: Avon, Face of the Day, Reviews, Swatches
They look absolutely gorgeous!
Curses! Foiled again - no Golden Wine to be had on the Canadian website! Not your fault as all, just saying...it looks lovely on you!
aren't they fabs lipgloss bitch!?
J, how are you?!
Check out evil bay I'm positive you'll score :)
Thanks! MWAH!
Okay, I had this in my hand last weekend at the AVON store, but it wasn't open and she wouldn't open it unless I was going to buy it. *sigh* and I was skeered it was going to be too dark. Thanks for showing me it's gorg. :)
Well I have ordered the following:
Glazewear Diamonds Eye Color in Bronze & Silver, Shimmer Tips Mascara in Gold & Silver and the 24K Gold Lipstick in Gold - have you tried any of them yet? I am excited despite the lack of Golden Wine, esp. about the Glazewear.
Oh I wanted to add if there is a dupe for Golden Wine, do let us know!
hey oldergirl!
It looks terrifying in the tube but once I tried it on with a bit of gloss it's quite a nice do-able maroon shade..simply gorg and really nice for the holiday!
hey J!
Oh I got the silver...! reviewing soon! and the gold shimmer tips mascara as well which I'll review shortly :)
I want the 24K Gold but little tiny scared it'll make my face fuller than it already is :P
sweet haul hun!
hey again J!
hehe :)
Ummmm Urban Decay and Armani have a similar shade but ado not such a nice price! Try evil bay..I'm positive it'll even be less than 4.99!
You can buy these on amazon.com too, in case they're sold out elsewhere.
I'm so glad you reviewed these, they look pretty!
Those colors are gorgeous on you Izzy!
P.S I have not abandoned you, I check the site daily but don't always get the chance to comment ;)
thanks dd ;)
good tip!
Kayvid: Woah! They look great on you! I own a million Avon Lippies. Love every single one of them and cannot bring myself to purging my lippie stash. i need help. Loved AVON since I was a kid.
hi adina
don't feel bad hun :) thanks for visiting daily believe me I can totally dig how busy you prob are!
I'm an amazon whore, I do a LOT of online shopping there. They tend to have pretty good prices.
Kayvid: And babe, your skin looks phenomenal in these pics. Keep doping whatever it is that you are doing (and share with me :P)
Which foundation are you wearing in these pics?(if any)
hey kayvid!
Hi! How are you!?
Honestly I've always been a bit of an avon basher..but damn straight that some items are AWESOME lately especially the lippies!
Ahhh don't worry 'bout it..we can never have too many lippies right?!
aw shucks thanks kayvid *blush* wish my under eyes would behave as well as my skin! I'm using Etude House BB Magic Cream in this pic :)
and of course the rest of the good skin credit goes to Lush skincare :)
There is no such thing as too many lippys!
dd, I used to do alot of amazon too but lately I kinda head to deep discount dvd and nab books, dvds there..I sometimes forget how awesome amazon is for discovering new items as well as books/dvds!
but of course not dd!
We need one color for every day of the year :)
Nice! Hope they'll be available in the UK soon.
i had been waiting for the review on these! gorgeous! that golden wine is most beautiful on you! i wouldn't have imagined it being that colour judging from its black colour in the tube.
thank you so much. i had looked for Avon in this town but no luck yet. wait till i go back to KL. i was told about a couple of places for this brand. not sure if they have this at all. but no harm for trying! :)
girlfriend, you have to wear that for the holiday!
Wow, I have to say the second one really scares me when I first look at it. But it looks so gorgeous on you! I'll put this line into my to-buy-list (not lemming, since this one is cheap!) thanx for your great review!
i loove those colors =) and you look pretty in them =)
thanks muse!
Love both lippies! can't seem to choose which one is better, they're both great!!!!!
That golden wine is too beautiful. I love this look on you. OMG A-effing-mazing.
These colors look extremely good on you! Sadly though (or is it luckily?) Avon is a brand that doesn´t exite me at all.
In New York I took all the Muses tips to heart and went home with tons of Philosophy (the lip shines are yummy, the skincare great), MAC, Bare Escentuals (do you like the Buxom Babes glosses?), Stila sets, MUFE foundation and Urban Decay 24/7 liners - I love them.
Holy crap, you are right; the dark one looks DARK in the tube. Beautiful on your lips though.
Ruby in gold looks gorgeous!
Wow, they really are special. Can't wait for them to be out over here. I'm really getting in to Avon again because of you!
those colors look really pretty but i dont think i could ever pull em off!
hey Anitacska!
Happy Monday! I hope so too as they are truly lovely. I'd suggest checking evilbay! Bet you can buy 'em there :) and not at a bad price either if you're really lemming!
hi jojoba!
Aren't they lovely? Thanks :-) *blush* The golden wine is an interesting one as the tube it's terribly scary but on it's quite elegant!
Good luck finding it on your side! :) I hope you do! if not you know you can always email me and I'm happy to help!
Hehehe! Yes I think I will! I was thinking of a smoky red eye look with the golden wine ;)
Thanks for your great comments jojoba! *hugs*
hi vivian!
Me too! Thanks :) You're most welcome love! And I must admit the price is rather awesome so it's def something affordable :)
hi there ale!
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! =-)
hey nikki!
I agree! I had a hard time deciding which was nicer too!
hi there Phyaflyjones!
Awww blush! Thanks!!!!!!!! :)
morning nell!
Thanks hun! Never excited me much either until recently...some of the items have really wow'ed me! The product is awesome now I wish they'd do something more with the packaging and I think it'd be a near perfect brand!
aw shucks I'm flattered...so happy to hear you snagged some philosophy..love love the lip shines and skincare!
I used to hate the buxom babes but they changed from a sponge tip to a brush and now I love 'em!
Fantastic haul of goodies :) I'm jealous you got the MUFE foundation! haven't tried the hd foundation yet and dying too!
Enjoy your haulage hun!
hi pixie!
It does doesn't it? scary as hell in the tube!
Thanks :)
hey connie!
Missed ya around here!
Thanks hun :)
hi laura!
Aren't they!? I hope you get 'em soon :) honestly I never really liked avon but lately some items really have caught my eye!
hi kae!
Awww maybe something lighter from the other shades they have available?
They have quite a few shades to choose from :)
I do love the shimmer in the glosses, especially the gold flecks in Ruby in Gold. It looks so pretty and wearable, totally great on you. Now where's my local Avon lady?
Yes yes, I know, you can order them on the website, but I'm still in love with the whole Avon lady concept. =P
Kayvid: You did not reply to my second comment :-( (boo)...kidding...it's not a biggie :-P
which comment kayvid?
I'm getting through comments right now inbetween work....
did you make a comment on this post that I haven't yet commented on?
Sorry hun.
Aww thanks Gloria you're lovely :)
hehe I hear ya...it's kinda nice to have an avon lady..very old school ;)
Kayvid: This was my second comment:
Anonymous said...
Kayvid: And babe, your skin looks phenomenal in these pics. Keep doping whatever it is that you are doing (and share with me :P)
Which foundation are you wearing in these pics?(if any)
But please dont apologize, you have too many things to do I know and you will answer me when you can :-)
hi kayvid!
oh no I answered that :) Look above...it's two replies that's why you didn't see it maybe :) My replies are directly under each other..I said I was using bb cream and which one and thanks and such :) read back hehe!
I always make sure to answer everything you say ;) Hugs!
You HAVE to try the Mufe HD, you´ll love it I´m sure. It is amazing for me, perfect shade match (#117) and great natural finish!
Kayvid: Sorry Muse! I missed it.
oooooo you're convincing me plus I have a coupon for Sephora!
no prob kayvid for a sec there I thought I was going batty :)
I've been known to do that!
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