Lush Tea Tree Toner Tab Review
Pop Pop Fizz Fizz! Oh what a relief it is!
Ok, we are probably all way too young to remember that one but my mum used to randomly sing it to make me laugh when I was little and it came to mind when I whipped out my Lush Tea Tree Toner Tab last night! Hehe!

I've been using Lush toner tabs for a while and I realized, "hey I haven't reviewed any yet on Musings!" so here the Muse be with a review special for you! Love me much? At the moment Lush has three toner tabs available and I'm reviewing for you today the Tea Tree Toner Tab and later on this week or next I'll review the other two tablets!
The "tabs" are tiny tablets, about the size of a quarter, that you drop in hot water and steam your face with. You can do this in any number of ways such as dropping one into a large bowl of steaming water or, as the Muse prefers, fill your sink with hot water, drop a tablet in, and cover your head with a towel! Poof! Bob's your Uncle! You'll be steaming happily away! They fizz happily away while the dissolve like your favorite bath bomb which brings the Pop Pop Fizz Fizz song to mind! If you totally didn't get that here's some simple instructions with graphics from those kind people at Lush:
Lush Tea Tree Toner Tab is actually for troubled, traumatized skin. So if your skin is sensitive or acne prone this would be the toner you'll want. My skin is not sensitive nor do I have acne but I'm curious so that accounts for why I purchased this one!

I've heard various complaints about how horrible this tab smells but honestly I didn't smell much of anything other than the faint scent of salt. Aside from that I really got no smell at all from this but maybe my nose isn't sensitive enough to pick up exactly what it is that's so "horrible" smelling. Shrug! Who knows! After steaming my face with this I honestly felt no difference considering I don't have problem skin however after my steam I dipped a piece of facial muslin in the water and proceeded to wipe my face. Lush recommends using all the lovely water from your steaming to tone your face with so you're actually getting two products in one! Yay! I loved this idea! One day, in the near future, the Muse will share her beauty secret and tell you all about an amazing product called Rosewater and Glycerin but for now she'll tell you that Tea Tree Toner Tab actually has about the same consistency as Rosewater and Glycerin. The tab makes the water feel heavenly and full of moisture so while you wipe you'll notice your skin feeling as if you applied a bit of a light moisturizer to your skin.
The bad news....
As much as I adored the moisturizing feel of the water, I found out later that it seriously created a problem for my skin. I suspect that since this is for problem skin, that would also mean oily skin. Normally Tea Tree Oil, Water, used to mattify oily skin which I think caused my problem. Almost as soon as I dried my face off I noticed that my cheeks had dry, itchy patches! Yak! Even after my moisturizer my skin was still feeling somewhat tight and dry so indeed this isn't the toner tab for me. I'm thinking this would be lovely in the Summer when my skin is feeling slippery but at the moment this definitely isn't something to reconsider using!
All in all I rather liked the feel of the water after my steam however since my skin isn't problematic I can't report on any improvement. It's worth trying out one for yourself if you have acne or problem areas you're wanting to address! I trust Lush skincare with my life so I'm sure you'll see some sort of improvement after a few uses plus the price of $1.50 USD per a tab isn't too bad at all!
In other news I had heard that one girl took a tab, dropped it in a spray bottle, shook it up, and used it as a toner! That sounds rather interesting and cheaper than purchasing a bottle of Lush Tea Tree Water! I personally won't try it until Summer though.
All in all this tab doesn't get my Muse Approval but I do think it's worth checking out for those with problem skin!
Anyone try these?
Tried this one in particular?
Tell the Muse!
wow, sounds so interesting, i've never heard of anything like it. I'll probably have to try this after my toner runs out.
Do you make your own rosewater and glycerin? or do you purchase a specific brand?
hey jnie...they are interesting :)
Worth trying out as the price isn't too bad!
hi anissa!
I used to make my own but honestly it's just cheaper to buy it already made. Walgreens used to have their own brand believe it or not but sadly I haven't seen it around in years. I was using an etailer organic range but again they no longer carry it ugh wth right? Now I just use good old BB R&G Toner :)
How about you?
I have Heritage Products Rosewater and Glycerine that I use much the way one would use MAC's Fix+. I use it to turn my eyeshadows into eyeliner. Which brand do you use?
Oops! I didn't read the above comments about the brand. NM, nm.
hey muse!
im writing this to you as a response to our foreign films discussion in the bath and body works peppermint post, since that post has gotten bumped into obscurity lol..
as far as being a hater of american remakes (especially of japanese films) im right there with you.. ive seen a couple japanese flicks mostly on Showtime Beyond, and i really liked them, but i cant remember the name and im kinda fuzzy on the plot as well (watch only like 2/3 of the movie).. i just cant bring myself to watch some of them because of the stupid american remakes =/
but i love anime and things of that nature.. although sometimes the plotlines are so complicated it makes my head hurt lol... like Ghost in the Shell.. ive tried to watch that thing at least 6 or 7 times and i get discouraged lol..
70's-80's italian films.. i generally have a bad habit of writing off any movies that were made before the 80s.. not really a huge fan of the cameras/cinematography of that time.. but i would be open to any suggestions =).. id be all over films from the 80's though..
i love period pieces as well.. love love LOVE them.. im especially obsessed right now with Tudor era England.. reading about some of the people that lived during that time and the things they did.. its like Days of Our Lives circa the 1500's lol.. do you know of any good french period dramas?
i just recently saw one (was set in the early 20th century so i dont know if it cant REALLY be considered a period piece), called the Golden Bowl with Kate Beckinsale, Uma Thurman and Jeremy Northam.. really REALLY hot movie.. especially the scenes with Jeremy and Uma..
and im definitely going to be checking out B Monkey... Rupert Everett AND JRM? HELLO!.. i have that and anatomy of hell in my que, but there seems to be a long wait for them >=(..
going back to french films.. have you seen the dreamers? well, i am IN LOVE with the actor that played the brother, theo.. Louis Garrel.. woo! Lord in HEAVEN is he hot!.. if you havent already, you should check out Love Songs, the chick from Swimming Pool is in it with him.. and im dying to see Regular Lovers with him and one of the girls from Love Songs.. sounds like a movie i would love..
if you have any recommendations for french or italian films i would LOVE to know them.. lol i could go on forever about this too.. which is why i should stop lol...
its almost the weekend again! take care muse!
hugs and kisses..
I have tried all the tabs but they are so strongly scented that when i put my face in a bowl with a towel on, I just start chocking because its a heavy scent. It seems better if I pull my face away but it does not smell then. I tried two tabs at once one time and though it was a heavy scent, my face smelled lovely for hours!
In terms of putting this in a bottle of water, eh I don't know. Most toners are alcohol and or glycerin based. This is sodium bicarbonate and citric acid based. It just sounds to harsh to me and I can't imagine it would get off the excess dirt after washing.
Since I have oily skin I've tried steaming with Rosemary from the garden, which I think has natural astringent properties. However, if done too long it can irritate your skin. I haven't done it in awhile so I should try it again soon. You must tell us about the rosewater and glycerin:) Looking forward to that one!! Thanks!
hey mandy!
I currently use BB's but I used to use this awesome organic one but the company long since has gone out of biz :( but the BB one is pretty ok!
hey mandys :)
no problemos lol!
hi aline!!!!!!!!!
LOL it's long gone :) hehe thanks for the reply!
I'm a big fan of J-Horror and some drama series. You have to rent/watch the right ones :)
check out a tale of two's a korean horror film..I think you'll like it!
LOL ghost in the shell is a fav of mine but yes it gets a bit complicated particularly since I watched it in it's original format.
I like 60's through 70's in Italian flicks, in particular I'm a big fan of Italian. An example would be Castle of Blood and The Horrible Dr. see if you can snag those as both are quite ridiculously corny and great!
Have you ever seen Marriage Italian Style?
I love the Tudor era as well but I'm pretty much stuck in the Victorian era :)
Ooo french historical pieces...mmmm not really...I have to think on it :)
The Golden Bowl was quite good have you seen Affair of the Necklace?
LMAO JRM is the hotness!!!!!!! I want that boy with a passion!
be prepared anatomy of hell is disturbingly gross!
Have you seen all the Austen remakes and the older 70's versions?
The dreamers is quite a great film!
Louis Garrel lol typically euro trash and very hot agreed :)
OH! I liked that girl from Swimming Pool!
Oh this is off topic but have you, by chance, been watching Legend of the Seeker on CW?
I can too :) see my about me section..says I dig foreign films more than makeup lol!
I really gotta go home and look through my dvd shelf and let you know of some that I really adore :) I'll make a list!
got a messenger service you use? we can im!
Have a super weekend!
hi Inspiring Beauty Creator!
No kidding...maybe it's b/c I use mine in my bathroom sink..the area is a big larger compared to a bowl and I don't get as much of a scent!
True on the bottle trick..I thought maybe sticking it in the fridge...I haven't personally tried it though....:P
hi paige!
Interesting...rosemary..hmm never tried it!
Honestly sometimes good old hot water works best :)
Oh I sure will tell you all about rosewater and glycerin ;) review coming soon hun!
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