Bourjois Paris Fond de Teint Pinceau Bourjois Paris Brush Foundation Review & Swatches
I'm somewhat obsessed with Bourjois Paris foundations so when I seen the new Bourjois Paris Brush Foundation aka Bourjois Paris Fond de Teint Pinceau I knew I must haves it immediately. Lucky for the Muse her kindly friend from across the pond, Lauren, volunteered her time to nab me one!
In the vein of Too Faced Magic Wand Illuminating Foundation, Bourjois Paris Brush Foundation is pretty much the same concept with a cheaper price tag! At around $15 USD or so the price can't be beat for the quality of the product however I do like the Too Faced version a tiny bit more for one main reason which I'll explain shortly.

The foundation comes in a large click style pen with a brush on one end and a depressor on the other. Click a few times and foundation will flow freely into the brush allowing you to brush on your foundation and blend into place. I find the brush is useless (same with the Too Faced one!) for blending so I normally just swipe where I need foundation and blend with clean fingers. The brush isn't the greatest quality in the world and a tad bit scratchy however after it's wet with the foundation the scratchiness does go away and it feels alot smoother and softer on the skin! Now considering you probably tote powder around with you but not liquid foundation this is a nice little item to have as it's quite portable without any mess! If you need a bit of touch up during the day whip out and go to town! However, since the brush doesn't do a fab job of blending you may not feel it's completely portable friendly!

The formula is a good deal more watery in consistency when compared to the Too Faced version however this didn't bother me to much as it blends beautifully well and gives light coverage . I don't particularly recommend this if you have alot to cover up as coverage is light to medium. I personally don't use a whole lot of foundation on my face anyway so one click is enough for me to smooth around and create a good working canvas for my other makeup.

Now the foundation has all but one fault with it. It covers nicely and gives a good fresh look to any dullness that's residing on my face. I have the lightest color selection which is 31 Beige and this suits me well as it lightens and brightens up my face beautifully. Now these are the strong points of the product however after application of the foundation I get a powder-like dry down which mattifies my face a bit too much. Right now my face is already on overkill dryness and this manages to make my face feel tight. Also it pretty much shouts foundation! As soon as I apply and blend it casts a certain glow to my face that indeed says I'm "made up". I'm chalking this effect up to the fact that my skin is so dry right now.

The bad news is I probably can't use this at the moment however I do look forward to retrying it in the Summer when my skin is oily. Perhaps then I'll be quite happy with it. I did feel that the Too Faced version was far more richer, moisturizing, and thicker plus my skin seemed to soak all that goodness up and create a flawless and natural look.
Further news on the up side of things......
I also happened to enjoy how very fresh smelling this is! The foundation has a rather nice fresh scent which actually lingers around for a while after application. Quite nice as I kinda like my cosmetics to smell good.
All in all I think it's not bad at all for the price and will be a great light foundation for Summer-wear however my skin no likey at the moment. I'm not Muse Approving it for purchase since I'm unsure how it'll work in the warmer weather so maybe expect another look at this when the Summer sets in!
On a side note Bourjois Paris Brush Foundation is not yet available in the US and I can't honestly say when it'll be available if ever. If you'd like to try it I do recommend visiting MUA or your makeup forum of choice and asking a friendly Brit for a CP.
Anyone tried Bourjois Brush Foundation yet?
Love or hate?
Tell the Muse!

Bourjois Paris Holiday Collection 2008
Bourjois Paris Pressed Powder Review
Bourjois Paris Volume Clubbing Mascara Review
Bourjois Paris Shimmer Shine Liquid Eye Shadow Review
Labels: Bourjois Paris, Reviews, Swatches
aww where is your cute face? ahahahah. anyways you r so lucky to have so many cosmetic stuff!!!!! omygosh. i only have like drug store brand. thats why i love your blog. you have like so many stuff that i never saw before. also, i was going through web and i saw your interview!! you are so famous!!!!!!!
lol minsun! aww shucks hardly cute :) my mug is all over the place on this blog I fear hehehe!
Oh LORD no not famous at all lol :) I wish I was :)
I'm so glad you enjoy my blog so much hun!
Grrrrr, how is it that something from France is less expensive to you all the way over there than us?! This Bourjois brush foundation retails at €18.99 for us. I tried it at Boots, and while I like the texture and consistency of the foundation (I too like that it's light), I didn't like the brush. I've never liked applying foundation with a brush anyway (even though I have the MAC 190) as I find that the liquid/cream goes on rather streaky. I prefer a latex wedge or simply my (clean!) fingers.
I do like the Bourjois Anticernes Pinceau concealer (the brush one that has a similar packaging as this foundation). You talked about it a while ago, and I think you didn't really like it? I've never felt the need to use a concealer for my eyes (and I'm still in denial that I do!), but I picked one up when Boots was doing a 3 for 2 promotion (it's normally €9.25). I got it in light. I’ve used it a couple of times and it does work very well, making my eyes exceptionally bright. A little goes a long way!
Hey liz
LOL sorry hun :(
I have to say that the brush's scratchy as hell and on the topic of brushes..I'm with you..I never apply my foundation with a brush. I find it unusual and strange to do so when I have more control with fingers...I guess people do it to avoid touching their face with their fingers which is understandable but still difficult for me to attempt :)
You're super lucky as I felt the concealer just wasn't right for me :P too beige..I like my concealer to be lighter..maybe if it was lighter it would work better for me!
Ohhh, I just looked up the concealer on your brush and my bad, you reviewed a different one. The one I got was the new brush concealer wit the same packaging as this brush foundation ( It comes in three different shades; I got two in Beige Clair 81 and one in Beige Rose 82. Perhaps Beige Clair would work for you?
hi liz
sorry for the delayed reply!
Maybe it would...I think these are the same thing but different packaging..I felt like it wasn't that fabs or pigmented enough to cover all my woes :P
do you like it!?
To be honest, I'm still at a loss as to what it does exactly. I've only ever used it under my eyes (as I think it's a undereye concealer). It does brighten the area around my eyes a bit. That said, I don't usually use concealers anywhere so whatever this does, I don't really know if I 'need' it. I have three (two unused), so they'll last me a long, long time. After that, either I'll have to start using proper concealers and will be on the hunt for a good one, or I'll just ditch these entirely and be happy 'unconcealed'. :)
hiya liz!
Hmm I noticed it didn't do much in the ways of concealing sigh rant :P Could be the color I was the middle shade I believe...I should go for the lighter and see if that does anything!
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