Recycled Beauty: Boots No7 Cleanse and Care Eye Makeup Remover
A few months ago I did a review on Boots No7 Cleanse and Care Eye Makeup Remover that wasn't exactly a raving one however let me direct you to your local Target or CVS to pick up a bottle of it for yourself.

It'll put you back about $7-$8 USD but it's prob the best amount of money you'll spend on an Eye Makeup Remover once I tell you the greatest way to use it.
Here's what you should do:
Go and grab a bottle, go home, unscrew the top, and dump the entire contents of the bottle down the drain.
Don't worry, don't worry! Have I ever lead you astray?
Now fill it back up with your favorite brand of eye makeup remover (in my case I filled it with Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover).
Presto! You have an awesome bottle for your eye makeup remover now. Ok, ok so it seems really wasteful to dump out the entire contents of a bottle but honestly the bottle alone is worth more than the remover inside!
I've searched a few places to find a similar style empty bottle but haven't had much success locating one so when I reviewed the Boots a few months ago and ended up hating it with a passion the next logical thing to do was dump out the contents and reuse the sincerely awesome bottle.
Muse, what's so awesome about the bottle anyway?
The bottle has a pump style applicator similar to those you'd see on some face creams or eye creams. This simply makes an awesome, easy, simple, and mess free way to pump a few squirts of eye makeup remover onto a cotton square and go to work removing your makeup!

I've noticed my bottle of remover lasts longer now that I'm not tipping the contents on a square and spilling it all over the place!
Why the hell hasn't anyone else thought of this great bottle for removers? It sincerely works a treat and is money well spent in my humblest of humble opinions. Plus you can just keep topping the bottle off as you run low. Unscrew, fill, and Bob's your Uncle!
The Muse likey a simple way to use her eye makeup remover and although Boots remover sucks the bottle gets a big old Muse Approval for purchase!

Try it out! Promise you'll love it!
P.S. If you're feeling major guilty about dumping the contents of the bottle out just use the remover! When it's finished pour in your own remover!

Making the Most of Your Urban Decay Primer Potion
Labels: Beauty Babblings
Oh what a great idea. I hated that damn got rave reviews here but it and I did not get on. Plus I paid about twice what you did. I'm glad I at least kept the bottle!
why thank you laura :) glad you're enjoying the idea ;)
I never understood why everyone loved it. My best mate libs adores it. I think she's quite mad :P
wth? It doesn't do anything in the ways of removal. I took the thing and dumped it right out and just filled it back up with another remover.
That's a great idea! I love that type of pump.
Oh, and if you have travel bottles, and you just want a pump like that for say, your lotion, MAC's foundation pump is what you should get. It only cost me $5, and made getting my lotion out of those damn bottles so much easier.
Now to hunt down this remover...
Oh my dearest muse, you crack me up with the Boots hate. That was one of the first things I mentioned to you I had tried and you were very vocal back then how it sucked. I thought you had changed your mind when you mentioned the pump a week or so ago. Ha.
I still don't hate it as much as you, but I do use my balmsaway now and still have this bottle tucked away 1/3rd full. I should dump it out and keep the bottle until I find another liquid to try.
hi Kaoru!
me too! :)
I seen the little packages of these and was wondering if I should indulge for travel purposes ;) Thanks will be trying them if you like 'em ;)
hehe it's easy enough to find! I looked everywhere for a similar bottle but couldn't locate one so used this one and it works a TREAT!
hi oldergirlbeauty!
LOL ;) I actually do have some love for boots but this stuff is crap! lol! Sorry *blush* mind is no changing it now :)
Fantastic! How are you liking balms away now?
def dump it! The muse is all for pouring out!
Very muse approved my dear lol!
LOL! I love the way you worded this post! Who've guessed you hated the product but loved the packaging, hehehe!
hehe glad you enjoyed reading it mag :)
I adore the packaging but damn it all what's inside is bloody crap hehe!
Izzy this is such a great idea! (not that I bother with eye makeup remover most of the time-I'm lazy!) Maybe I'll try this with my oil cleanser so I have a smaller travel version as opposed to the GIGANTIC one I have now that I can't travel with.
BTW have you tried Givenchy's new Phenomen'eyes mascara? The one that comes with the ball wand? I just reviewed it and it's lovely!
Oooooh AND best of all my cousin got me the Etude House peach base in both the peach and mint, plus offered to get me whatever I might need shipped over from Korea when she has some stuff sent over---oooh the excitement! Plus she brought these DELICIOUS little pastries (i think they're called Tokyo Banana) from Tokyo-yummmm! :)
So what is your favorite makeup remover?
I've been stuck using Almay, and more recently, Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo because of my super sensitive eyes.
Is there a better eye makeup remover? Almay and J&JBC remove my eye makeup pretty well, with the exception of my mascara not seeming to come off as well as I'd like (the waterproof variety).
I'm dying for your input :)
Man, this will be awesome for my Lancome Bifacil... I thought it would work, but I HATE the opening on it, it seems small but then, its all leaky! Ugh. Can't be wastin' the good stuff, hehe.
Another thing I do like to do with my MAC brush cleaner, for example, is buy a spray top and pop it on there. You waste sooo much less of that brush cleaner when you can spray it on the brush or the paper towel and not have it splishy splashy everywhere. This post actually gave me the idea to do that with my eye makeup remover too... hmm :)
You're very creative. :)
i've never tried boots products, and after seeing your review, i probably never will. :D i really like the pump bottles, too. i bought some stuff from garden of wisdom, and one of the cleansers i got came with that type of bottle, so i'll definitely be keeping that.
I've never tried the Boots makeup remover, but a more cost-effective move would be to buy the Boots Toner (which I really like), it has the same pump bottle, and you don't have to pour anything down the drain!
Yeah some boots stuff is shiteous - thats why its always on damn offer. But I agree those pump bottles are fab!
Ha ha, actually I've done this a few times with products I've thought were a totally waste of money. Just tipped them out and used the packaging which was actually the best part. He he he.
awesome :D it does seem like a good idea! haha
i've seen it on nail polish removers!!! i think it was from konad or sth...cant rmb, but they have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant stand tipping nail polish remover out; cos the hole is soooooooo big, and i always confuse it with toner/makeup remover, so i tip HEAPS out T.T. gah.
theres no way i'll find boots anywhere down here, so i'll just go and read the rest of your entries :P heehe
This is such an environmentally friendly idea. I like it! I have a bottle of toner that has a pump as well. So I've been using it on other stuff, works like a charm! Glad you post this up!
hiya jenn!
Thanks!!!!!!!!! Damn I really need it as I apply heavy duty shadow and such :)
It's a great idea to use with oil cleanser :)
I have tried it but I'm just waiting a little while longer to review hehe =-) I look forward to reading your review!
Fantastic!!!!!! I'm so glad you got it! I can't wait to hear your review and see whatcha think!
Oh pastries...the Muse likey hehe!
hey dd!
Bi-Facil for sure but it's too expensive so I use Sephora Oil Makeup Remover :)
If you have the cash to splurge go with bifacil it's awesome..if not sephora's is pretty good.
Hope this helps ;)
Also balms away is rather great have you tried it?
hello melanie!
It would be! I HATE the opening on bifacil. I freaking love the product but the open is so leaky and makes a mess!
lmao agreed as it's bloody expensive :)
hey good idea! I normally use mac brush cleaner concentrated and not diluted so spraying on would be really awesome. last waste!
why thank you *blushes* hehe!
Many hugs!
hiya tracy!!!!!!
LOL they aren't all bad ;)
Fantastic! When you're done with the product use the bottle for your remover ;) works a treat!
hiya NurseExec!
I haven't tried the toner but thanks I will now ;) Would be much better since dumping the entire contents down the drain did make me cringe slightly at the waste!
Thanks for the tip!!!!!!!
hiya R!
LOL agreed ;) Glad someone is loving the pumps as much as me!
Thanks for the comment love!
Hope to speak to you again soon!
hello dancinggal!
LOL! awesome I don't feel lonely now :)
LOL! Sometimes a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do ;-)
hiya helly!
It works a treat ;)
Hey this would work awesome with nail polish remover too! We don't have any bottles like that here ;)
Oh poo! If you have a need you know I'm here to help ;-)
hey dao!
LOL yes but me dumping the contents out is so wasteful lol!
Thanks!!!!!!! ;-)
Grrrl, I picked this up to do just as you said. But before I could dump it, I had to try it. Um. I really like it. The only problem was I had to vigorously shake it to get it to mix right (and each time before) before putting it on the towel to use. But srsly, it took off my MJ. Yeah, my MJ. And didn't take no lashes with it! I really actually love it, lol... thanks for the inadvertent find!
But while I was at Target I found some little travel pump bottles (like a soap bottle) that I will put my Bifacil in. :)
Yep with the MAC bottles when I used to freelance there we always did that or we would run out of brush cleaner every hour. I have never heard of anyone diluting it though... people do that? Huh.
Anyhow, I have another seriously product-saving tip for all: I got these little microfiber tiny washcloths (3" x 3" maybe?)from the Body Shop ("facial deep cleansing pads)"and I used them for my face but then I got a full size one, but that's not the point. I am now using these to remove my eye makeup with whatever remover because they do not absorb and steal the remover and you can use both sides and they are fabric and washable and and and... I need to blog on these badboys. :)
But I gotta lol at how much I heart the boots remover. haha. Thanks doll!
Hey Mel!
Sorry for the delayed reply. REALLY? LOL! No way!?
I hated it :P I really had to work at getting everything off.
After you use the remaining amount you can always dump your bi-facil inside :) people lmao that's the ones that dilute it lol!
which are those?! Got a link? Sounds awesome! I know the 3 x 3 ones but not sure I know which body shop ones you are using! Share!
LOL glad you're loving the unintentional boots ;)
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