Another Woodbury Haul Featuring Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Peony
Before I fell in love with Bobbi Brown there was a limited edition shimmer brick released called Peony.
Now I've lemmed Peony for a while in particular the lemming got strong when my good friend Iris was staying in New York and had gone to Woodbury and scored Peony for herself. I remember soon after her trip I headed up to the CCO but I think Iris might have purchased all the Peony for herself, you never know she's as obssessed with makeup as I am and it's a logical conclusion. I only ever seen the one compact she got but what's she not telling us right? I bet she has a few of 'em stocked in a makeup cabinet just waiting to be used! Dontcha Iris? Tell us!
Anyway. I had seen some pics of Peony and it was honestly the darkest most vibrant shade I've seen released in a shimmer brick. It was a deep pink rosy color that looked simply divine and the Muse had to have it for her very self.
Sadly, after much begging and pleading on MUA I was unable to get anyone to swap it away (damn people are always so hard to convince on MUA aren't they? Why put it up for swap if you don't want to part with the bloody thing!).
I soon after turned to E-bay but I suddenly grew a consious when it comes to cosmetics and I was counting my pennies and realized hells I don't want to pay that much when I know the CCO had it for heaps and heaps less!
I pushed Peony to the furtherest corner of my mind and I tried hard not to begurdge my friend her lucky purchase (I'd never begrudge her anything as she's a true darling but for the sake of my story I'll add that in for drama purposes only hehe!).
About two weeks or more ago I wandered up to Woodbury and low and behold what I came across:

HA! Say it with me people...SCOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I ended up snatching up one of many Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks in Peony for the sweet price of $26.75 USD! w00t!
It's all that I hoped for! It's one of the better Shimmer Bricks I've come across and I'm very eager to try it out with a bronzing powder as I think it'll give my bronzing powder an extra pop and sizzle of both shimmer and a beautiful flush of color!
It's probably one of the few shimmer bricks you can wear on bare skin and still look fabulous. Very pigmented and with just the right amount of shimmer this is a solid gold find for the Muse!
I also picked up a Bobbi Brown blush in Apricot while I was there for $14 USD and it's simply a stunning shade. I have a funny feeling this will be making a guest starring appearance on my next Beauty Addictions list!

Dontcha love scoring an awesome steal?
Count the Muse a happy girl on these purchases!
What was your latest haul that made you do a little jig?
What are your lemmings that you're having a hard time finding?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Bobbi Brown, Friends, Hauls, Pieces of Life, Swatches
That's the first BB brick I've seen that I think I'd actually like! So glad you got it!
BWAHAHAHA!! You got it right, lady! I swiped all those Peony Shimmerbricks off the shelf the moment I saw them. Hey, you never know when the day may come when cosmetics are a rationed item, like back in the days of WWII, right?
Glad to see you finally scored one for yourself, Izzy! This is still my favourite SB although I have to say I have not used it in half a year! My current fave is Sana's striped blushes. They're awesome! Do you have these yet? If not, you NEED these like you need another season of Dr Who!
They're made by the same company that makes Excel and the quality and texture are almost identical.
Me likey! Sadly, I can't afford Bobbi Brown's Shimmer Bricks, but I really like Milani's Glimmer Stripes. They're really nice, but the colors aren't as vivid as BB's.
Funny, I just thought putting my Peony for sale.. maybe I need to think again. Happy summer hauls: Dior quint Summer star (we're in love), MAC Slimshine High 90s and MAC Mineralize blush Dainty.
Darn it Musey! You are really enabling me! My hubby is going to ban me from your blog!
Now I am lemming a trip to my CCO to see if I can score this...
Considering that I pass it twice a day, to and from work...just a slight detour won't hurt too much!
morning dd!
Thanks darlin'! It's really vibrant and yum compared to the other shades ;-)
I owe you an email or two! Will get to them soon just my inbox is a mess ugh!
LOL Iris :)
LOL! It could happen! It could happen soon! Hold me I'm scared hehe!
It's prob the most vibrant I've seen from the SB's. Very nice one!
That entire line is on my wish list!!!!!! I want the primer, the foundation, the brush, the blushes...Must have all!!!!!!!!
You know how much I adore the Excel ones since you introduced me to them! I didn't get these yet but they are def on the master list ;-)
Love ya!
Hey Mandy girl!
Aww poo. My sister adores the Milani ones too. I have yet to try 'em but I wants too! Don't worry honey for V-day I buy you SHs..okees?
'ello miss x!
Don't! It's so unique! keep it :)
I didn't pick up the quints this summer is it really that good? ;) Must try if it's love!
Great pics for Summer ;) Especially the Mineralize blush ;)
morning Tammy!
LOL! I try. I try so hard! One little stop won't hurt plus it's so hot your car needs a break around the time you pass CCO. hehe!
Good find, Muse! I´m happy for you! I love shimmer bricks and have each and every one of them. Maybe you come across Brownie someday, try it, it´s great even for fair skinned women like us, I think you´ll like it since you discovered more bronzy kind of colors for yourself this summer!
Have a great day,
hi nell! Thanks!!!!!
Do you have this particular one? I'm envious you have 'em all! At first I hated these but I slowly came to love 'em ;)
I've seen brownie before and always pass it up but I migth have to stop now and try it out ;-)
Thanks for the rec!
Have a great day love! Always great talking to you!
Musie, Bobbi has two shows on QVC today that I am hoping she has her mauve pallette, eyeliner and glosses on. I could use me some easy-pay to snap those up. I am pretty sure that that pallette is gonna be gone too fast for me to save up. LOL.
My blue eyes are crying for some fall mauve.
hiya oldergirlbeauty!
I know..I'm sick..I'm tivo'ing it. But I won't admit that LOL!
Have you ever noticed they rarely do any easy pay on any Bobbi stuff? Totally sucks!!!!!!
Damn them! Damn them to hell!
When they had the metallics from last fall people snapped them up in 5's all those crazy cosmetic junkies on MUA I tell ya!
Good luck!
Happy Shopping!
Wow, awesome! I wish CCOs were here in town but no, we got nothing!
Anyways, those pinks I like A LOT. I hope I can find one in the future. Thanks for stopping by Muse, I still can't shake the feeling that you read my blog out of my head.
hey dao!
Awwww poo :( No CCO is not fun!
I love the pinks too! I tracked this down to the ends of the earth and finally found it hehe!
LOL dao :) why? You have a great blog plus you got the cutest face! love the fotds :)
I don't always comment but I enjoy reading your great reviews :)
Your excitement over solar bits was addicting ;)
BB Peony for less than US30?!
Can I just say *makeup envy*? A great item with a lovely price!!! Now all you need to do is post an FOTD with this makeup lovely! :D
PS: Thanks for linking to and checking out the link. LJ was tiresome and filled with personal stuff anyways - it's great to start afresh on a user-friendlier blog provider. ;)
hey mags :)
hehe nice haul for the price right?!
I surely will do an fotd soon ;)
You're most welcome. You're my one of my oldest reads mags :) it's my pleasure! You've always been so helpful too and supportive!
I used to be on LJ ages ago with my blog but I left for myspace and now here ;)
I like blogger aside from outages :P
The blog looks fab! I always love your EOTD looks! Especially that killer laura mercier blue one you did...fab just fab!
Love ya!
BOOOOOOOOO! There is nothing of this sort in the UK. Well there is, but the discounts are lame and the products are about a million years old!
LOL! oh lord..a million years old..hmm that can't be good rows ;)
Hey Izzy, Blogger is screwing up on me again. My comment seems to be eaten up again.
I'm lemming these for a long time. Can't get my hands on one with all the extorbitant prices on eBay.
Well, u got lucky on this! Now I'm green with envy..haha ;)
sorry gracie :P freaking blogger..I'm thinking of moving to WP!!!!!
I know me too!!!!! me too! Took ages to track down!
If I go back would you like a cp!
Just let me know!
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