Beauty on a Budget: L'Oreal Studio Perfect Fix and Studio Soothness Smoothing Cream Review
I was recently given a few L'oreal hair care products for review so I thought I'd slap them in my Beauty on a Budget section and give you the low down on these two new products from L'Oreal.
I got both the L'Oreal Studio Perfect Fix Ultra-Fine Spray and the Studio Smoothness Smoothing Cream. Since they are both for hair management I figured I'd review them together!
The good news is I actually like both.
It deserves to be mentioned that my hair has been silicon free for a few years now. I use all Lush hair care which contains no silicons which in turn equals perfect hair everyday of my life. The only silicons that take up residence in my hair were a bit of smoothing gel I used to use a year ago but I had since switched my gel over to Lush's King of Mods and that was the end of silicons from my life completely!
Aside from that I will say that I've been using the L'Oreal Studio Smoothness Smoothing Cream for a week now and I actually do like it. I know hair care posts are probably a snore but since I have the products here anyway I figure I might as well review them!
The texture is simply wonderful. I may be out of touch with the drugstore brand of hair care and there may very well be a product out there like this already but I've personally never seen such an interesting formula. The texture is just like a moisturizing lotion that you'd apply to your body! I take a little more than a pea size amount and apply it to my wet hair and smooth it in. It tames my any frizz I have and keeps my hair safely in place all day long. My hair is very long, very wavy, and very out of control thus slicking it back into a bun and slapping a hair band in place is my normal order of the day when I'm heading out to work. It happens to smell really fresh as well kinda like the way most salons smell when you walk in! You know what I mean I'm sure!

Now I also received the matching L'Oreal Perfect Fix Ultra Fine Spray Finishing Hairspray! Holy cow that was a big mouth full! This too I will give a raving review too. Again, I feel a bit out of touch with hair care from drugstores and have no idea of options available out there but I felt like this was very different from my past drugstore purchases. It's been ages since I've touched drugstore styling products and I always think back to my teen years when hair spray and gel bulletproof'ed my head for me. This was great because if someone shot at me I could carry on without worry since the bullet would literally bounce off my head. Can't say I get the same sort of protection with this hairspray! It's very light, smells lovely, and doesn't leave behind a hard, crusty layer! It actually makes my hair very soft and bouncy! The Muse likey!

As I said I'm shocked as I really do associate major build up with styling products but both of these did work well and gave a very natural finish and hold that I liked! I'm still using both after a week now which could count for something, obviously I'm impressed.
If you're looking for something to give your hair great management and minimal buildup with a cheap price tag I'd definately see about picking up both of these. These are pretty darn good.
What do you use to manage your hair?
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Labels: Beauty on a Budget, Haircare, Reviews
I've been using Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Smoothing Serum after I wash my hair, before I blow dry it. I really like the results. I use Bedhead's Mac Daddy Manipulator to help style, or some Tigi Catwalk hairspray.
I'll check out the L'Oreal stuff :)
What Lush hair products would you recommend for my fine, long, highlighted (damaged) hair. The highlighted chunky parts get really really frizzy so I always have to use a ton of silicon products but do not want to if there is an option out.
Do you have any suggestions,
thanks amy
Hmmm, interesting, I;m using Lush Retread Conditioner and Seanik and Godiva shampoo bars, because they make my hair feel nice, but do not weigh it down. I got a sample of King of the Mods last time I was there, but haven't used much of it yet. Thanks for the great review!
Hahahaha Musey!
I remember those big hair days!! AquaNet was my BFF! Teasing your hair to within an inch of your life and spraying the crap out of it! The Long Island Hairdo!
Oh boy...sides hurt from laughing so hard...
Ah, these are my back-in-the-day favorites. Unfortunately, they give me zits around the hairline. Most drugstore hair stuff give me that problem except Garnier Fructise. It smells really great!
hello Phyrra!
I've never tried any PM! Can you believe that? I've been using king of mods for ages now and haven't switched up until I got these to test out.
This is actually kinda good. Was somewhat surprised as I expected sincere hard head after use!
I want to check out that tigi catwalk hairspray. I've had my eye on it for ages ;)
hello there amy.
I'm sadly not in a position to recommend lush for highlighted hair. It's really difficult as many lush haircare products are very stripping for color treated hair :(
I've personally never dyed, highlighted, hair so it's difficult for me to offer up good selection for hair care from Lush without god forbid rec'ing a product that would strip the treatment from your hair!
I can tell you for frizzy hair curly wurly is amazing simply amazing!
If you're looking to detox your hair you can do so with lush american cream and I love juicy or big and retread since your hair is thin you'll adore Big for volume.
Also for completely removing silicons you might want to invest in a bottle of Antiphilitron which really does an amazing job of cleaning up build up and stripping hair down to the essential oils and nothing more.
For further information about color treated hair and items to use with it I'd call Lush if you're in the US at: 1.888.733.5874
they'll recommend something that works fabulously :)
Hope this helps!
Hope to hear from you again soon when you're happy and silicon free!
hello dancinggal!
Agreed :-) I use godiva too and retread. I switch on and off again from solid to bottle like I love juicy ;) and such!
My hair care is all lush too so this was a different thing for me to get into to and I was shocked I liked it.
King of Mods is very good ;) Definately use it. I think you'll love it!
hiya tammy!
LOL but of course my dear girl! Dude I had some sincere LI hair and worked it like nobody's biz! Bangs were teased to the max lol!
We should have been shot for walking around like that! The cheek!
hello dao!
Oh ya me too. So far so good knock wood but most hair care products I get the zits around the forehead deal sigh!
I haven't tried the garnier fructise! Add it to my list of items to try from the ds ;)
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