Avon In A Wink Eyeshadow Sheets
Avon is jumping on board the ease of eyeshadow application bandwagon!

I've reviewed Eye Majic in the past which was one of the very first brands to pave the road for sheet eyeshadow application but I recently noticed that the market is becoming saturated with these sheet eyeshadow products. Everywhere I look some new brand is pimping these out.
But...props has to go to Avon for making it not only easy but CHEAP too!
$5.99 USD scores you 14 powder eyeshadow sheets. That's a deal and a half in the Muse's humblest opinion. Whether they work or not remains to be seen however they are getting a few raving reviews on the Avon site. Check out what folks are saying by clicking here!
If you happen to want idiot proof eyeshadow application for a nicely rounded price I'd definately consider picking up a set of these to try out. They come in eight shades and are super easy to use. Unlike other kits I've seen where the entire process consists of several steps this is a simple press, rub, and blend with your fingertip for gorgeous, vibrant shadow!

Can you seriously go wrong for $6 bucks, the Muse says nay and adds these to the wish list to try out!
Want 'em?
Tried something like 'em before?
Tell the Muse!

Click here to check out the "Majic" of eyeshadow application!
Labels: Avon
I have put these in my basket twice now - along with a ton of other things, like their polish, and have yet to check out with them. If I do end up getting them, I will def let you know how they work out for me. :)
hi oldergirlbeauty.
I put them in too lol! I'm debating though!
I look forward to hearing about them if you do ;)
I'm very curious but I have so many shadows and such it seemed wasteful to get more when I know I'll probably not use these nearly enough :P
Ohh I'm looking forward to your review on these.
They're a cool idea but i love applying shadow so much I wouldn't want to take the fun out of it! :)
I saw something similar to this at sephora, with animal prints, and I was VERY tempted to try it out, but decided no! I'd be good. You had warned me that Sephora was full of goodies. I think this is really a neat product for people who need help with applying eye shadow or who are in a bit of a hurry. Or who want something easy :)
hi laura ;)
Interesting aren't they?
ditto chica! ditto!
I love applying my colors and this is too uniformed for me. I can't take creativity liberty with them lol!
hi dd!
Yes lol! Seen those too!
I think the simplicity factor is huge on these. The reason I didn't feature the ones I seen at Sephora was b/c they were a bit more expensive and I felt like these were a nice deal! ;)
I tried something similar before and they are nice but as chica said I love applying my own eye makeup :)
great for those that are starting out though and clueless about blending and such!!!
Yup, these are popping up everywhere now. Many brands seem to jump on the bandwagon. But many of the e/s tapes look too big for the asian eye.
Although it looks very convenient when one is in a rush. Think I'll still stick with applying e/s as usual.
oh totally agree gracie. Not good for asian eyes at all which is sad as I think asian girls can really appreciate these.
Also I don't think they are generally good for smaller eyes. It seems they are geared towards girls with larger eye sets like my big buggy eyes for instance. Which stinks. if they cut sizes down and offers different options that would be cool!
LOL! Either you saw my Twitter update about this or you totally beat me to posting this [well the second is obvious, I got a cold and can barely look at the keyboard]. these look much more appealing, but I still prefer the usual method!
hey muse,
postpet2 from singapore again...
Am I able to get this brand at drugstores in america?
If there is, will include this in shopping list when i get a chance to go.
hey sarah!
I haven't been on twitter :) promise I didn't steal your post ;)
I seen these when I wandered onto avon a few days ago!
I prefer the traditional method too!
How's that cold?
Summer colds suck!
hello postpet :)
How are you?
Sadly, not available in stores. Only online and from a catalog. Some people sell avon and are reps. If you know someone that can order them for you from the catalog that's the way to go. Or if you like I can grab them for you from the site!
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