Beauty Secrets: Whitening Your Skin, How To Rid Yourself of Dark Circles, and Other Babblings
Great title right? Whiten your skin? Sounds very strange!
You may have read on a few occasions where I mentioned that I use a "secret" whitening agent on my skin prior to foundation. This is in fact a post about what I use to achieve not only a flawless completion but also how I take the shade of my skin down a notch or two or three if I so desire (I normally try to lighten it one shade down as I believe it makes me appear fresher).
Those of you from the western side of the world may find this a strange technique and those of you from the eastern side of the world may very well relate to wanting your skin a shade or two lighter then what it already is.
But Muse why do you want your skin tone lighter?
The Muse does not embrace the idea of being tan or bronze. For myself personally I don't like my skin as it is. It's a medium fair and to me it appears very dull. This is not to say that darker skin types aren't beautiful because they are very gorgeous! The problem is that I don't like the way I look in a shade of medium. My skin somehow lacks the flawlessness I seek in it's current state. My sister favors my dad and is a deeper tan color and she works it well but my own skin tone feels dull to me.
So what do I do? I take it down a notch or two and make it whiter (or paler whichever way you want to say it!).
I think whitening it gives me not only a fresher look but also a good working canvas for my makeup. Colors seem to be brighter on my face, my foundation seems to work better, and I just appear younger and more flawless looking when I take the extra step to whiten my skin.
Think of the beautiful Geisha and maiko and the utter elegance of their makeup. Granted we don't want to appear that white but the beauty of the Geisha's flawless face can't be denied.
I think Asian woman on a whole are always looking for that extra step to whiten their skin a notch or two which could account for how popular whitening fluids, foundations, etc...are within Japan, China, Etc.... Most of these products do not technically whiten the skin but just offer a bit of shimmer or what I call a candlelight glow. I can't count how many items are available for purchase that have "whitening" in the title outside of the US. From creams to foundations and powders! And yes the Muse has tried and used them all!
The idea and popularity of a pale complexion within the Asian culture is pretty common and woman go to extreme lengths to keep their skin pale.
I admit that I do much the same. I am utterly obsessed with staying out of the sun. I look terrible tan. Absolutely terrible. And I go to the extreme myself to keep my skin as pale as humanly possible.
I guess I'm babbling a bit here and you're about ready to hear what I use to whiten my skin.
I don't normally share my secrets but since the Muse loves you so much she'll tell you exactly how to take your skin tone down a few notches. Since starting Musings and mentioning my "whitening agent" I get at least an e-mail a day asking about it. I know of at least six readers that actually went out and purchased the item that I am about to show you and have had good to great success using it (I hope they'll comment and let us know how they are doing with it!).
Lilac Base.
Huh? What's dat?
If you can find a cream base of lilac you can easily take your skin tone down a notch. Blended correctly it'll look flawless and very natural.
I've been using the same Lilac Base for Mmmmm about 12 years or so? Maybe a bit more. This may come as a shock but the Lilac cream base I use is from Signature Club A. Those of you here in the US are probably familiar with the line. It's sold via HSN. The entire collection is pretty much geared towards the mature lady and truly most of the items sold are utter crap but the lilac cream base is freaking outstanding.

A really, really long time ago a friend of my mother's had seen how into cosmetics I was and she had purchased me a kit from Signature Club A. Granted it was super nice of her to do so but at the time I couldn't help thinking, "what the hell am I going to do with this garbage?"
Turns out she did me a rather awesome favor because inside the kit was a color wheel palette which included several face primers ranging from beige, pale blue, lilac, pink, peach, and yellow. I ended up using three of the colors religiously in my everyday routine and to this day I still use them and repurchase them again and again and again.
Which colors and how do I use them?
- Lilac: Used as a pre-foundation base for lightening my skin.
- Light Blue: Used under my eyes prior to concealer to diminish dark circles COMPLETELY and brighten my eye area 100%!
- Yellow: Used under my eyes and sometimes on my face to calm any red spots.
The lowdown on Lilac:
You have to be very, very, very, very careful when using this cream. It's very pigmented and it reminds me of clown makeup. It's referred to in some reviews as stage makeup which is very correct. It's very emollient so it's great for anyone with dry skin. The potential for clogging your pores with this is a reality so to prevent that be sure to wash your face throughly after use. If you're prone to acne or your face is suffering from break outs now I'd avoid it as this could potentially make it worst. Is it breathable? Yes. It feels very natural on and it doesn't feel like you're wearing a mask of makeup.
Lilac Cream Base

This is not for using as a foundation. This is not for using on it's own. This is not for using all over your face.
You can't wear this alone because you'll look like a ghost. This is most effective when used in conjunction with your normal foundation. You can't use this all over your face. It'll make you look awful.
The best way to use this is prep and prime with your toner, moisturizer, and primer of choice. Apply the Lilac onto the sides of your nose and slowly blend it outwards. Apply to the sides of your mouth and above your lip area and blend. These are places that shadow on my skin so they are the areas I concentrate on brightening up. Use a little touch of the product to begin and slowly build it up but don't go overboard.
Now apply your foundation and concealer and you're done. Flawless and ready for your main point makeup!
The basics of Blue:
Light blue as a concealer could never work could it? Yes, it works perfectly. Tricia Sawyer knows that but failed to come out with a good enough product to perform the job. Signature Club A's version of the failed Tricia Sawyer Eye Slept is entitled Anchorwoman Blue. It's been around a whole lot longer than Tricia Sawyer's version. I've been using this for ages and I've never found a better product for totally vanishing my dark circles. This is a light baby blue color and I apply it prior to concealer. You can use it alone if you prefer but be sure to blend properly and not to go overboard. It's easy enough to apply. A few dots, a pat of your fingertip, and you're done. I normally apply a concealer on top as it gives a more natural look for me.

It does wonders for Dark Circles. I swear to you that it will erase any dark circles you may have. The Muse promises this product will change your life. Honest to god. I've been using it for over ten years for that reason!
What's Yellow do?
The final product I use is a Yellow Cream Base from Signature Club A and this basically conceals redness, blemishes, and other imperfections. I use this mostly as a prep for my upper eye area as it preps my eye area for shadow prior to applying my Primer Potion. I normally use Benefit Lemon Aid but I do reach for for this during the breakout days!

All these colors used to be included in a color wheel palette and I'm actually relieved they now sell them individually for a very inexpensive price of $14.50 USD each. You get a brush and a pot of the concealer color of your choice plus shipping which to me is a deal and a half. Strangely enough this post was inspired by the fact that I am running low on all three colors so I had re-order and decided to go ahead and do a post about it!

Happily the concealers are now only available in beige, yellow, lilac, and blue where in they used to be combined in a palette with pink and peach as well. I never really used the beige, pink, or the peach so it's nice that I can now buy the colors I need instead of being forced into buying a palette for a few colors (not that I mind as I'd kill for any of the three colors I mentioned to you).
So that's all folks. My article on how to take your skin tone down a notch, how to rid yourself of dark, icky circles, and how I achieve "false" flawlessness!
What are your Beauty Secrets?
Share with the Muse!
Labels: Beauty Babblings, Beauty Secrets
I can definitely relate although I don't want to be lighter, I do want the dark spots on my face to be lighter. This was great info!
What an interesting and educative post!
Wow, all this sounds very enticing, especially the lilac powder! shame it sold in US only!
hey gracie!
This might be helpful to lighten up dark spots or dull areas. I have dull areas around the sides of my chin and upper lip and around my tzone. It's sorta the places that I naturally have a shadowing or a darker tone. I use the base to brighten it up ;)
I know it sounds weird.."whiten skin" but I wasn't sure how else to explain it hehe!
Glad you found it helpful!
Le Sigh! I was hoping the secret whitening agent was something exotic and slightly repulsive, like nightingale droppings or pixie-jizz. I think I've lost a bet.
hiya pao pao! how are you!?
Thanks lovie!
hey nics :)
hehe :) Glad it was interesting to you!
Just give a yell and I'll happily help you locate it!
PS: If you're going for that mysterious Geisha look, there's always Nicola Roberts new line. Just a thought.
LOL nope sorry Mandy ;)
But the good news is I consume thought things daily for healthy bones ;)
They tell me it'll help with brittle bones when I'm 65!
LOL I've seen it and must say that it does hold a special place in my heart a la the Dessert line ;)
Remember that flop!?
When i saw this i got pretty excited as i hate the fact that i get about 2 shades darker every summer. I usually use SPF 15 but this summer i'm definately upping it to SPF 30+
I absolutely hate getting a shade darker because i like looking like my
Do you know of any good creams/lotions that can actually lighten my skin a shade or 2? Something safe? This is the main reason i hate summer and i'm yet to get lighter from the damage of last summer.
Waiting patiently :)
hey girlie!
Long time no speak :)
The differences between your skin and my own is that you can embrace being a gorgeous dark shade and work it. I'm a medium and I look rather "dull". I wouldn't mind being either really fair or just a really beautiful shade of chocolate if that makes sense. Take Kia from Yummy411...her skin is perfection as is your own. However, I'm somehow caught in the middle and it always seems rather dull which is why I lighten my skin up abit ;)
Another words why do you want to lighten your gorgeous shade of skin you silly girl!
You're perfect!
If you want you can use a product called Licorice Lighting. Over the course of a few weeks it'll slowly bring your skin to it's normal tone.
good for pigmentation problems, freckles, well!
But I'd highly suggest staying just the way you are ;) as I think you're blooming gorgeous as is!
Oooh this is interesting!
I have some bases in lilac, yellow, green and pink from a korean brand, bought them but not sure what is for what but im getting a better idea of that I could use each for after reading this :)
Thanks so much for this! I try to stay as pale as possible year round, and following your tips I think I'll be able to better achieve that look. I learn so much from you!
Hey Muse,
Man we always want what we don't have. I would love to be a medium shade, but nope, I am as pasty as they come. When I was in makeup school, we had to learn how to make foundations out of just the primary colours, so yes, your lilac truly does work and it removes sallowness. And yes that exercise was a nightmare but I eventually figured it out.
You do a great job with your skin because it looks very natural and your face looks like it matches you neck. I thought you were a fellow NC15er :-)
Big hugs,
Critty :-)
hi darling!
so the whitening agent is a mixture of different primers. hehe.
i myself sometimes use a lavender base too, from Privacy. I've tried applying on my whole face, as the seller i got it from says I can do so, in the end, i end up with a horrifying plae ghostly white face >_<
So I learnt my lesson, I apply it to my forehead and chin and a lil around my eye area, and it helps brighten up the face minusing the ghostly look.
blue base for dark circles right, i've heard that it work for some and it doesn't work for others, becuz the underlying tone of dark circles are different. what i know is peach and beige and yellow and blue can use to correct dark circles depending on the underlying tone.
i myself personally use lavender, yellow, peach and yellow to diminish my dark circles.
but i always have this problem, as I told you my kate foundation n 2 way cake is too light, after doing the base, put the foundation on my skin and it looks so pale, so unnatural, if i dun do the base, putting on foundation is as pale and as unnatural, how can i rectify?
btw, pink as a base is to help give your face a glow, especially good for those who are very fair but lack of glow or radiance.
i shud go hunting for the a yellow base from privacy. :D
thanks for the tips! at least now i know i'm not on the wrong path!
I had no idea you could use Lilac Base to lighten the skin! I've always been told that lilac reduced the sallowness in yellow skin, but that's it.
I used to be super dark when I was younger, and for some reason, I've gotten pretty pale over the years. Partly because I started wearing sunscreen, but I started hearing too many horror stories about skin cancer.
It's funny - I used to get told that I was "so dark", and now I get told that I'm "too light". Can't win! :P
Thanks Musey, will do
Hmmm I can't seem to find this on the HSN site-I'll have to check again later. I have a Laneige lavender loose powder-I wonder if it would do something similar? Although it's not a base so probably not.
You've been using Blue for so many years?! Must be good! Too bad its only in the states and I can't purchase it. :(
Very informative entry though! :)
rows love of my life ;)
Try them out! See how they work for you ;)
Tell me how they work for you!
hey Jen!
You're most welcome. I'm pretty much the same. I avoid tanning and such. I just slather myself up healthy with SPF!
I'm so pleased this helped a bit. I was slightly worried people would say "what?" when I posted it hehe!
hey critty!!!!!
Oh my I'd kill for pasty :) hehe!
w00t! Happy to hear that indeed it does what I claim ;) That makes me very happy hehe!
Someone had claimed in a prior post, in a mean spirited way of course, that my neck and face weren't matching up. Not to toot my own horn but I blend very well when it comes to this base and it matches my neck perfectly. Damn mean people :P
So thank you! It feels good to hear someone noticed how well the blending is ;) I'm actually an NC20 I WISH I could claim that I was a natural NC15. I can actually get away using NC15 (I use moisture tech in NC15).
Thanks for the awesome comment critty :)
Bigger hugs back your way!
hi 心。葵!
Hehehe yes indeed! The secret is out :)
Fantastic! Someone else who uses a lavender base. It's rare I run into folks who even know what I am talking about!!!!!!!
YES! I've had the same problem. When I first got this base many years ago I tried applying to my entire face as well and I looked positively ghastly!
I apply to cheek bone, sides of nose and blend outwards. And no ghost look thank god!
It's so fantastic that someone else practices a similar style of makeup app! Anyone within the US would call me quite mad for using this particular base ;)
I think blue would be bad for a medium/darker skin type. However pale, fair, and medium fair can get away with it.
I think you're right. It really depends on the shadowing of your face. Blue is def worth trying out and if it's too ghostly you can use concealer on top. That's what I do. Blue under and my regular concealer on top :)
I use my the blue as an underbase and I use dior radiance pen on top or sometimes bb concealer or some other concealer ;) Which is normally flesh tone.
weird. Hmmm. Have you tried a different type of foundation? I don't normally use powder as my prime foundation since I'm so dry skinned. Have you tried using a different brush or using a sponge or even fingers to smooth it on? I know fingers sound weird but when I want to do very light coverage I dab my fingers right into the powder (be sure to wash your hands prior) and smooth it gently onto your face and blend outwards from your nose.
I'd try this or maybe a new foundation. Have you tried any from Sofina?
aha :) pink does indeed give a gorgeous glow ;)
You aren't at all :) I'm actually happy to meet someone with the same foundation regime as me!!!!
Hugs back!
hi Emilee!
You can indeed :) Yellow does work well but lilac much better ;)
I used to be darker myself but as I got older I was using all sorts of items to lighten up I believe that it helped lol!
Oh lord honey! Isn't that always the way? Too light, too dark, too fat, too skinny, too cute, too ugly...etc...etc....the world of a girl is hard lol!
I think you're gorgeous period. ;) Your skin looks gorgeous to me!
hey Allysia-May!!!!!
*hugs* Good. That's settled. Hehe!
hey *Jen*!
Hmmmm. It might work but you're better off finding a cream primer!
If you're a new customer to HSN I have a coupon you can use :)
here's the item numbers:
Item: 258-243
Item: 258-240
Item: 258-239
Just punch the number in search and you'll find 'em! Also ebay has these around too!
Hey Serene!
;) Yup! If you need it and don't mind waiting for my rather long cp time I can get it for you ;)
lol but i think i'm like you; i'm in the middle. some days; i look alright, just medium; other days, i look pooey as if i'm fading into the wall.. almost.. i dunno... just plain. dull lol
i actually have a bottle of purple primer; which makes me look ashy if i use it on the face (and i use selectively and not a lot) :( so now i just use on the eye. it does brighten it a whole lot!!
and i found that if i use a slight shimmery eyeshadow (such as the big white one kates glamtrick) as 'base' then use primer/foundation; it does a better job of brightening. ^^
hi darling~
I suppose those in US don't quite fancy using a corrective primer i guess, the asians usually use this i think.
i haven found any blue concealer yet from drugstore brands or from average counter brands, i suppose it's only available for higher end brands? >_< sigh, the pitifulness of a poor student.
i tried using sponge and brush, but haven tried fingers with powder foundations, i shud give it a try, but even with foundation (liquid or powder), it still look too light. i reckon we should always buy foundation that either matches our skintone, or buy one that's slightly darker? oh, wan to ask too, that i usually buy drugstore brand for foundation and powder, how do i test it out to see whether the colour matches me? the only light available is those fluorescent light in the mall, and to walk out of the mall and step under the sun is like impossible to do so, since either the sun is glaring n super hot, or it's a rainy/cloudy day. how do i go about this?
i don't have sofina over here in my place, and no one is selling it, even online. >_< i've heard great reviews for some of their products, but they just don't get enough limelight.
so sorry for the handful of question, but foundation n powders are always my biggest makeup gripe. >_<
thanks Muse for everything!
oooh I am a new HSN customers. i love coupons and discounts!
found these on the hsn site, thanks so much! from what i've seen from your photos, you have amazingly beautiful skin :)
hi helly!!!!!!!!
I get the dull days too! I totally understand!
I appear ashy as well if I use too much but with a bit of good blending it works a treat ;)
I find that shimmering whites work great brightening up my eye area ;) very good technique lovie!
Thanks or bopping by this week and leaving comments ;) You were missed!
hiya 心。葵!!!!!
Good day!
I think you're right :) but it's nice to know I'm not alone using these primers :)
This blue isn't actually a high end brand. It's quite a rubbish brand hehe. I've never really seen blue aside from the one from Tricia Sawyer. She does one called Eye Slept but a fellow blogger said it's crap and I've personally swatched it and feel the same way!
aw I was there one time! Poor college student days ;)
I know it sounds weird but maybe your fingers lightly will give it a lighter finish ;)
Shhh I always buy one lighter instead of darker lol!
To be truthful I highly recommend splurging on a good designer brand foundation. A posh brand is much better than DS.
Sadly when in a DS it's near impossible to really test items out :( Here in the US exchanging is possible but sadly not where you are located. It's kinda hard when in a DS to see which would be best :(
I honestly have no good recommendations for testing out colors sadly :( Like here we have no testers for DS brands so it's difficult to just see with your eyes if the color is good or not :(
Maybe you can see if a friend with similar skin tone is using the brand you do and swatch a bit?
adambeauty sells sofina :)
Oh no ask away and I'll help anyway I can :)
I hope I've helped a little?!
Hi Jen!
YAY! I gots a coupon for you then!
C56574 gets you 15% off!
Thanks Jen!!!!!!!! *MWAH*
Very informative post, Ms. Muse! I have used the Signature Club A colorwheel, though not specifically for skin lightening. My only issue was blending thoroughly. In front of my makeup mirror, everything would look perfectly blended. Yet once I was in my car I'd look at my reflection in my rearview mirror and see colored streaks. YIKES!!! I had a similar experience with Orchid Gel by Skinn. I loved the product and thought I blended it well, but I'd see a bit of orchid showing by my ears. My mishaps were due to my own clumsiness in blending, but thought I'd mention my unintentional peacock experience :-) .
Nice blog!
I try to stay pale too :P I think the aspirin mask brightens my skin up alot. But I don't think I have any beauty secrets...I must say though you do have GREAT looking skin!
Have you ever tried any asian whitening soaps like Likas? You can use it on your face and you will lighten up like permanently. I use it for my farmer's tan I get because for some reason my face doesn't really tan as much as my body does. I'm two-tone, lol :P The soap helps me stay one tone.
Hi girlgal ;) I got your fax this morning :) Thank you very much! It totally made my day!
I had the same experience as you. When I blended in front of my bathroom/vanity mirror I looked amazing but when I got into the sunlight I was scary as hell!
It took a very LONG time for me to work with this correctly and without ending up looking like a scary ghost girl!
Next time you visit ;) I'll have to show you how I use it!
I've never tried Orchid Gel but now you got me googling. Curious about it!
I think after a few attempts and a few pictures with my cam on high flash I realize my mistakes (as you can see how very WHITE you're looking prior to leaving the house).
It's funny that someone else has used to Signature Club A as whenever I mention it I always get asked "what? which brand? who?"
Thanks again for the great comment and the fax ;)
Talk to you really soon!
Hey gee!
The aspirin mask really brigthens me up too plus it gets rid of flakes which is fab!
Gosh thanks! :) *blush* I try to take good car of it ;)
I haven't tried whitening soaps from Kose and a few others but they didn't really work well for me.
Oh my gosh me too! Totally two toned. Lighter on the face and darker on my body!
It's weird to hear it works as I dubbed it a gimmick! It never seemed to do anything for me although it did give a sorta polished look!
You always make my day, Muse, and I'm glad you told me about this fun blog :-) !! I'd love to see your technique with the colorwheel.
Re the Orchid Gel, they used to sell it on Shop-at-Home Network, but you can get it on the Dimitri James website I really liked the mattifying effect of the Orchid Gel everywhere on my face except my nose. For some reason, it seemed to look mottled on my nose once I had applied foundation. Go figure!
For a while, I was using a lot of the Signature Club A skincare products and always enjoy Adrienne's presentations on HSN. I especially loved the Vanilla Meltdown cleanser! I also liked the makeup, but I thought the foundation was a bit heavy (and sometimes streaky) for me, even though I used a sponge to apply.
One of my fav beauty secrets which is kind of on topic with skin lightening is also from HSN. I LOVE the Ice Elements 2-Minute Miracle Exfoliating Gel! As I've gotten older, a few of my challenges have been redness and discoloration. I had tried a bunch of exfoliators, but they were always too irritating for me. This one does not irritate my skin at all. I feel it really has brightened my complexion and evened out my skintone. The only issue I had is that there seemed to be a learning curve with this product. It took several attempts to figure out how much to use and how long to leave it on to get the exfoliating effect. Now I'm on autoship for this cuz I don't want to be without it!
of course you've help me out!
will have to hunt for foundation slowly...can't rush it :D
btw, you haven't replied my mail izzit? :)
Thanks doe a great writeup on this subject. I have brown spots on my cheeks and i have been using MUFE Full Cover to camouflage them. I am not into lightening up my skin but this article has taught me a lot more than just "lightening" up.
hiya girlyGal!
Happy Monday!
Aw shucks thanks ;)
I'll def pop it into my purse for your next visit!
I'm really flattered you're enjoying the blog.
Hmmm just looked at the Orchid Gel looks promising. Does it allow your foundation to last longer throughout the day?
I've been using on again off again primers from MAC, Smashbox, Etc....
I do like some Signaure Club A but some items aren't so fab :P
I liked the Peach Meltdown! Never tried the Vanilla ;)
I liked some of the blushes however I've never used her foundation. The color combos scared the hell out of me ;) Too beige.
I was just looking at some items Ice offers! They had an under eye filler that looked interesting. Of course now I'm wanting to try this 2 minute miracle hehe ;) I'm off to have a look after I reply to this!
I haven't experienced any discoloration or redness but I do have a certain dullness to my skin and of course irritating flakes as I am dry skinned :P
I normally use Philosophy's Microdelievery Wash which is fab. It really works well plus it's very gentle and works for everyday use!
If you say it's good I'm definately all over it ;)
Keep your eyes peeled you might see a review of it shortly!
Thanks for the great comments and feedback! Appreciate them! I'm looking forward to your next visit so we can chat makeup, skincare, and all that good stuff and maybe if we have time we can discuss insurance but cosmetics are far more important ;) hehe!
hi 心。葵!
How are you!?
Aw I'm so glad! I know. I'm so backed up. Do forgive me? Still love me I hope?
hi jojoba!
Thanks so much for reading it ;)
I was reading your article about MUFE and just realized that, wow, they have a lilac primer awesome.
have you tried erase paste for your brown spots?
Might help!
oh dearie, of course me still hearts u :D
it's a just late mail reply, not anything serious. hehe.
i'm still finding and thinking of the right foundation colour, and i still dunno wat kind of skintone i have...
take your time kay?
btw, call me plue, i'm known as that online. hehe.
hi plue :)
do call me Isabella or Izzy :)
awww I'm glad you still loves me hehe!
send a pic? Maybe I can give you a rec for a color that might work for you?
thanks for being so understanding. I get swamped with emails and have a difficult time keeping up!
MY GOD, that's CLE-VURR! This reminds me of that scene in the book Memoirs of a Geisha when the "mean one" (I can't remember her name) does her daily beauty routine..truly elaborate and artistic.
Unfortunately, my skin is naturally on the tan, milky coffee side, so I guess these tips won't work on me. Always good to know for a friend or something, though :) Knowledge=power AND!
I adore Memoirs of Geisha :) Great film! The elegance of the Geisha's makeup is truly gorgeous :)
Lilac might work but it might be a bit too ghosty for your tanner skin!
Embrace being tanned :) golds, bronzes, etc must rock on your skin tone :)
hehe thanks again for the comment a ;)
Hi Muse
I was browsing around the web and happened to stumble upon your wonderful blog! I love your reviews and lovely pictures. So when I saw your post of your whitening agent I was all kinds of happy. Unfortunately on days without makeup my face is tanner than my body by a lot :/ haha like a panda. I wear sun block spf 45 everyday and try to keep out of the sun, but to no avail. I just want my skin to go back to its normal color, I read you mentioning licorice lightening could do that? I did a google and found so many I am not sure which brand would work. Can you direct me to a specific brand? Thank you so much!!!
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