Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder Review
I was visiting with the beautiful Toya from Life of a Ladybug last week and happened upon her review of Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder. After reading her review I knew that this was something I absolutely had to try!

Away I went to Sephora to nab some for myself!
What is it?
Secret Brightening Powder is exactly that. It's a translucent powder with a tiny touch of shimmer that you use under your eyes to brighten and refresh eyes!
It brightens.
It refreshes.
It kinda sorta settles into my fine lines which I'm not loving.
It's an interesting concept but I'm not sure it works so well. The powder is pretty shimmery so the potential and danger of overdoing it is a serious reality. I overdo everything so I have to be super careful with this and just apply a tiny touch under my eyes. It does brighten up my eye area and give it a very nice light, look but it also settles into my fine lines which makes me age a few years. I don't use powder under my eyes anymore for this reason and this, is in fact, glorified finishing powder.

Fact of the matter is this might very well be a wonderful product but lately my eye area is so very dry (Sahara desert dry!) that I can't take full advantage of this without seeing some strange side effects such as the fact that it is brightening but it's also making me look older, settling into my fine lines, and drying my eye area out further.
If you boast a beautifully smooth, moist eye area free of dryness this could be a product you might want to invest $22 USD in however for me it's just a glorified finishing powder with a bit of shimmer thrown in.

It does a fine job of setting your concealer and it does brighten up the eye area as I mentioned but it's just not doing that good a job to justify me recommending it for purchase!
The cost is quite good as the jar is huge and you could get a year if not more out of it but really this doesn't do anything that your normal run of the mill loose powder does!
Sigh. I so wanted to love it!
You can safely skip it!
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Labels: Laura Mercier, Reviews, Swatches
Yeah, I'd figure something like this wouldn't be a necessary product lol! I saw a Ben Nye one yesterday... it was the same white with a very fine shimmer... but I can't imagine applying that all on my face.
Thanks for the review, Muse!
What?!? Who's this Toya you've been seeing behind my back?!? Secret Brightening Powder my ass, don't think I don't know what's going on!
Hmm... Being chalk white is never a good sign for a powder; it can claim to be translucent but will end up making you look like a Geisha (and not in a good way). I'll stick to my Pout Translucent Loose Powder.
i have the laura geller eye brightener that mandypandy tried, and i agree with her, it's greenish and yucky.
this powder looks kinda cool, though.
I swear by this stuff but like all beauty products, it doesn't work for everyone!
hey nicole!
How are you?
It's somewhat strange. It does sorta work but I'm finding it settles into my fine lines which I don't particularly love ;) It's good for setting concealer as well ;)
I've never seen the Ben Nye one! got a linkee?
honey, honey, honey I'd never see anyone behind your back! I swearzzzz! Honestly!
hehe!'s interesting to say the least :P but it's creasing and settling into the fine little lines..the muse no likey that ;)
hey gez!
which one?? Do you mean the TS Eye Slept?
This does work but if you have fine lines it's sadly a no go :P
at least for me!
hiya BeautyTalk!
No kid! Why do you love it so much? Curious. I like it but def not a love for me ;)
It does do what it says but it cakes on me which I hate!!!!
i just found your review on this product too. i was very surprised to find your photo of the powder being very shimmering as i can't for my life find any shimmers in mine!!!??? that's so strange!!! i love this product as a highlighter not a concealing agent.
ha, i just found the shimmers in mine!!! i linked your review to mine too. thanks a lot!
hey jojoba thanks for the link up!
I'm off to read your review right now! Highlight and brighten yes..a bit around the nose and down the sides of my cheeks works a treat for lightening my face up but def not a good idea under my eyes :P
It does contain a tiny bit of shimmer...;) my cam just picked it up super well heheh!
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