Majorca Majolica Summer Collection 2008: Miss Treasure Hunter
Majorca Majolica's website has been updated with the brand new Summer Collection. The theme for the Collection is Miss Treasure Hunter.
You have to use your arrow keys on your keyboard to "walk" through the scenes of the website and find the hidden clues of the Collection!
You have to use your arrow keys on your keyboard to "walk" through the scenes of the website and find the hidden clues of the Collection!

A-ha I've found something! The following look is created using some of the items from the brand new Collection! It's very Summery with gold and bright orange on the eye area! Take note that the model is also wearing the latest version of Majorca Majolica's Mascara!

The new mascara is a burnt orange color and appears to go very well with golds! I'm very eager to get my hands on it!

The Collection also includes three new nail varnishes in orange, silver, and blue colors!

And finally a shimmering loose powder in a beautiful burnt orange color that will go perfectly with the new version of the mascara!

Although small the Collection appears to pack a nice punch! I'm looking forward to getting both the mascara and the loose powder!

Take a blast through the Muse's past and peek at my post about Majolica Majorca's Spring Collection Website Update by clicking here!
Enjoy my latest review on Majolica Majorca's Mascara by clicking here!
Read about Majorca Majolica's other loose shimmering powder that was released with the Holiday Collection by clicking here!
Labels: Japanese Brands, Majolica Majorca, Summer Collections 2008
oooh pretty!
I love their website! I was really really really really REALLY bored one day at work and had a blast going through the site finding all the little movies and things. I wish all cosmetic sites were like that :)
I love this line. How do you go about buying it? Is there a website where I can buy it thats easy to navigate?
hey jen :)
agree! Very pretty ;)
hiya Tanya Annette!
Happy Monday! ;) Me too! I can't read it but I do enjoy wandering through :) I think you can pretty much get the gist of what is going on. It's very sweet and fun! I agree, more cosmetic companies should do fun sites like this ;)
hi Susanna!
I sadly have no places you can purchase it retail :( If you don't mind the jacked up prices I can recommend a few online shops :)
Let me know!
I can't say that I'm wild about the premise (does Japan even HAVE a DESERT?) but that model looks amazing! She looks a bit too pale for someone trapped out in the desert. I hope that bronzing powder is a big hit; I'm not crazy about the uber-pale trend that has taken hold of the Japanese cosmetics industry for the past few years.
nnooooo!!! tempting me again muse.. *shakes fist* i doubt i'll get much of the new MJ summer collection though. the colors for the nail polishes look oddly similar to the "like a doll" versions. i'm not really liking the whole orange/red color, it's kinda weird for summer. the lavshuca eye palettes look really nice though, i hope they're more pigmented and have better staying power than the winter palettes. =)
Hey Musey
Their website is always so cute and fun to look at. I love this burst of colour in this collection so very much looking forward to it
hi darling!
the summer collection, i'm a bit dissapointed. i was looking forward for new palletes which features interesting combos of colours, but it isn't included in it. sigh~
arggg i still haven't have the chance to try Majolica Majorca!!! i can't find the shop
!!!!! I love that mascara! And the color's perfect for my skintone for once (that never happens with oranges of any hue)! Oh I'd love to have this. Where the hell do you buy all the Japanese brands, anyway? As it is, I'd love to buy the blue Anna Sui lipgloss that's a few months old, y'know, the one that PJ managed to get? This mascara would make a nice addition to it. Granted the damn gloss is probably all sold out but I can hope, can't I?
Well, back to the failure that is "The Langoliers"! Have a good day!
hey MandyPandy!
LOL you're a goof :)
It's funny you mentioned pale. I was going to do a post on whitening my skin eep! I'm just as obsessed as going "pale" as the rest of the Asian population ;)
hello millie how are you!
lol :) I don't go for the nail polishes and they do look very similar to previous releases so I'll def skip!
I dunno. I think the golds and burnt orange are rather nice for summer ;)
I doubt they'll be that pigmented but the shimmery value alone gets me ;)
hey rowszzzzz!
Agreed :) I'm really looking forward to it myself. Even though it's tiny I still love the way the colors jive!
hiya 心。葵!
How are you sweetie? Me too but I'm also excited as this is a nice selection. We have later summer releases to look forward too ;) maybe new shadows or palettes!? Cross my toes!
hi Ping!
sadly no shop online for MJ but a few online locations sell it. Bit more than what you'd fine in Japan but not too bad :) Try lovie!
hi Angelique!
I do too! I have three friends that live in Japan. They buy them and send them over via airmail :)
That gloss may be long gone. You should check with a someone from 'pore maybe it's still at the counters ;)
Wait! No! Do the skin whitening post! I apologize! I didn't mean it!
Tell me, this skin whitening product of yours, does it treat hyperpigmentation? 'Cause if so, I'm all over that mofo!
iz gone it silly goose!
go look ;)
It'll def clear up pigmentation when blended properly.
Read the post and if you need help give a holler ;)
Love ya!
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