E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Collection

One does wonder how to get that professional look with a $3 price tag. E.L.F. Cosmetics now offers a Pro line for "that professional look" with an appealing budget price tag.
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Aspiring to be more like NARS, E.L.F.? E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Collection does have a tad bit of a NARS look and feel to it but with quite a deeper discount. The new collection has a more sophisticated less than cheap look compared to the regular line and now sports the $3 price tag that E.L.F. has reserved for certain products in it's line. Although much of E.L.F. still remains at $1 per an item they have grown up a fair bit and now sport $3 prices on newer items they add to their catalog, the pro line being one of those lines.

One could go so far as to say that E.L.F. did a pretty good job with the simple black packaging on the new line but don't get too excited as it does appear to be simply plastic. The look and feel mimics NARS a tad bit which I'm sure they will use to their advantage in future e-mail bursts advertising their products.
I can't say I'm terribly excited to jump on board and try this out but I will admit to being ever so slightly curious. Particularly the brush set gathers much of my attention as my sister and quite a few readers have expressed their delight over E.L.F. Brushes. The rest of the line could prove very popular if you're on a beauty budget at the moment or have always been. Shamefully I admit that cheap makeup holds little appeal to me most times but I can see the possibility of these becoming very popular items.
Here's a few items that did capture my interest.
E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Eye Lash Curler ($3)

E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Mini Makeup Collection ($15)

E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Brush Collection ($30)

E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Complexion Perfection ($3)

E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Bronzer (3 Shades Available: Warm, Cool, and Golden $3)

E.L.F. Cosmetics Pro Blushed and Bronzed ($3)
E.L.F. Cosmetics Matte Powder ($3)
E.L.F. Cosmetics Shimmer Palette ($3)

Overall, I can't say if I'll be indulging in E.L.F.'s reincarnation of NARS as I'm just window shopping at the moment but I will say that $3 bucks is a nice price if these prove worthy.
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Labels: Beauty on a Budget, E.L.F
i'm not crazy about the complexion perfection one. i have redness so i use the green square, but as much as i swipe it just seems too light to cover anything. and i looove their $1 eyelash curler.
hey giz!
thanks for sharing.
I was wondering and suspected it wouldn't be anything to get too excited about :P
haven't tried the curler but def sounds good :-D
i hadn't tried any elf until i got some elf shadow in a swap. it's surpised me by having great texture, decent pigmentation, and great wear. considering that the above items interest me (and are even cheaper than Avon or d/s) i'd totally try them for those prices. the brush set looks so hot too. but then, i am the Queen of Cheapo.
I have the elf pro C brush (the brush to the left of the fan) and I really like it. That being said, I had some other elf brushes and they were eh, so I threw them out when I got my ecoTools brushes and saw how awesome they were. The elf eye shadows that I've tried have had horrible color payoff, so not worth it to me. However, I did like their facial whip stuff.
hi laura.
I ordered a slew of elf for a friend in japan and I was pretty shocked how nicely pigmented some of the items were when they arrived! I guess cheap isn't so bad sometimes :D
From their Eye brightening colors:
I tried Pretty n' Pink, Silver Lining, Luxe, and Drama eye shadow quads and was disappointed by all. The colors just seemed so pale and washed out on me, I was surprised. The texture was nice, though.
hey dd
the mineral shadows I tried were pretty nice but haven't tried the normal range! Sad about the brushes quite a few people rave of 'em! oh well :P
but the pro brush range does look nice!
I think for the brushes (their normal line) after I'd washed them a few times they got scratchy. So once I got all the ecoTools stuff that I have, I just got rid of them. However, try that C brush! It's really nice! I've washed mine a few times now and it's not scratchy at all. It reminds me of the Sonia Kashuk brushes.
aww sucks dd :P I never really thought the shadows looked so great!
hmmmm def will check it out. was thinking of trying the 30 buck set but seems costly for cheapie brushes...!
I've been thinking of getting some brushes from ELF pro line for ages. The flat top brush looks so tempting!
I've been thinking of getting some brushes from ELF pro line for ages. The flat top brush looks so tempting!
hey dao that set tempts...the $30 one, I just don't want to be disappointed...maybe I should just order one and go from there :-D
I have to say that I've never been a huge fan of ELF. Maybe last year, I splurged and placed a huge ($35, lol) order. I got a ton of stuff & ended up giving about 90% of it away to my little sisters. I've only kept 2 items- brushes. I seriously love the big powder brush, I use it daily. I also love the flat-topped brush. I do have Mac & Stila brushes & I still use these 2 daily. The best $6 I've ever spent =)
Hey Phyrra, funny you should say that, i believe it's the Drama 'quad' i have. i was surprised at how well it showed up on me. i'm pretty fair skinned though (with golden undertones).
it's the ittiest bittiest thing, i will say that, and it might be hard to get the shadow out if i hit pan b/c of the triangular layout.
ah well to each her own. ;)
omg muse. you should totally try it and and tell your tales to us. me and my friend totally trusts ur choice!! seriously!! if it weren't for you,,,,me and my friend wouldn't know KRAP about cosmetics. haha. and we learn english from ur blog too how funny huh?
hey jessie!
aww sounds awful :P This is why I avoid cheap makeup eep! but those brushes sound incredible...really need to see about hauling some!
aw thanks anonymous
really flattered you guys trust my reviews :-D hehe I'll see about getting some for a review!
AWWW! LOL that's awesome :-D hehe English lessons and the Muse plus beauty w00t! hehe!
Thanks for the great comment hun! Have a good day!
well I just stumbled on this post today. I know its a bit late, but right now elf is having 75% off their studio line. You could get the brush set for only $7.50 without shipping. I think the powder and complexion brushes are the best!
hi jennifer
sorry for the delayed reply!
awesome thanks for sharing with us!
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