Pieces of Life: Geeks on Late Night TV Edition

I'm a big fan girl when it comes to Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht, for the Muse they are the true dynamic duo. Watching them together brings back great memories of The Screen Savers which in turn makes me think of the great ways that I plan on herding up a bunch of geeks and torching the G4 building one day!
The moral of today's story is you can re-live your geeky days of youth and see Kevin and Alex outside of Revision3 broadcasting today!
Jump ahead for the deets.
So check it. Kevin and Alex are going mainstream tonight and are making a guest starring appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. If you're a follower you prob already caught the eppy of Jimmy being the first "official" guest star on a Diggnation eppy who'd think you'd see Kevin, Alex, and of all people, Jimmy Fallon together!? But tis true....see it below.
I think Jimmy is a really funny guy but I haven't yet seen his show as the word is out it's a nap but of course I got my Tivo all set for a record to see Kevin and Alex on the show. Could be the fan girl speaking but I think Kevin and Alex are amazingly funny so I'm looking forward to seeing their antics on late night TV.
The moral of the story is if you're a fan you'll want to catch the guys on Jimmy Fallon tonight. Deets for the time are below!

I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes!
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Labels: Miscellaneous Blogging, Of Geeks, Pieces of Life
Muse, I don't understand. Who are these guys, and how would we know them?
Ah I love a good geek boy so two of them together are even better! My favorite geeks are the British duos, Adam and Joe,who do the silliest podcast of their BBC6 music radio show everyweek, and Mitchell and Webb a couple of comedians who have their own shows as well as being the British MAC and PC guys for the Apple ad campaigns.
I will check out Kevin and Alex!
LOL kimmy. It's a "pieces of life" I started doing these a few months ago sorta non cosmetic musings about celebs, tv, movies, etc......Kevin Rose is the founder of Digg which I'm sure you're familiar with :-D and diggnation is a show he hosts with Alex on the Revision3 network which is also founded by Kevin. Kevin used to be a cohost for a show called the screen savers that was aired on techtv. TechTV later became the G4 Network which is virtually a gaming network now but the screen savers remained and was renamed to Attack of the Show. Where as the Screen Savers was once cohosted by Kevin before it was now hosted together with Alex when it became attack of the show. Moral of the story is the screen savers went through alot of hosts but Kevin was there from almost the start :-D and alex came much later.
Alex and Kevin had amazing chemistry and here they are a few years later hosting not only Diggnation but also sometimes guest appearing on leo's twit show and other bits and bobs. Kevin is a computer guru/hacker/geek and Alex...well he's a bit of a geek but mostly brings the comedy to the show and bounces off Kevin really well :-D
anyway this is long.....they appeared on jimmy fallon last night as a guest appearance..was kinda fun.
Digg is well known in the geek world and plenty of people watch Diggnation and know of at least Kevin Rose ;-D if you're geeky you'll prob recognize him if not could be you aren't watching diggnation or using digg hehe!
non cosmetic musings to say the least!
hey beautybitch!
Me too hehe! I love Adam and Joe!
Mitchell and Webb are just hysterical :-D!!!!!!!
Def watch Diggnation :-D You'll love it. Kevin and Alex are too funny!
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