Pieces of Life: Get Your G-Mail Sticker On
Update: Hmmm sorry guys had to remove the picture of the sticker as my post wouldn't open, not sure why but visit the link in this post to get more images and see the G-mail stickers for yourself ;)
Non-Cosmetic Musings ahead!
The Muse happens to be a geek prior to being a makeup addict, that's the order of business, sorry to disappoint.

So of course when I seen Google was offering new G-mail stickers I got a bit hyper, giddy, and possibly a little excited.
Read ahead to get your geek on!
Hey, it's the little things that make this Muse happy and today that happens to be g-mail stickers! Yayyayayayayayay! Everyone run in circles in excitement!
Visit Google's blog and do all the necessary leg work to snag yourself some geeky hawt stickers for frees! We like free stuff don't we? Geeky free stuff? Even better!
Just plop a self addressed envelope in the mail to:
Send me some Gmail Stickers Already
P.O. Box 391420
Mountain View, CA 94039-1420
They also take worldwide requests so if you're from Asia, Europe, or the planet pluto check out the Google Blog for deets how you can get your sticker on!
I just popped my envelope in the mail and I'll eagerly sit by my snail mail box awaiting my Google sticker arrival.
Special thanks to Charlie for twitterin' happily about Google stickers yesterday!
Showing your geeky love?
Not so much!
Tell the Muse!
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Image Credit

Labels: Of Geeks, Pieces of Life
Thank you for sharing this!
How are you doing?
Hopefully ok?
Maybe it's just me, but there's something awesomely weird about receiving anything from Google and Gmail via snail mail. :)
I might investigate, I'm a huge fan of free stuffs. :D
Thanks Musey! x
my pleasuresz :)
I'm good busy as hell! but good you?
hello hev!
lol I know right?
the irony of it all1
my pleasure hun!
I've got my laptop back, so I'm SUPER Hyper! So glad it's friday!
I'm going to some dinner show tonight with a friend that's supposed to be like Cirque De Soliel.
Jen from MBB sent me several of the UD Cream eye shadows to play with, so I will be doing that tomorrow :)
I'm also going to a Big Cat Preserve tomorrow for my friend's birthday, and then raiding Naxx in Wow late tomorrow night.
I'm really excited it's the weekend!
What're your plans?
hey dd
really late reply sorry glad you got your lappie back and hope you enjoyed the dinner show w00t :)
I heard you're liking the UD cream ;) yayayayyay!
I can't even remember what my plans were lol believe this was from this weekend so it was comic con for me yay!
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