MAC Hello Kitty Video
For your trippy pleasure, MAC Hello Kitty Collection video:
Skip ahead to hear my thoughts on it!
I swear I wish I had a tab of acid I could slap back because that would seriously give me the full on experience of watching the MAC Hello Kitty video.
For serious.
It's trippy enough mind you but acid would really give it a certain edge dontcha think? Didn't those dudes in the big Hello Kitty heads remind you of the Pyramid Heads from Silent Hill? Shudder! For a second there I was thinking things were going to get sexual as they looked ready to rip that blond chick's clothes off. Omg when did Hello Kitty become so scary?

That's some seriously trippy stuff even without the acid.
What do you think?
Loves it?
Leaves it?
Scares me Muse!!!!!

Labels: Beauty Babblings, MAC, Spring Collections 2009
Damn you Izzy, I was working on a post for this one! Must you always steal my thunder?!? ;-)
I tried searching for that stupid video on YouTube, but the only place I saw it was on the MAC Pro site (and it doesn't allow you to embed videos). Words fail me when describing this video; methinks Freud would have a field-day with this shit.
The Kittymen are hot in a very, very wrong way.
PS: Is that a Swastika I spy at the 0:47 mark?
reminds me of an ANTM acid.
i can hear Tyra being all, "Tell the story! this is a spooky-pretty challenge!
hey mandy!
LOL! hahahaha nanner nanner :) MAC has a youtube channel silly wabbit! You can snag it from there :)
The kittymen scare the beegees outta me dude!
wait where...looking now lol
lol Laura!
It's Alice in Wonderland with cats and creepy masks... wait, Alice in Wonderland had creepy masks...
Have you seen some of Ayumi Hamasaki's videos? She can still be cute even though she is in some weird scenarios. Hello Kitty is no longer cute after MAC's interpretation. I'm so disappointed that I won't be purchasing any products from the collection.
Uh, dunno what to say, really.
I hated the Silent Hill movie btw, and for some reason I still watched all of it! At least the HK video was only a couple of minutes of my life wasted...
exactly kaoru ;)
hi anonymous!
I have indeed! but ayumi hasn't tried to take over the Hello kitty world with insanity lol!
I agree...HK=epic fail in the kawaii department...wth!?
hi pixie...I did too...god that was BAD...but I watched it to the end too...I actually remember I was sick with the flu and in Florida at the time and seen it with friends that I was on holiday with in a theater! I could barely breath b/c I was so ill but the movie had me riveted as it was so bad I couldn't take my eyes off it!
I think it's absolutely hideous. :o
lmao off anita :)
Now I have to ask, is that the character from Fable with a diff head on his body?! Inquiring minds must know!
I'm disappointed (and not to mention, confused!) by the video :( The video seemed to be nothing more than artsy-wannabe trippy stuff that wasn't focused on makeup or products as I'd like. Poo!
I was soooo hoping for something cutesy and chic! le sigh, I'm frankly left feelin a little bit disgusted :( I watched a documentary about how the Japanese were so very protective about Hello Kitty's image and stuff. To see this, it's really weird. Since when was Hello Kitty about dark, goth-y, emo... stuff, not to mention, borderline s&m? It's like the kitty's been sold to the devil that knows squat about the branding... What happened to everyone's favourite KITTY?!? :@
...maybe I was just wrong about it all *cries*
Scares me, Muse!!!! I'm going to go hide under the covers and try to recall my Hello Kitty memories from about 1979 or so. When the scariest thing about Hello Kitty was being given a spending limit by my Mom on every visit to the Sanrio store.
Ehhh. That was so bad. :( I did buy some hello kitty junk two lippies and two lipglasses and the mirror. Just to have it because it was an exclusive collection but it didn't tickle my fancy. After watching this I'm really annoyed I bothered. What's wrong with Mac? It was a sick and sexual video and not in a good way either lol. I guess they are running out of ideas.
Ok, that was very Alice in Wonderland acid trip. However, as I love Alice in Wonderland (American McGee's Alice, anyone?), it was cool.
And yeah, I wasn't sure if the Wild Kitty and the male kitties were going to rip off Hello Kitty's clothes and molest her or what. That being said, I loved the 2 kitty's outfits, and I loved Hello Kitty's hair. I so need to go blonde at some point.
It's just wrong. I felt wrong when I watched it. Someone has over thought this way too much. It's like you said, trippy...I'll add the cliche part...a poorly executed trippy video with a crap ton of overused, trite symbolism.
However, I've been wanting to watch this so thank you for posting it! I wonder if MAC will back to MAC the minutes I wasted watching this? Too harsh?
Hope you're having a great week!!:)
That was really weird and scary. Never in my life did I think I'd be terrified of a makeup commercial.
i don't like the hello kitty men, weird!!! also i think they should have stuck with cute instead of sexy=/ hk was my childhood luv<3 (the real one at least) didn't like the video at all.
This video is terrible. I'm SO GLAD I didn't buy anything from this collection. I would have felt seriously I did last year with all the Fafi crap.
hey adina!
on no it's a pyramid head from silent hill :-D
hi lemeinne!
LOL tell me about it hun! It was kinda fun but trippy as hell and agreed what about the products?!
I'm really really surprised at Japan myself actually as the image represents a culture.
I can understand they wanted to do a mature version but I agree with the borderline s&m theme...wth!?
sigh I wish it was pink..I'd be happy with pink!
there, there *hugs* we'll survive :-D
hi kimmy!
LOL dittos :)
I remember my mum would buy me stickers and a pencil case ever year :) with HK on it!
sigh...wish this was as nice!
hey crissy!
I admit I want to indulge further just b/c I fear I'll regret it...but honestly it's a big meh!
The video was just strange......I mean I can appreciate artsy..but this was far from it :P
hey dd!
OMG AM ALICE! lurve!!!!!!!! :)
That would be awesome if mac did that lol!
The hair was actually hawt but I'm unsure about the rest :P
hi aestheticcoo!
LOL please explain the symbolism...I'm confuddled lol!
LOL not at all harsh I'd like my 3 minutes back too or a lipstick at least as compensation!
have a fab weekend hunny!
hi Anonymous!
The rest of the clothes reminded me of BDSM/Fetish/Goth... so I couldn't help but like it. Well, at least the women's clothing.
The guys were kinda creepy.
hi P-ham
amen sister! I'm with you! HK=cute what the hell...please no sexy!
I'm thankful you guys agree with me b/c I swear with all the fans loving it I thought I was alone :-D
hi Shefali
omg you didn't like fafi!? I liked it hehehe sheepish smile :-D
but this really turns me off :P
hey dd....mmmm I dunno. the bdsm vibe is def there but it wasn't classy...more...tacky?
Yeah, it was borderline.
I think Wild Kitty was supposed to a la Catwoman.
the 1st half of the vid had the alice in wonderland vibe and the 2nd half was disturbing!
it had a bdsm thing going, the blonde looked like she was going to be molested and there was even a small lesbian thing going on..
gimme back sweet, cute, innocent Kitty! and while i get that they're trying to do hello kitty (sweet cute) meets edgy MAC, it felt more like hello kitty gets sucked into deviant MAC culture.
and to me, mac isn't supposed to be deviant at all! just edgy..
scary catwoman dd! LOL
hi angeline!
LOL a whole lot of everything going on in this mac video :-D
gimme sweet pink hello kitty any day!
edgy is good but this was an epic fail :-(
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