Benefit Hello Flawless!
The Muse happens to be quite a big fan of Benefit Get Even. Maybe those crazy kids at Benefit wanted to step their game up this Spring so they decided why not take something as good as Get Even and make it even better!

If Benefit Get Even just wasn't enough for you how about trying out Benefit Hello Flawless! The Muse thinks it should be renamed to Hello Gorgeous! with it's ultra slick compact and amazing formula!
Check it!
Benefit Hello Flawless! is the newest custom powder cover-up with SPF 15! Yay everyone run around in circles and rejoice that it contains SPF. I swear I heard the angels sing in Singapore just now as I know all my sweet 'pore readers are going to be amazingly happy at the release of a powder foundation that contains a healthy dose of SPF. All that hot, humid weather needs a good powder to keep the wicked oily skin at bay plus protect skin with the added "Benefit" (get it benefit? haha) of SPF.
Hello Flawless! has some sort of amazing, super duper incredible texture that allows chicks like us to customize the degree of cover-up they need by using the sponge...and get this...the brush included. That's right peeps you get not one but two applicators. I'm excited, are you excited? Hey, it's the little things that make a Muse happy!
Even better yet looking at the promo images it appears that everyone of my readers that has ever ranted at Benefit for lack of shade selections can now be blessedly silent as the shades appear to be suitable for just about everyone. Light, Medium, or Dark it seems that Benefit has you covered, literally.
Although Hello Flawless! won't be available until April, Benefit is featuring it on their website starting next week with a special "shade finder" tool for matching you up with your perfect Hello Flawless! shade so before you know it the Muse will be waving at you shouting "Hello Gorgeous!" as you pass by with your flawless coverage in place.
The Muse will be reviewing Benefit Hello Flawless! for you shortly. I'm quite interested in this one folks as I crave a light pressed powder for Summer and Get Even is normally my go to compact for those warmer days however Hello Flawless! sounds even better.
The Muse is on the case and bringing you the deets shortly.
Whatta ya think?
Loves it?
Want to try it out?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Benefit, Spring Collections 2009
looks nice. I'd be a believer if it could trump my studio fix and sheer select/UD de-slick combo...
i can't wait! I hate that it comes out in april though :( I need a new foundation and this sounds exactly what I am looking for!
Thanks Muse!
OMG I'm so excited for this. Can't wait for your review. Can you do before and after pictures so we know how the coverage is?
Ooh, can't wait to see your review musey - I'm in the market for a new foundation & powder ^_^ x x x
Definitely want to try this out, especially since it comes with a brush! I much prefer powder application with a brush and always need to carry a separate travel or retractable brush to apply on the go. Having a brush within the compact is going to be so much handier. Previously I was squeezing a flat Givenchy blusher brush into my compact but I won't need to now.
I SOOOO want to try this. Let's hope it wont be too expensive when it arrives in Singapore. Spot on about the spf Muse! I cant wait for your review on this.
this post just cracked me up. you're so cute and excited!
sarah you were the one that said they don't have nearly enough color selections ;-D you have to be excited now girl! They have quite a few options available ;)
my pleasure megan!
I'm quite excited to try it out and see if it's as good as I think it will be! Benefit has been on a roll lately!!!!!
absolutely shefali :) will do some before and afters ;-D
hey beautybitch!
I love the brush too! I like applying with a brush since powder tends to cake up using a sponge...this actually says use the sponge to apply and brush off access with the brush...interesting concept=-)
Looking forward to seeing how nice it is!
I think it's going to be a winner!
hi chica
me too since summer is fast approaching I'll need a good powder :-D
hi cheryls!
It looks quite good! I know many girl's order from Benefit direct during sprees maybe check cozy forum and see if anyone is spreeing during the release...could prove cheaper for you ;)
I'll def be reviewing soon hun ;) keep your eyes peeled!
lol's the little things in life that get me hyper :-D
mmm, this looks like a nice product. I can't wait. The color selection isn't that great though. It looks like I'll be getting the darkest and it's not very dark at all. :(
hi pavlina!
I never go by online swatches hun :P they are ALWAYS wrong hehe!
if I can get some pics of the real deal I'll set it up here...maybe sephora will have some in stock in April and I can take pics and swatch for ya!
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