Musings of the Day: Economy Beauty Woes
The Muse was wondering how is the current economy influencing your beauty purchases?

Are you cutting back on your normal hauls? Saving more?
I'm very, very anal about setting budget goals for just about everything in my life. I plan cosmetic releases (and non cosmetic things) down to the last penny but occasionally I do go over budgets that I set for myself but it's quite rare. I think present economic situation has definitely influenced my purchasing as I'm not so quick to jump on board purchasing every single shade of aqua eyeshadow put out. I'm a tad bit more conscious of asking myself do I really need this or do I have two dozen of the same thing at home? I'm also pretty tame with my MAC hauling late. I honestly don't think this has too much to do with the economy so much as it has to do with scaling back some as sometimes I do realize that I have a bit TOO much stuff hanging around!
How about you?

Labels: Beauty Babblings, Musings of the Day
A 'bit' too much? Surely not! :-)
Hi musey - not at all to be honest! My job is secure (i'm very lucky given the current rates of unemployment) and with the VAT cut cosmetics are actually cheaper, plus aside from heels (mmm,shoes)cosmetics is my treat to myself. I'm careful with money and have never got into debt so I'll continue as usual! :o) x x
Unfortunately my husband has been out of a job for nearly 2 months now (although the first month - December - was planned, Christmas, kids at home for 2 wks, etc.), so I have to be more careful because we don't know exactly when he will find a job, and our savings won't last forever. :( I'm finding it hard though with all the pretty new releases - Mac BBR is out in less than 2 wks here - but to be honest I really don't need half of the stuff I want to buy, so I could easily cut down. I think I will save on clothes and food instead though as I'm dieting, so don't want to buy anything that won't fit me in a month, and this way I can still buy nice makeup. :)
I'm not purchasing as much as before.
I'm making smaller purchases.
I'm tending to purchase sample sizes vs full sizes when possible with sites like Fyrinnae and Aromaleigh. Though I will still indulge in the occasional full size purchase.
hello 20thcentrycat!
lol indeed!
Oh well at least it's not drugs lol otherwise I'd be in trouble!
hi chica!
So glad your job is secure thank god! I'm the same way. No debt and I plan to keep it that way :) I spoil myself with makeup and I also have a tad bit of a bag/shoe/cloth addiction lol ;)
but so long as my bills are paid who's counting hehe!
hi anita!
wow I'm so so sorry to hear this hun!
Awww I'm glad even though your hub is out of work you're still working around it and finding ways to indulge :)
things will get better and I'm sure he'll find a job soon!
It's been a rough road this year for a heap of people :(
hi dd!
sounds like a smart plan to me! I've cut back and scaled down my mac stuff as how much can I possibly use/need?
So it saves me a ton of $$!
The one thing I keep waiting for is another 20% off sale at Sephora or Urban Decay or Too Faced, because I'd love to pick up TF's Tropical Pink Girls dig Pearls, South Sea and Tahitian Luster Liner, and maybe I'm Guilty Lockdown.
I really really love TFSI.
In UD I wanna pick up a full size of Zero, Lust, Flipside and Lucky in the 24/7 liners, Moonshine and Delinquent and Weeds in the Cream Eye shadows.
hey hun sephora you prob won't see till next year but UD you'll see in the Spring for sure at 30% off :) and too faced...maybe?
keep your list handy b/c UD def does one around april or may maybe?
Yay! So good to know!
I'm also keeping my eye out for another 20% off at ulta.
when Ulta had their 20% off, they didn't have the new stuff from TF or UD or I'd have grabbed them then.
hey dd!
they have one at ulta now!?
did you see?
but brands are excluded!
Yes I did. The current sale excludes Too faced and Urban Decay. Poo.
I used the previous one that was from last week and picked up TFSI and the Sparkling Glamour Gloss. OMG I am in love with the Sapphire Spark Sparkling Glamour Gloss! In love with the TFSI too!
Aaaw, thanks for the hug, it's not too bad, we had saved quite a lot of money and have no mortgage, so we're okay for now. He was contracting and his contract ended at the end of November, and he only started looking again 3 weeks ago, so it's not been too long. In the meantime he's enjoying taking the kids to school and playing with them afterwards. :)
Dear my Muse,
I don't really have any budget though. We own a pretty secure biz so that doesn't really affect us. However, recently I can't find anything that attract me hard at all. Sometimes I guess maybe I just simply lost my buying urge. Anyway, now I'm in the clothing phase.
Hi Muse! Thought I should actually answer your question! Yes I have cut right back. My job is OK - for now - but my BF has lost his. Couple that with the fact that I've hoarded enough beauty products to last any sane person several years and I really do have to limit myself to essentials only from now on!
Most definitely! I've removed my subscriptions to most of the cosmetics sites so I'm not tempted to buy when they come out with a new collection. I still can't resist MAC, but I've probably cut down on purchases by about half.
My hubby's job is very secure (in fact, his company continues to grow, despite the economy!) and I continue to freelance from home successfully. We are so very lucky and blessed for this!
I find myself buying MORE than I normally would, because over the holidays, lots of awesome coupons were out that normally weren't, and the sales afterwards (like at Sephora) have been phenom. I guess you could say I'm doing my part to keep the economy strong! :)
So far, yes, the economy has affected my purchases. I'm a freelance writer and job offers are almost nonexistent lately. In fact, I'm still waiting to get paid for a job I did in October! :( Grrrrrrrr...
Hi Muse !
really i don't want to save ;)
but i buy only when i need it.. so i need everything haha..
Hi Muse,
Guess what.. my hubby and I are both in the semiconductor industry. Our parent company is one major player from US. The semiconductory industry is so badly hit that we always hear of fabs laying off people, production stopping. In fact, my hubby is one of the victims and is currently still looking for a job. So when I can totally relate to Anitacska.
For my makeup shopping, I try to spend less. But yes, it's ultra difficult with so many nice collections coming up. So what I do is I will read more blogs like yours and read magazines to enjoy more eye candies than actual shopping. I actually LOVE to collect makeup catalogues. So that's a good way to enjoy makeup without spending money. =P Just found out that Maquillage latest spring collection eyeshadow palette has increased price. So I will skip it for now..
I have switched some of my skincare products to the cheaper ones. Just like Shiseido.. Shiseido has a much cheaper drugstore line of cleanser, which is so much cheaper. ;)
Gotta save more money for my 1yr old son, Jarell's diapers and formula milk powder too. =P
i'm on my way to cutting my cosmetic budget, especially those stila palettes, lol. i already have quite some palettes, and i won't finish them up anytime soon...
it's so hard, but im trying! :p
Hi Muse,
Since I am a regular hauler, I am always quite carefuly about buying stuff I will actually wear, rathing than hauling whole collections of stuff with colours that I know I won't use.
Like Chica said, the VAT cut makes cosmetics a bit cheaper, and my job is secure--but I am still particular about what I buy.
Quality, not quantity, is my motto (and like you, I stay away from drugstore brands, which are not good value for me because I am never happy with them!).
I am trying to cut back a little bit :)
hey dd!
I know I hate that! grrr!
Must add that to my list :) hehe!
Glad shadow insurance is working for you hun!
Happy Monday!
Will you be reviewing the new TF spring release any time soon?
Happy Monday to you, too!
Mondays are always our busiest day, so they drive me crazy!
hi anita!
Happy Monday hun!
Thank god! I'm just glad you're doing ok's a rough time right now..weird world we live in :)
It's nice he has some extra time to be with the kids though that's always worth it's weight in gold!
hi Vichaya!
I'm glad all is well on our end :) I'm a bit burnt out myself lately and really haven't found items that really, really call to me!
thankfully my clothes phase normally hits in the Fall :) hehe so I'm safe for now!
hi 20thcenturycat!
I'm so sorry to hear about your bf :(
I'm trying to limit myself as well since I just have simply too much crap to get's a bit ridiculous at times ;)
hi Kim
I find that beauty sites and blogs really tempt me terribly so you did good :)
I've cut down considerably b/c I just have too much...but it's hard ;)
hello Anonymous!
That's fantastic and wonderful to hear!
LOL good for you! ;-) I always say that every time I buy something, "doing my part to make the economy stronger"...
I'm glad you're doing well! it's a relief to hear these things during pressing times!
hi Margaret
wow..sorry to hear this. That stinks you're waiting so long to be paid :( gosh!
I think it's effected everyone in small and big ways! We have to chalk this entire year up as a loss and hope for the best new year!
hello nadia!
LOL I hear ya hun :) That's a good thing as it means you don't have a slew of products hanging around! Just buy the stuff you know you'll need and don't get trapped into purchasing TONS more ;)
hi ahcapp!
wow I'm so sorry to hear this :( Any luck with him finding another job lately?
I think being tempted by blogs and websites with makeup is a downfall for me :( but I admire your willpower and yes it is kinda fun reading about it as it makes me feel better if I don't actually buy the item ;)
I collect old catalogs too :) I know the feeling hehe! Awww I think Jarrell's diapers and formula are way more important anyway ;)
Cheers hun! Take care of yourself. Things will turn out for the best!
hello there wonderfulwortelworld!
I'm the same...too MUCH! I have to cut down b/c it's getting crazy :P
Hard for me too but we can try together..moral support hehe!
hi there Jamilla Camel!
I'm a hauler as well and I actually want to change my habits a little bit into buying what I know I'll use.
I think your motto is one to live by!!!
hi lydia!
Me too..a little is better than nothing at all right?! :)
We'll get there!
hey dd!
Ditto monday is HELL here!
I'm working Stila at the moment but TF should follow close behind :)!
Happy Mondayz!
Hey Muse!
The economy is getting scarier. So far I'm down to 25-35 hours a week at work. (I know it's like the lottery who knows when I get a good week) I'm praying that they don't lay me off. If not I'll have to go to a job agency at this point. Now I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I'm down to sample sizes, ccos, discount shops and makeup/beauty shows. I also focus on affordable brands like mac and stila( yup my collection of MAC is growing because I can't get a lot of the other stuff, plus I get artist discounts on those brands) I do tend to make major cosmetic purchases when there are discounts offered. Also, I go online and research what I will buy ahead of time. I limit myself to a list now. :)
Hi Muse,
Happy Chinese New Year to you! Wishing u good health and good returns for the new year. We chinese always think that good health is the most important of all. ;) Btw, this year is the year of the Ox! =)
Thank you for your kind thoughts. Nope, no luck with my hubby finding a new job yet. He has been searching around for 2 months, sent out countless letters, and only managed to get 2 interviews. No kidding. We are here in Singapore, and we can definately feel the impact. I am sure it must be worse in US... =(
On the lighter note, I really enjoy reading your blog. It's my in my 'daily read' list =) I love your cheerful and bubbly blog entries. Sometimes, I laugh when u crack a little joke here n there.. heheheh. ;)
Yes, it's very tempting after seeing all the swatches *swoon* and the reviews. So I have to be more selective from now on. ;)
Please keep on all the good work for this blog. You have lots of loyal fans out there rooting for u! =) *2 thumbs up*
hi crissy
it's really scarier and upsetting :( sigh! I'm so sorry to hear about your hours at work being cut that's awful :(
I think you're a smart girl as sticking to a list def saves money! and hey MAC has SO much variety what more could a girl want? Plus your discount probably helps a whole LOT! So at least you aren't completely without good makeup :)
I hope things look up soon as it really is getting depressing and scary as hell :(
I'll keep you in my thoughts and send good vibes your way!
hi ahcapp!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!! The same to you!
If we have health we have everything!!!!! It's the most important in the world :)
I'm sending good vibes and thoughts your way hun!
wow...:( I sure do hope things turn around soon :(
Aw LOL I'm so happy you enjoy my terrible sense of humor :) it's such a joy when someone says they had a laugh here and there :) I really appreciate your visiting me daily, means the world to me!
Don't worry things will turn around soon! They always do. We just have to have plenty of hope and faith that things have to get better!
Aw thank you so much your comment means the world to me!!!!!!!!!! thank you so so so much!
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