MAC Cremesheen Gloss in Petite Indulgence FOTD

As per your request! And FOTD using MAC Cremesheen Gloss in Petite Indulgence! Jump ahead for a peek!
Love, love this shade! It's such a great bubble gum pink color!

It quite reminds me of the Dior Addict Ultra Gloss Reflect in 577 released with the Spring Collection for '08.
Truly a fab color! I wish I had extra time this morning to do my makeup a bit better with a brighter shade of pink shadow to compliment the color of the gloss.
MAC Cremesheen is coming at you soon so keep your eyes peeled for it's release!
Check out my review on MAC Cremesheen Gloss

Labels: Face of the Day, MAC, Spring Collections 2009
oooh, I really like that! It reminds me of the lipglasses from the N Collection which was one of my faves!
Wow okay this is probably old news to you but I saw this and thought I might try and see if I could get MAC's website to stop assigning me Japanese-language pages based on my ISP...and have you SEEN their new layout? With the colorplay thing? I'm having tons of fun just seeing the boatloads of stuff they crank out in so many colors. Whoever thought that up deserves a webdesign oscar or something. *goes back to playing with it*
hi tammy!
cool ;) you know you needs it now ;)
hi jenn!
how are you?
It's AWESOME! I love the new layout :) so freaking fun! And DANGEROUS lol! I added a slew of stuff in my cart after playing around with the colorplay!
dear miss Muse,
Wonderful!!! I've not gotten any lipsticks to fit my not-frosted, glass-like, nail-polish glossy pink lip look fantasy - this is it! I wanna!! Just need to try these for myself to see if it's the right opaque-ness... and then daytime shimmery smoky-eye, here I come haha...
hi cherry!
;) hehe sounds ideal to me for you hun!!!!!
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