Skin79 Super Beblesh Balm Gold Label Review & Swatches
Sometimes the Muse feeds into her own frenzy as when she seen Skin79 Super Beblesh Balm Gold Label the two words that jumped out at her was Super and Gold. Obviously if it was super and gold the Muse needed it!
After reading the back which stated, "Gold and Caviar Extract..." she knew this indeed was the BB Cream for her! My god, gold and caviar? It has to work with those ingredients in it! I am almost positive but not quite sure that Robin Leach must surely use Skin79 Super Beblesh Balm Gold Label!
Yeah boy! Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams with Skin79 Gold Label BB Cream biatches!

All kidding aside unlike my recently reviewed Etude House Magic BB Cream it manages to feature all the great things you want in a BB Cream! Whitening? Check. Anti-Aging/Wrinkle Coverage? Check. SPF? Check. The kitchen sink? Check. Robin Leach? Their working on that. Aside from the ridiculous factor and the fact that the details on the back of the box are in quite bad "Engrish" I am quite fond of Skin79 Gold Label and it's another one of my favorite BB Creams that I've tested, tried, and loved.

One of the best things about this particular BB is the wonderful packaging. The cream comes in a similar style packaging as Tricia Sawyer Skin Balancing Water Primer which is a nice size pump jar that easily distributes as little or as much of the product as you want simply by pressing heavier or lighter on the depressor.

This will sound weird but the texture of the cream has a heavy yet light feel. It manages to feel quite heavy on your finger but on your face it's nice and airy and once blended it feels like you have virtually nothing on your skin. It offers extremely good coverage and I think it's safe to say it's good for mild to heavier coverage however if you have major problem areas you're looking to cover up you may need something with a bit more pigmentation or perhaps use alot of this. The color is somewhat beige but it also has a certain grayness to it which is a trait I've noticed with whitening BB creams. Though the product blends beautifully and adjusts quite well to my tone it deserves to be mentioned that it does cast an unnaturalness to my skin but I'm not very bothered by this as once my makeup (blush, etc...) is applied this goes away and I'm once again left looking natural. As with most BB's I've tried I didn't notice any significant change in my under eye area after use and my dark circles needed extra prepping and coverage after using this. Although BB's make the hefty promise of being your one stop shop for skincare nirvana I beg to differ as I've always had to use a concealer afterward so obviously this won't be taking the place of my concealer anytime soon! Needless to say if you don't have a ton of woes or drama under your eyes this may likely be perfect for covering up your smaller problems however darker circles, puffiness, and fine line ladies may need an extra helping hand!




Taking into consideration that BB's not only offer coverage in the here and now but also work at creating long lasting effects I do agree that Skin79 Super Beblesh Balm Gold Label has caused a considerable change in my skin (or the Muse could be just feeding right into that frenzy again! One can never tell!). I noticed my dull skin was looking quite lively after 4 months of use...almost like I was a teenager again! It also had a lasting whitening effect as my skin looked quite even and brighter after continued use of around 6 months of use.
Okee dokee here be the Muse wearing some of this BB cream! Sorry but I'm looking really tired here to say the least! I actually literally applied everywhere even my lips to cover up the pinkness of my lips and prep for lipstick and gloss! You can see that it has a bit of an unnatural glow to it....weirdly enough it reminds me of how my skin looks when I am sick or not feeling well...but after makeup application my skin ends up looking quite flawless!

All in all I do so Muse Approved Skin79 Super Beblesh Balm Gold Label for purchase and it does remain a favorite of mine.

I got mine for a mere $10 USD and a bit of change when Skin79 had a sale however unless you're in Korea or have Korean connections you'll have to pay $20 USD and upwards on various sites but I do believe it's well worth up to $50 USD as it's a fantastic BB Cream!
All in all loving this one! I'll be bringing you a review of Skin79 Classics's formula shortly so keep your eyes peeled!
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What is a BB Cream?
Etude House Magic BB Cream Review
Labels: Korean Brands, Reviews, Skin79, Swatches
I like the packaging!
What's up with the whitener?
I keep wanting to try a bb creme.
I need to convince myself to follow your guide to ordering on asian sites.
Now I am getting more confused..I am choosing between for BRTC, Le'gere and now, THIS adds to the list! !!!!
I like how the ingredient list is in English :)
Hi Muse! Thanks for another great review! I've been eyeing this and the pink one for quite some time now haha. You seem to have a LOT of BB creams! I'm wondering..what are you top 5 BB creams? :D
I'm so late to get into the whole BB cream thing, but all the reviews I see just push me to start exploring this other world :) great review - I might have to add this to my list of creams to try! Does it only come in one shade?
wow! u got it for only $10? that's VERY good deal. I got mine for about USD$25 :(
i am currently still using it,and liking it! :D
so you are on a BB cream roll eh? :P
hey dd!
Me too! ooo ya...whitening is a common trait of asian cosmetics and skincare :) They are almost as obsessed as I am to be whiter lol!
It's an interesting item to try out for yourself ;)
hey nikki!
LOL :) I know the feeling so many brands so little time!
hehe not quite proper english alcy :)
hi betty!
My pleasure! The pink one is just as good but not whitening with that one. lord knows I do indeed eep! It's become an obsession to find ones that actually work.
My top five are:
this one
Etude House Magic BB Cream
Etude House Speedy Total Base
TM Secret BB Cream Brighter
Skin79 Diamond BB
;) Hope this helps! I'll be reviewing more slowly....I'm trying to avoid doing reviews on ones I hate but I may bring those out sooner or later!
hi there mayaari!
I'm sure sooner or later we'll get them in the US :) So it won't be difficult to locate and it'll be more common to find and try!
This only comes in one shade yes :) but many come in two shades!
hi prettybeautiful!
Ya! In spring they had some sort of sale on skin79 and a friend ordered both the gold and pink label for 10 each :)
it's well worth $25 :)
Glad you're enjoying's really good isn't it!? How is it doing for a concealer for you? I still need concealer sadly after use!
I'm on a rollllllll plue!
"Beblesh"? LOL!
I´m back from NY, it was great, I went crazy at Sephora (blushes shamefully) :)
Wow that bb cream sounds and looks GREAT! What a GREAT price you got it for. Wish I knew about the sale...I've only tried two bb creams so far, Scinic Fine Control BB Cream and Shimmerstore's Just BB Cream. I like the Scinic one better than the other. The "Just" bb cream made me olily in least than 45 min.s! -.-; I'm wanting to try more bb creams though. Please do more!! ^-^ Do you have one from Missha?? btw, I love your site/blog! It's so imformative, and easy to understand!
lmao nell..I know what the hell is a beblesh?
hehe! YAYYYYYYYYY tell me everything..what you hauled, where you went..deets deets!
hello there xphoenix06!
thanks! Indeed the price was rather lovely! I tried the Shimmerstore..omg oily big time...the sides of my nose were sweating lol! Strange effect as I normally get oil on my forehead most..but the bb made my entire face look so slick!
I do! I have several from Missha and like many of them! missha is a grand brand :) Def will review them soon!
Thank you so much I'm so pleased you enjoy my blog :)
Many thanks for the comment!
Hope to hear from you again soon!
ooh~ i see u have Etude House Speedy Total Base in the top 5 list!
i think i wanna try this! :P
It's awesome plue...not really a bb in the true sense but awesome to say the least!
hi! I stumbled on your blog and I just wanted to say,
thank you for reviewing this!
I just got hooked on bb creams ~LOL!
hi fifi ;0
Glad to have you stumbled :) You're most welcome hope the review was worth it!
I'm hooked too hehe :)
Looking forward to talking to you again soon!
my dear Izzy, finally i found back this comment!
i bought the speedy base, and i thought i bought the wrong one! cuz there was this with mineral and higher spf and this one with no mineral and lower spf~
i love the speedy base more than the magic bb cream now! :P
hi plue!
;) subscribe to comments hun makes life easier hehe!
yes it is "mineral" but I think of it as more of a bb :)
I love the magic bb though...I'm actually preparing to snag the balm :)
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