DermaDoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Intensive Skin-Correcting Sulfur Mask Review
The Muse is pretty lucky as she rarely gets pimples or acne or spots of any kind. Her skin is nice and clear thankfully with a pimple that pops up on a rare occasion. This could account for the Muse is well past the age to be bothered by acne or it could be Lush skincare that takes good care of her skin. Whatever the case may be it's pretty rare that I have any problems in regards to acne.
When I decided to try out DermaDoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Intensive Skin-Correcting Sulfur Mask I was having a rather good day in regards to my skin so I decided to tuck it away for a day I really needed it. That day happened to come this week when a big fat pimple popped up on the side of my face...actually thinking about's kinda a crop of pimples...ewww! I'm unsure where these came from but they did decide to take up residence on my face and hang out with me for a bit. Here in lay a perfect excuse to try the mask out!

First things first I think it deserves to be said that the mask is a tad bit intense or at least I felt like it was so I'm unsure how those with sensitive skin will fair. When I say intense I mean it does have a slightly warm almost burning feeling as it does contain a healthy dose of Benzoyl Peroxide. I have a normal skin type and I wasn't really bugged over much by the burning however if you're a bit sensitive this could cause redness or burning so do a spot check prior to doing a complete treatment. The mask also contains 10% Sulfur which is the highest level of sulfur approved to kill blemish-causing bacteria and aid in exfoliation of the skin.
DermaDoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Intensive Skin-Correcting Sulfur Mask can be used either as a mask or a spot treatment. I used it as a full mask treatment this week to clear up the crop of pimples that were happily vacationing on my face however if you think your skin is on the sensitive side you can dab a bit on before bed to zap away unwanted pests.
I've used masks like this before and have always had one main problem with them....drying...they are terribly, terribly drying. So drying in fact that my skin flakes and peels off! Gross! The good news is that this mask is actually quite gentle and it washes clear off without leaving a dry spot behind! For me that's pretty amazing as it does contain ingredients that are normally very drying to my skin.
In order to use the mask you'll simply be applying a thin layer of the product to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing off with cool water. The mask dries fairly quickly and it'll start to feel quite tight on your face. For the crop of pimples on my face it took two mask treatments to rid myself of the pesky demons. I used the product once in the evening prior to bed, again the next evening, and on the third day I seen that the pimples had disappeared completely. Pretty good results. In regards to heavier acne you may want to try it out for three times a week for a month to see results. I think it'll do well at clearing up moderate to heavier acne woes but results will vary from person to person. One aspect of the mask that you may find helpful is it's quite drying for oily skin types so this could help rid yourself of oily skin which sometimes is the root of all evil when it comes to acne.
The formula boasts quite a nice floral scent which I liked very much however once it dries down and you're washing it off you'll get a very faint rotten egg smell which is of course the sulfur but honestly it's not bad at all when compared to some products and for the most part I really loved the floral scent during's quite fresh and herbal like almost. The packaging is fantastic! It comes in push applicator which allows you to push to release the mask a la Kate Somerville moisturizers and exfoliators which means your fingers aren't dipping in the product.

Who should use it?
At $45 USD it's not cheap so if you rarely get pimples you might not want to indulge in such an expensive product however if you have acne regularly or suffer from it daily it's probably well worth trying out to see how well it does clearing up your skin. The formula penetrates pores and eliminates and prevents acne blemishes so in conjunction with other DermaDoctor skincare you may successfully be on your way to clearer skin in a month or so.
I actually liked the mask alot and will probably repurchase it in the future since it worked so quickly. It's a nice item to have in my medicine cabinet on the days when an ugly pimple rears it's head. Personally I'd buy it again simply because of the lack of unpleasant drying that's associated with most acne products I've tried. This is a key selling point for me because I seriously can't stand how flaky and dry my skin gets after using simple spot treatment products.
All in all if you're looking for a quick recovery, a spot treatment, or something for heavier acne woes this is worth checking out. I thought it did a great job of banishing my pimples and getting my skin back to normal minus all the fuss of dry skin!
If you're wanting to try out DermaDoctor is offering Free Shipping on all skincare orders $25 USD and above using code SHIPDEC
How about you?
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The Muse uses DermaDoctor Wrinkle Revenge Eye Balm daily and loves it!
Tell the Muse all about it!
The Muse wants your skin to be nice, shiny, and new for the Holiday Season! So she's giving away one DermaDoctor Ain't Misbehavin' Intensive Skin-Correcting Sulfur Mask! Just enter your name and email into the widget below and one reader will be randomly selected to win the mask! Yay! Good luck guys! Remember my contest is open to US and International readers! It's more fun when the everyone gets involved dontcha think?

Labels: DERMAdoctor, Reviews, Skincare
Love the new look! Just had to say:) Thanks for hosting the contest!
Thanks Paige!!!!!!!!!!!
My pleasure!
Good luck !
Hi Muse,
Thank you for the email, you made my day! I'm digging your new layout, it's so kawaii! How did you do the blog banner? I love it!
Hey Muse!
I use two DermaDoctor products and they are very effective. I also would not recommend these products for sensitive skin as they are quite strong. I have combination skin very very dry spots and I only use these products sparingly.
One of the products I have is the Medicated emergnecy Acne Spot Treatment which also has sulfur as its active ingredient. It comes in a squeeze tube and i simply apply a thin layer on any breakouts. The breakouts normally disappear in three days if they are caught early.
The other product i use is the Medicated Acne Control Serum. It contains 2% Salicylic Acid as compared to most other brands which are .5-1.5% Salicyclic Acid. It is a chemical exfoliant so i use this when i notice i have clogged pores.
Thanks for the giveaway Izzy! Long time no chat--I hope you've been well!
Love the new look of your site!! SO Christmas-y!! :D
Love the new site look!
i know!! i love the contests!!! i love the layout!!! ahaha!! its so pretty and.....snow-y. ahah
Love Love Love the new look! LOVE. IT.
I LOVE the new layout! did you make it yourself? so perfect for the holidays!
the new template looks amazing!
Hello again!
I entered this one too... anything to get rid of those pimples :)
Once again, its real nice of u to keep ur contests open to international readers :)
Yeah LOVE the new look too :)
Kayvid: OMG! This sounds perfect. Sulfur is the only thing that can even come anywhere near combatting adult acne. I really NEED this one. How are you doing? Loving the snowy look of the blog.
morning dao!
Awww no troubles thank you! Thankzzzzzzzzzz I was going to wait and launch January but it came out so good I decided to get it posted right away. My web girl zoe did it for me :)
god morning invie!
I agree. I've been using wrinkle revenge eye balm and have been very pleased with the results!
I noticed a stinging/burning from the mask and I was thinkin gee I'd be in agony right nowifmy skin was sensitive. Thankfully it's quite normal so I put up with it and now my mess of ugly pimple is gone :)
I think I like the idea of a spot treatment...must try this next....this mask can be used as one too but it's a bit thick so the spot treatment prob would be best!
By any chance does the serum work well on blackheads on your nose? I've been seeking the cure all for those :)
thanks for the comment!
hi jen!
You're most welcome, thanks for entering! Good luck! Don't forget to enter the signed bottle of Vera Wang Look too and the Bobbi Brown Manual :) Don't wanna miss those two giveaways :) You might get lucky w000tttttt!
I'm good, swamped as always sigh :P I wish I had more hours in the day to do everything that needs doing :)
Hope you're well!
Happy Holidays!
hey niks!
Thanksssssssssssss :)
morning dd!
Thanks hun :) glad you're liking it :)
hey minsun!
Morning! Hehe glad you're loving 'em hun!
yay :) glad you like the new theme :)
hi kimmmy!
w00000t! Thanks hun :)
hi Sher!
Aww I wish I did ;) it was my webgirl zoe :) she does blog designs :)
hi there birkinbagbeauty!
Thanks hun!
hi there Mukho!
Yay good luck hun! Hope you win! It's my pleasure! It's always fun when all my girls can participate!
I have so many girls from singapore who have read my blog from the very start when it was tiny and I think of them when I do a contest as I'd like if they can join in too :)
hello emma!
Thank you very much :) *hugs*
morning kayvid!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!! Hope you win hun!!!!!!
Thanks glad you like the new look!
I'm good just always so damn busy...I need more hours in the day :)
how are you!? How's your holiday season!?
awesome, thanks. I used to use sulfur products in college, but then couldn't find them anymore. they work really well.
lolo to all
Love the new blog look Muse!!!
i love the new layout too!! so pretty!! =) thanks for the contests muse!!
I'd love to try this.
hi there ladydi115!
My pleasure :) This has 2% Sulfur so def a good dosage to clear up skin woes :)
Good luck hun!
hi llinda29!
Aw very nice of you linda :) I'm sure everyone appreciates the luck! GL to you!
hey Shefali!
How are you!? Thanks hun :)
hi ale!
You're most welcome hun! Thank YOU! :) I'm so glad you like it!
hi lisa!
Good luck hun!
Happy Holidays!
Ohhh good contest!! Thank you.
your welcome mogrill :)
good luck!
I love your blog, it's a "must visit" every day. Love the new winter theme but not so thrilled about having to click to read the rest of each entry now, too lazy, hehe.
hi glory!
thanks so very very much for visiting daily ;) Glad you're liking the new theme!
Sorry about the click to was kinda to clean up a bit b/c my posts are really long and it really takes a bit to load the entire blog with the theme plus a slew of pics...I thought this was the best option to clean things up a tad bit ;)
I hope you'll get used to it!
Thanks for the feedback!
Hope I'll talk to you again soon!
Happy Holidays!
My skin is so dry these days..looks like this could be the solution.
hi jcamp!
Good luck :) Hope you win!
Fascinating contest
good luck anonymous :)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Fantastic giveaway! I love the new look of your site.
happy holidays...
i would love to win
interesting contest.
Merci pour le grand prix. Haave Joyeux Noël! Stella~~877
This would help that every now again zit I get.He He
I have never tried DermDoctor. My skin definitely needs moisturizing.
40 something years old & I still am having to use ance products!
My mom said I would grown out of it!
I want to know when I'll not have ance!
It makes your life sad & there are days I don't even want to leave the house.
I hope I I might face this world with a clear face & a more happier me!
hi drming!
Thanks :) good luck! And happy holidays :)
hi there mrk928!
Happiest Holidays hun!
hi there spookyone23!
Good luck!
hi john!
Good luck :)
hi stella :)
You're most welcome :) Happy Christmas to you to!
hey tam!
hehe :) I hear ya!
hi artmarcia!
Good luck hun! my skin too ;) especially around winter!
hi zesty!
Awww ! I'm sorry to hear it hun :( I guess it's just about finding the right skincare to clear it up!
Good luck hun!
Happy Holidays!
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