Art Deco Eyeshadow Base Review
The Muse has a special knack for feeding into the frenzy of a hyped up products. She can successfully purchase said hyped product and convince herself how truly wonderful it is when in fact it's utter garbage. For the past few days she's been trying to convince herself how awesome Art Deco Eyeshadow Base is and failing miserably.

After careful thought and consideration she's decided it was about time to admit to herself that truly this stuff was absolute rubbish. How sad.
After hearing the hype, reading the hype, and being fed the frenzy of all the amazing benefits and virtues of Art Deco Eyeshadow Base, the Muse decided she needed some for her very self. After all, according to makeup gurus far and wide, this stuff was ambrosia from the Gods above.
Umm...not so much.

Art Deco Eyeshadow Base is around $9-$10 USD and comes in a rather cute little jar a la MAC Paint Pots. The packaging could likely get you so hyper that you'll forget what a crap product is actually inside. The Muse has fallen victim to such cases in the past but with this particular product she actually did admit to herself that indeed Art Deco Eyeshadow Base needs alot of work to hit the right note.
Aside from it's cute jar style packaging it doesn't have too much going for it. The base is a creamy beige shade which applies transparent to the lid of the eye even though swatched it has a bit of a pearl almost iridescent finish. It does successfully deepen some shadows while doing nothing for others. Why this is, the Muse may never know, chalk it up as another makeup mystery of the world. After four uses with four different styles of shadow I found new love and respect for my Urban Decay Primer Potion. Art Deco Eyeshadow Primer does not hold my shadow all day, does not make a perfect base for shadows but it does successfully crease my shadow, make it melt off in cakey gobs, and successfully creates a very real mess.

The product blends beautifully well and it does make applying my shadows a bit easier especially shimmery ones where fall out is a problem however it doesn't do much for making my shadow last longer. The somewhat good news is that the base does successfully hold the shadow for a few hours however creasing begins quite quickly which leads up to your shadow becoming a cakey mess and finally ending with no shadow at all as it migrates all over the place. I wouldn't say the product makes my lids oily however the base does turn into a bit of an oily mess which is where the creasing problems stem from I think. It applies quite well however after a few hours you'll end up with a serious mess.
After 3 hours...hello hot mess!

I wanted to love this one and I had some seriously high hopes for it. Sadly, it has little to redeem it and just didn't work well for this Muse. I'm unsure if I was just my dislike of the product or I'm overacting as it does seriously sport some great reviews up and around makeup forums. Personally, big waste of money for me...I'll continue trying to use it and see if it gets better but for now it's a bit thumbs down for this Muse!
Tried Art Deco Eyeshadow Base?
Do you love it?
Hating it?
Tell the Muse!
If anyone is interested I do have an extra, brand new in the box pot that I'm selling for $12 USD! E-mail me if you'd like to take it off my hands and see if it lives up to all the hype!

Benefit Lemon Aid Review
Making the Most of Urban Decay Primer
Art Deco Holiday Collection 2008
Labels: Art Deco, Beauty Abroad, Reviews, Swatches
And it stinks!! ewewew!!!
This - for once - is a product that is readily available where I live. Sadly, it is, as you say, complete and utter rubbish. Life´s not fair!
hi thatgurl
sadly it sucks royally sigh :P
have you tried it?!
amen Nell!
I hear so many raves I thought I was going nuts when I concluded how terrible it is :P
nice to hear you hates it too!
Have you tried the one that comes in a brush pen? I received one and it works pretty good. At this time, my HG is Ulta Shadow Base and UDPP...
oh noooo art deco makes this!?
Must try the ulta shadow base..never tried it!
UDPP is my HG :)
Oh I am so sorry this doesn't work for you =( I never tried this though!
I use my T'estimo Bright Up Base which I purchased about 3 years ago in Japan (and my tube still has plenty left =D
hey! love the blog! anyway maybe i missed it but I was wondering what kind of foundation/powder do you normally wear? thanks!!
aw that's ok kathi :) it happens :P
I ran out of testimo base a while ago :( wish it was still around as I really loved it!
hi duc!
thank you so much :)
Depends really as I try so many products...currently I'm loving Armani Face Fabric and Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enchancer.
I don't normally wear powder but if I do I tend to use physicians formula mosiac powder in creamy :)
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the review! Glad I can nip that lemming in the bud since I know for sure this could never work on my oily eyelids. Those pics show some serious creasing!
Hope you're having a fabulous, crease-free day, today:)
Hey Musey! I absolutely love this base! It goes to show it varies from person to person - this works if I am doing a stronger eyelook, it really grips on to the shadow. Its definately greasy at first though but I find it doesnt go cakey like UDPP
my pleasure paige!
Good to see you today :0
Oh lord I don't even have oily lids and it creates drama :P today I'm fabulously crease free thanks to UDPP! LOL!
Thanks for the comment paige always good talking to you!
hi R!
Hmm really interesting it's working fab for you. Did you do anything in the way of prepping prior to use?
It does feel a tad greasy and later oily after shadow is on..I was sad as I really wanted to love it!
I am SO glad I held back on ordering this. UDPP all the way for me.
UDPP is so the way to go ;) Holds all day amen!
OH no! It creases so badly on you! so sorry to read that! I am not holding onto my UDPP too!!!
That's too bad. It's absolute HG for me. UDPP was way too drying and nearly made the skin on my lids crack. Lumene didn't hold well enough. ArtDeco is perfect for those with non-oily lids IMHO. I've been using it for 2 years now.
UDPP is the way to go nikki :) it's my favs!
hiya sophia!
I really didn't work for me..I was wanting to love it badly...but it creased terribly on lids are very dry so I was wondering why it got all oily on me :P
I'm shocked about the UDPP making your lids so dry..whoa...!
But I'm glad this works for ya :)
How odd...
I've been using that eyeshadow base since June and it works wonders on me. And my lids are really oily, without any base, after 3 hours, my eyeshadow looked like yours with the ArtDeco base. This base really works on me, I've had eyeshadow on with this for over 8 hours without any problem. It seems to crease a tiny little bit when it's raining a lot, though. Too bad it didn't work for you :(
hey nadia!
Wish it worked as well for me! You're lucky :) Sadly it's urban decay all the way for me. It creased terribly on me :( sigh! Oh well at least I have other art deco bits that I do LOVE :)
I like it, but it became better after a night in the refrigator.
thanks sadie!
I'll give that a try :-D
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