Reader's Request: Benefit Lemon Aid Review
There happens to be a thin line between love and hate. The Muse happens to love and hate Benefit Cosmetics! Some products she simply cannot live without while others make her so mad she sees red. And so the relationship goes when you're loving and hating someone or something in this case.
Benefit has been on a great winning streak with the Muse lately, take into consideration they are releasing Benefit Coralista shortly...whoa...has to be a win this Muse thinks...also remember how wonderful Benefit Posietint was! Another score! Obviously it's been a rather great release of products lately but sometimes Benefit has a dud or two here and there!
However, today I'm not on the topic of hate but more along the lines of passionate, undying love for Benefit Lemon Aid. My tale starts with a request from a reader asking me to review a few of my very favorite Benefit items and in this case Lemon Aid happens to fall into the favorite pile!
My story is actually quite short as Benefit Lemon Aid doesn't have a whole lot of hoopla attached to it. It simply is and does what it says without anything in between! The simplicity of Benefit Lemon Aid is the reason the product remains a favorite of mine for at least 10 years now (could be more!).
Benefit Lemon Aid is a yellow based cream base for eyelids. So who honestly needs a cream base for eyes? Generally speaking when we choose to conceal our woes we are most worried about what lays under our eyes but not above! Lemon Aid happens to turn the situation around and offers concealer and coverage for our lids instead of under our eyes!

Do we really need to conceal our eyelids? The Muse likes to think so. After concealing under my eyes I notice that my lids are sometimes a tiny bit red, dull, or just not very awake due to dull skin around the lids. I could probably easily just use concealer on top of my lids as well but honestly I've tried and it simply doesn't work.
So here in lays my solution!
Whip out my pot of Benefit Lemon Aid and go to work concealing my lids. A little dab here, a little dab there and my eyes begin to transform and I'm looking fresher, more awake, and ready for my day!
Lemon Aid is yellow based and flattering on all skin types, it's formula is creamy yet dense enough to create a nice base for the next step in your makeup routine (think MAC paint pot texture!), and most important Lemon Aid manages to transform woe skin to wow skin with a pat here and there!
Do you need it?
Hells yes. It's Muse Approved so that along means you need it!
Honestly, I simply can't live without this stuff. It's been said you can easily use it to conceal dark circles as well but the Muse highly suggests going by the book in this case and sticking to applying on the lid. This isn't for concealing under the eye but over it!
Wakes up tired eyes? Check!
Creamy, Moisturizing Formula? Check!
Works as a great base for shadow? Check!
I think Benefit Lemon Aid pretty much has it all covered! It's part of my daily routine for years now and I highly recommend checking it out!

Fair warning: I've heard many people rant about Benefit Lemon Aid and I'm quite shocked as I think it's the awesome! Personally I think it's a product that you need to test for yourself to see if you're standing on the love line or the hate one!
Love it?
Not really?
Tell the Muse!

Benefit Coralista
Benefit Posietint Review
Benefit "That Gal" Review
Labels: Benefit, Reader's Request, Reviews, Swatches
Eeeeepppp! Thank you muse so much for doing this review for me! I feel so good about your recommendation that I bought the lemon-aid finally after weeks of worrying! I have to say I love it! I agree and think it also double-duties as a wonderful eyelid primer too!
Thank you so much!
ahh this is the one product I can't stand!! works well with you paler skin gals but not for my olive toned skin. I have a love hate relationship with Benefit..I just can't believe that there concealers/ primers etc. or so limited in range of colors. There lipsticks are awesome though.
Hi Muse!
This is on my to buy list cos *drum roll* Benefit's having a friend & family sale next wk in Spore & Im all over it! They had it in Msia a couple of mths back & I was drooling over the price & *fingers cross* hope it'll be just as attractive next wk. We just had a Kose Private sale which I've just spent a bomb on so may have to refrain a bit. Hope to see U at Cozycot soon.
I've had the same experience with benefit products, love and hate, some work well and others suck badly. the moonglow stuff doesn't show up on me. posy tint is ok, the benetint lipbalm tastes like wax and not for me. bath products are nice though.
I always use a base on eyelids too (BB Bone cream eye shadow). Does Lemon Aid crease on you at all? How does it affect longevity of e/s?
hi Anonymous!
My pleasure. Sorry for the delay...been a rather busy few weeks :)
I'm so glad you are loving it..and yes it does a fab job as doubling up as a primer/prep for shadow :)
Do enjoy it!!!!! :)
Will do a few more of the reviews you requested shortly :)
hi Anonymous!
Aww I'm sorry to hear it :( I always thought it was fairly suitable to everyone except really darker skin tones. :(
I guess I get a bit blinded side by how perfect every single shade is for me from Benefit but when I think about it you're right..I'd be up a creek if my skin was a shade or two darker as none of the shades would really work well :( sigh!
maybe they'll revamp soon :) and give us more shades to work with :)
I like the lippies too!
Thanks for the comment!
Have a fab weekend!
hey lippy!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW ARE YOU!? Long time no speak!
Oh my god how exciting wish we had it here..maybe we will?!?!
Ooo a Kose sale..I'm so jealous! Ugh i've been so remiss with my forum life :) I'll visit soon! Miss everyone!
How are you doing!?
morning jenn!
I'm with you! I have some really hardcore staples from Benefit that are too fab but some products are just no good for me...that feel name a few :P
I'm with you on the bath and body stuff! Good stuff :)
morning nell!
Mmm nope never had a prob creasing unless I wear it by creases a tiny bit if I'm doing a no eye makeup look :)
It makes my shadow last all day :) A little lemon aid and some udpp and I have virtually waterproof eye makeup holds out for ages after plus the lemon aid really wakes up my tired eyes :)
true that about benefit. this is one of the brands where i feel like you don't get what you pay for a lot of the time. imho, even many drugstore brands outdo benefit, hands down. that said, thanks for the review! despite my dislike for many things benefit, i've always been curious about lemon-aid, especially after hearing about it from a few folks. i'll definitely give it a test drive next time i'm at sephora. :-)
hey jkim!
It's hit and miss for me and Benefit...I like many items but some are just not all that :P especially for the price :P
It's well worth trying out..for me it's one of their hit products and I seriously couldn't do without it...very good stuff :)
Now you've got me all curious about trying this stuff! I've never really given it a second look since I love my UDPP, but now I feel like I must test it out! ^_^
hey ghoulina :)
I'm having such a blast going through your comments today and replying :)
thanks for all the great ones!
I absolutely adore UDPP and wouldn't give it up for the world :)
I have just discovered BeneFit (well, I have ogled over the packaging before, but only recently made a purchase). Lemon Aid was one of these purchases and I am in love. I have light/medium olive skin and very dark lids. This stuff really wakes up my eyes. I never used to want to go anywhere without putting shadow on to lighten my lids, but now I can just use this under my foundation and I am good to go. But, I have also been using it as an undereye concealer as my dark circles go all the way around my eyes! And it works fabulously. I find it gives a little extra brightening that a regular concealer does not.
hello kathleen!
Apologies for my delayed reply!
I'm so glad you're enjoying Benefit Lemon Aid :)
It's actually quite great for lids and under eyes :) If I wanna do a quickie look I do it on my lids and under my eyes to brighten my eyes up and make me look more awake!
So glad it's a life saver for you :)
Hope to speak to you again soon!
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