Demeter Swimming Pool Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray Review
Guys! It's like freaking 30 degrees outside!
Um hello holy coldness Batman!
I was bred, born, and raised in New York and I have to say the last few years have been thee most excellent roller coaster weather wise! I swear you never know what you'll get next! Weather is like a box of chocolates here in our little city!
Al Gore told me it's Global Warming but I don't believe him because he also said he created the Internet!

Honestly, I remember when Fall was Fall and we had nice brisk weather that you needed a sweater for or a hoodie! Now a days it's somewhat like getting ready to go deep sea diving as you need a snow suit and a pile of warm clothes to face the freezing cold outside!

The weather may be frightful outside but I can re-live the warmth of Summer by indulging in Demeter Swimming Pool Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray! This soft, aquatic scent carries a fresh ozone base that's reminiscent of a fresh laundered towel! Demeter Swimming Pool allows me to savor the warm weather anywhere, anytime (even in 30 degree weather) while I reminisce about the memory of a swim in a cool pool on a hot, humid day!

I hosed myself down with Demeter Swimming Pool this morning, stepped outside, closed my eyes, and pictured the warm weather.
Guess what happened?
I still froze my bloody arse off! But at least I smelled aquatic, fresh, and lovely! Thanks Demeter!
The Muse suggests checking some out! Maybe it'll keep you warm this Winter!

Demeter Tootsie Roll Review
Demeter Tropical Dots Review
Ha ha, a New Yorker who doesn't like Al Gore, none the less the Global Warming hype. :P
Yeah, I was about to comment under your latest post (Hello Kitty - MAC)
and then I scrolled down, so here I am :)
About the MAC Hello Kitty, I agree, the compact is a little out of character for the usual pink/white feel. It seems like they could've hit a home run with new, innovative product packaging. However, like you said, once I see it in the store, I'll probably get a few things! I don't know about you, but I have no buyer integrity when it comes to something like that (however, I'm skipping Dame Edna because those eyeshadows trios remind me of Heatherette).
XO, Roxie
You're a global warming denier? :(
morning Roxie!
Oh no I like him alright :) I just find some of what he says funny..I voted for him actually :)
I'm with you on the HK! :) Once I see it I'll want it all, no question, I was just disappointed upon first view sigh :(
Agreed on Dame Edna..again same o' same o' :( I do want most of it..I can't deny that..but it's mostly about the packaging and not so much what's insane...they could be a tiny bit more inventive with collections :P
hi Anonymous.
No, I'm not a global warming denier..I'm simply being sarcastically funny in the post.
You'll run across alot of morbid humor on here.
hee hee you're so cute! This post is a prime example of why I love reading your blog!
I'm glad to hear Swimming Pool smells fresh, aquatic and freshly laundered...I was worried it was going to smell of chlorine! >_< With never quite know hehehe
LOL glad you got the humor hun :) not many people do!
LOL so true so true!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean this from a company who has a lobster and shrimp scent LMAO!
oh I think I was just inspired to post!
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