Bath and Body Works Hand Soap and Lotion Caddy
Lou Bega needed a little bit of Monica, Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary, AND Jessica in his life......
Well hello ladies!

but the Muse thinks all you need in yours is a little bit of Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint! I don't need all the insanity just give me a bit of Twisted Peppermint and we'll call it a day!

Well ok maybe if you said I need a little bit of John, David, Lee, Benoît, Colin, Mathew, and Robert in my life I'd be all over it like wild fire! I'd hit these!
Well HELLO boys!

Damn I guess we should prob settle on the Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint considering it's readily available! This isn't the first time you'll hear me rave and celebrate the goodness that is Twisted Peppermint so get used to it! It's going to be a long month full of Twisted Peppermint goodness and the Muse's love affair with it.
My latest find is the huge, jumbo Bath and Body Works Soap and Lotion Caddy! Score! This duo comes in a cute silver caddy and includes a jumbo size of Bath and Body Works Hand Soap in Twisted Peppermint plus a matching lotion!
Loves it!
The Muse is feeling all Christmas-like every time she washes her hands now! I have one of these caddies in each of the bathrooms in my house plus in my kitchen and one of the larger lotions by my bedside! It's Twisted Peppermint insanity at the Muse's house! I even grabbed a few to store away to last me all Winter long when Twisted Peppermint makes it's exit after the Holiday season is over! This is the first time that Twisted Peppermint has been available in hand wash and hand lotion format so of course I'm all over it! Twisted Peppermint is a twisted cocktail of soft vanilla mixed up with a wintery mix of cooling peppermint! Mmmmm likey!

You can nab the caddy for $15 USD but the Muse got most of hers on sale by using coupons so the most she paid is about $8 USD which is a total deal! Bath and Body Works seems to be extra giving with the coupons this year!
Right now you can nab these caddies for $15 USD plus an additional caddy for 50% off but you can always wait and see what other sales pop up! Last year I remember they had these in Candy Apple and a few other Holiday scents at a whooping 75% off so if you wait you can score a deal or two!
The Muse thinks that Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint should make an appearance on your wishy list this season and it's definitely Muse Approved for purchase! A Muse staple item all the way!

Love Twisted Peppermint?
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Twisted Peppermint Shimmer Body Spray Review
Bath and Body Works Lambie Blanket Review
Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint Hand Wash
Bath and Body Works Liplicious Moisturizing Lip Color and Scrub Review
Bath and Body Works Spring Collection Temptations Body Sprays Review
Labels: Bath and Body Works, Holiday Collections 2008, Reviews
They smell sooooo good!
And I just had a Bath n Body Works go in at a mall down the street, so I can practically walk to the store now ;)
LOOOOOOOOL!!! I am trying to concentrate on my studies here and all I can do it fall over laughing from your last 2 posts today! I LOVE YOU MUSEY :D You make study time lots of fun *nods*
w00t! Good for when it's semi annual DD! nab all the good deals early :) if I had a BBW down the street I'd live there and come home only when it closed down teehee!
LOL Nosh ;) see I KNEW you were studying and needs a little break in between thus all the stupidity in my babble today ;)
I love you back hun ;) Big hugs!
Now get back to studying or no more posts for you! lol!
Your blog is the best far and wide, because of your wacky humour that is always right up my alley! I love it! You make me laugh and really brighten up my not so great day, thanks!
Hugs and Kisses!
aww shucks thanks nell :) so glad you get my brand of retarded humor lol!
awww I hope you're having a good day today ;)
big HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!
lol very cool post...
btw.. i LOVE Benoît Magimel.. goodness he is HOT..
have you seen Children of the Century, with him and Juliet Binoche?
if you havent i highly recommend it!
Aline we are so twins! ;) I love him too but not many people know who he is :) so it's fab that someone actually seen his flicks!
I've seen everything he's in at least twice heeh!
CotC was good but not a fav of mine :) I couldn't dig the curly hair lol! He's pretty fab ;) Have you seen Lisa?
no im afraid i havent seen Lisa... damn blockbuster doesnt carry it =(.. if you could let me know where to find it, i would definitely be open to checking it out... what is the plot about?
ive seen quite a few of his movies...
the first one i saw was flower of evil, then the bridesmaid, the piano teacher, then children of the century..
i also saw la haine too but he had a teeeeeny part in that.. i have "the nest" in my que as well..
i love guillame canet too.. if havent seen it already, you should check out "love me if you dare".. its the cutest movie.. marion cotillard is in it too =)
ooo! and if you like monica bellucci and vincent cassel.. their first movie together "l'appartement" is INCREDIBLE.. the far superior original to the crappy US remake "wicker park"..
another french movie i absolutely LOVE is "the last mistress".. check out the trailer...
the lead actor very VAGUELY resembles robert pattinson (i think its mostly the hair lol).. IMHO at least... awesome, AWESOME movie.. incredibly HOT..
lol i better stop.. i could go on about foreign films forever
Yay Colin Firth!
I really really want this set for my bathroom. <3 My roommate is a guy, but I think he'd like it too!
morning aline!
Ew that's so has most of his movies :) Lisa too I think!
here's a few deets on it:
Totally off topic but if you like obscure french films you should check out Fat's deeply disturbing and quite interesting to watch. Although do be's VERY french if you get my meaning :)
I love the piano teacher..strangely unique and interesting..not his best picture but interesting!
Flower of Evil was a tiny bit to traditional and lengthy but good as well! he made a an action film with Reno a few years back that wasn't bad either...I mean what could be bad about JR and BM in the same film right?! hehe! The Nest..quite nice as well..not a ton of plot but still good for the eye candy!
Oh well duh I'm reading your message as I typed and hear you are mentioning the nest lol!
Great minds!
guillame canet SWOON I love him as well :) Love me if you dare was so loveeeeeeeeeeeeely :)
l'appartement OH my god it's on my top fifty fav films! Amazing! And yes much better then the hack job of Wicker Park!
I've seen the Last Mistress and absolutely adored it :) lol! yes indeed he hair :) I have a girl crush on Asia! She's my freaking hero..have you seen B Monkey? if not you must see it! She's fab in it and it's quite romantic too ;)
Oh my gosh me too! I simply adore foreign films :) I'm also very into Korean Dramas, Japanese Horror, and Japanese Romances :) but French films are my passion..I'm also a big lover of Italian films old and new :) especially 60-70's grindhouse style films!
Hehe we are twins :)
hello Hana!
LOL love me some Colin!
I think it's pretty unisex :) who doesn't like cool, refreshing peppermint :)
aline one more...anatomy of hell..oh my god so disturbingly disgusting lol!
Be warned..highly gross...but so freaking interesting LOL...
oOo.. i just looked up anatomy of hell and it sounds interestinggggg.. i put that in my que and bumped it to the top...
also, speaking of anatomy and all things gross... there is a german movie with franke potente and benno furmann (HOT-T-T-T) called "anatomy".. very... interesting... and i absolutely LOVED them in "the princess and the warrior"..
i also love italian films too.. i LOOOOVED "the last kiss".. far superior to the crap that was the american version... seriously, i dont know why they even bother to remake these movies when they got them right the first time... that and "facing windows"ssss (rauol bova... DROOL).. LOVE that one.. i liked "ginger and cinnamon" too and "remember me, my love".. that one was a good one.. and "his secret life"
girl if you have any suggestions for italian films, send them my way.. as you can probably tell i enjoy them immensely..
wasnt the last mistress incredible? and speaking of asia argento.. have you seen "transylvania"? i was checking it out and it sounded interesting, so i popped it in my que.. the man playing the male lead/her love interest is actually her daughters father =P
btw.. i almost forgot.. i had heard about Fat Girl too.. i put that in my que as well but its been sitting on the backburner.. i think ill bump that one to the top as well =)
Hi Muse...I'm behind on some of your posts! So, who is the adorable "Lee" guy...Korean?
(* the guy I'm dating is Korean and a cutie too! *).
...Oh yeah, and the peppermint hand products are nice as well. (*smiles*)
- Miss D
hey aline
sorry for the delayed reply..backed up with comments :)
It's obscure...very very very obscure..and sexually!
just be warned :)
I LOVED the princess and the warrior too and I think Franke Potente is gorg...I haven't seen anatomy though...or heard of it.
Ohh last kiss was fabs...I really hate when we do remakes..I'm particularly a big hater of Japanese Horror films come american versions ala the grudge, etc...
rauol bova=holy hotness!!!!!!!
Do you watch any asian series or films?
Oh lord I have a slew of Italian you like old 70-80's Italian films?
The last mistress was a fav of appeals to my foreign film side and my period side..I love period films with a passion!
No transylvania I haven't add B Monkey do your que if you love asia argento...that's a fab film! Plus JRM is in!
Hehe I can discuss this with you all day :)
Fat really really obscure...please stop by after you seen these I'm curious what you'll think!
hi Miss D!
LOL :) everyone loves him hehehe...oh my...lucky you..send one my way lol!
He's an actor/model in a few films/kdramas :) very very very cute! to say the least! Hehe!
LOL LMAO yes the peppermint is good but not as good as the guys lol!
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