Pixi Lip Blush Review & Swatches
I'm still on my special Target kick so today I'll be reviewing Pixi Lip Blush! More Lip Stain! W00t! Excited? I am!
Overpriced? Check.
Awesome? Check.
Long Wearing? Check.
Find it cheap elsewhere? Definitely!
Pixi Lip Blush is sadly not the innovative product of the year as it's been done over and over and over again by many a fine company! And actually, thinking back, it actually failed with every company that every put out a product like it.

What is it?
It's a magic marker....you know like the ones you used in grade school to color on walls, kitchen counters, and other places your mum would give birth to a cow over! Remember those days!? Fun!
Basically it's a marker that you can use to add a beautiful pop of color to lips! The formula is extra pigmented and super long wearing which makes it not for everyone simply because it does lend a certain kool-aid smile to the lips! This could be considered sexy by some and just plain weird by others! The Muse prefers her lippie products bold and vibrant so she actually likes the loudness of the color! A little Pixi Lip Blush, a bit of clear gloss and you'll be good for hours on end...even after your gloss long wears off you'll be sporting a killer lip look!
The product lasts literally for ever...on your lips and the actual product...as in it'll keep going and going and going..for years if you so please! It doesn't dry up and it doesn't wear down like your favorite lipstick...it has a tendency to last for quite a while! How do I know? I've tried similar products from mark, Urban Decay, Bourjois and Sephora and they have all lasted me well over a year!
So problem....
It's $18 USD and as we already know and established I'm not loving an $18 USD price tag at Target...mmmmmmm...dunno why...not sure the mentality behind it...but dishing out $18 bucks at Target makes me cry for my mommy!
Second problem....
Urban Decay started this craze a few years ago and it didn't last and soon after mark and Sephora did their version and again it didn't last so honestly I don't see this lasting either. Reason? I don't think many people actually like the idea of such a bold, unnatural shade on the lips! If your makeup lends itself to the gothic lolita (FRUiTS may appreciate it as well) side you can definitely dig this but honestly if you're not up for "doll-like" cosmetics I'm doubtful you'll want to give this a try! Which is why I personally think every company has failed with these.
Now...if Pixi and the other companies I mentioned did softer shades with less pigmentation they'd have a total winner on their hands but taking into consideration that the shades are highly pigmented and loud...def a loser!
All in all I loved Pixi Lip Blush! It applies awesome, has amazingly long wear on the lips, and it suits me wonderfully well...no likey the price though! I tried the shade Love with is a rather loud off orange shade! Suits me wonderfully well with a bit of peach blush, I'm rocking it! I've heard some people complain sometimes about how lip markers dry their lips out but I've never experienced this problem.

I'd prob buy it again if I seen it on sale but wouldn't bother if it kept the $18 USD price tag! Yup, loves stains like this but it's about the principal of walking into Target and paying less while getting more not vice versa!
So cheers on an awesome product but boo on a big price tag!
If you're wanting some at a cheaper price you can scour the bowels of evil-bay (where all dead makeup goes to rest in peace!) and get yourself some of the mark, Sephora, and Urban Decay markers at really great prices.

How about you?
Have you tried the Pixi line at Target?
Love it?
Love Lip Markers?
Tell the Muse!

More Pixi @ Target Deets
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they do have a really light pink one called youth. i was thinking about getting it but was kinda iffy,sometimes stains dont like my lips. so im glad u like it. think i might go check it out.
hey laura!
I dunno if we have youth..will have to look!
I really enjoy stains :) they last for ages on and give a rather nice doll like look ;)
I'm all over that!
I love dolly-look makeup, so I'm all over this! I wish the prices were better though. I'm with you, paying $18 for a single makeup item at Target just somehow does not compute for me! :P
me too! I simply adore anything that gives a doll like look!
Me either :P sigh...guess we gotta wait for the clearance to settle in lol!
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