Prescriptives All Minerals Makeup Review
I think I might have unintentionally found the holy grail mineral foundation. Seriously.
First off I should explain that I have a certain dislike (or hate if you prefer) for mineral makeup. When mineral makeup was first making it's big appearance in the makeup circuit I was the idiot that promptly purchased a Bare Minerals kit. Hey, here it was a kit with everything I needed to look flawless! Awesome!
I got the kit and promptly threw it in the garbage. No joke. The Muse felt it wasn't even good enough for swap bait!
Coverage was awful, I felt like I had a mask on, and damn was I itchy as hell! That's not exactly my idea of flawless coverage more along the lines of uncomfortable coverage!
Since that awful experience I've kept far away from mineral makeup and decided it was for those with perfect yet oily skin. Those of us with flawed, dry skin were basically out in the cold. No mineral makeup for you guys! Sorry!
About a year ago I felt it was my responsible as a super star blogger (I like the way that sounded...suppppppppppper star...ok sorry..I'll take it out later, promise, don't be a killjoy about it! *grumble*) to venture back into the world of mineral makeup. At the moment everyone and their mum has some sort of mineral foundation out on the market. I wonder if Bare Minerals is having a cow over this. Whatta ya think?
The market was particularly saturated in the drugstore where many drugstore cosmetics have taken on the mineral frontier and are trying to boldly go where no cosmetic brand has gone before....I think, maybe, their might be a snark in that statement do to the Muse's strong distaste for drugstore cosmetics.
As I was saying I've been sorta picking and choosing a few brands to try out and I haven't successfully located any good mineral makeup as of yet aside from Urban Decay's rather awesome Surreal Skin.
I know MANY of you awesome people have recommended me various e-tailer brands. Thank you! I'll definately be making some selections soon from those brands however I may not have to since I've discovered thee most awesome mineral powder I've tried to date.
Prescriptives has introduced it's own line of mineral foundation and I am in love.
Absolute love.

I gotta say I am a tad bit disappointed as I was reading reviews for this on MUA and it only got a rating of 3.4 or so. That's not particularly bad but it's not awesome either. Who are these people reviewing this? We should take a wanted dead or live warrant out on them!
My first time using this I think I made a little bit of a mess. I was comparing this to other mineral foundation I've used so boy was I buffing it on like nobody's business! I ended up looking like a scary chalky mess. Turns out that the coverage is pretty amazing so a little tiny bit goes a very, very, very long way! This is rare with mineral foundation! I've always found I have to pile it on but not the case with Prescriptives All Minerals Makeup. A little tiny bit will give your skin the coverage it needs while remaining light and natural.

You may have read in a few of my posts this Summer how my skin was going through a rather dull phase due to the overwhelming humidity but I'm looking freaking awesome after application with this. At least I thinks so. It looks so fresh and it really lightens up my face which I love!
Ok, so it has sun protection right plus it contains good for you minerals and it sets the perfect canvas for makeup but get this......the long wearing that they promise.....true. Seriously, long wearing. As in bulletproof long wearing. As in jump in the pool and still look awesome long wearing.
We're suffering a bit of the typical New York heat wave the past week and a half or so which means we get the normal round of blistering sun plus major waves of humidity. I tell can seriously do some major testing on your makeup in weather like this.
I walked 8 blocks yesterday in the humidity. 8 blocks isn't a whole lot for me as I walk alot more but 8 blocks in the humidity tends to feel like 200 blocks. After reaching my destination I feared my face melted right off so I quickly stepped into the ladies to touch up.
No need.
My face was beautiful. No touch ups required. This stuff is seriously waterproof. I was looking as fresh as a daisy hmmm or a rose I can't decide which. After a quick touch up with gloss I was ready to go! Right at that moment I was wishing I had my camera so I could have done some serious Before and After shots! Coverage pretty much lasts until you remove it. This stuff isn't going anywhere. I've used it for about a week and a half now and I can't begin to say what a great ride it's been. I'm shocked, delighted, and amazed at how awesome it is. We have a winner people!
The Muse looking flawless and fresh wearing Prescriptives All Minerals Makeup

THIS is my first attempt with the powder! I don't think it looks too bad but you can see that I went a little bit overboard. Remember kids less is more!

You have 18 shades to choose from so I think everyone should be able to locate at least one shade that's flattering to your skin tone. Each jar is 0.3 oz in size and $32.50 USD.
The powder is very silky and feels weightless plus I had no itchy feeling that I normally get from mineral powders. I just felt like I had nothing on which is a plus when it comes to powder foundation of any kind. As I mentioned, please for the love of God, a little goes a long way so don't get crazy!

Prescriptives has a brush available at a special price of $17 USD when you purchase the mineral foundation. I got it at Macy's but I'm unsure if you can get one at all counters. It normally retails for $30 USD so that's a considerable discount.
The buffing brush introduced with the foundation is interesting. I'm unsure if I love it or not yet. It shed a bit which was disappointing but I did like how dense it was and how it picked up a healthy amount of product to buff onto your face. I used the powder with my MAC mini kabuki and I just felt like the Presciptives brush did a much better job of buffing the product into my skin. I'm unsure if that was due to it's larger size. The bristles are quite soft but...kinda stiff. So I do have a few minor rants about the brush but I'm in a stage where I love and hate it at the same time. I do think at $17 USD it's kinda sorta worth picking up because it made applying easier.

I noticed that they have a good selection for darker skinned girls. I noticed that the tones went from nice light coffee shades all the way up to very darker shades so if you find it difficult to get a good match in mineral foundations I think it's safe to say they should have your color available! Also plenty of the shades were flattering for my lovely Asian girls.
I know, I know many of my Singaporean readers are hating on me right for reviewing this since Prescriptives has pulled out of the Sinaporean market. I'm sorry guys! Definately check around MUA to see if some kind MUA'er can do a CP to grab some of this for you.
This one is Muse Approved for purchase. The Muse likey. Alot. The Muse has found her mineral makeup of choice!

Check out the shade selections for Prescriptives All Minerals Makeup by clicking here!
Click on over here to see the brush!
Don't forget you get free standard shipping if you include any All Mineral purchase in your basket! Plus you can choose a free sample with your order!
Tried Prescriptives All Mineral Makeup already?
Loving it?
Want to try it?
Tell the Muse all about it!
Stay tuned for the new Fall palette that I'll be featuring shortly from Prescriptives in an upcoming review!

Everyday Minerals Haul
Maybelline Mineral Powder Powder and Blush Review
Physicians Formula Flawless Complexion Kit Review
Physicians Formula Mineral Wear Cream Foundation and Concealer Review
Labels: Fall Collections 2008, Prescriptives, Reviews
Izzy out of curiosity have you tried Laura Mercier's mineral foundation? I happen to pretty much hate mineral foundations myself (BE made me itch like crazy too!) but for the summer they're just so darn convenient that I think I might need to try a few out. Yesterday I was thinking about ordering the LM, but now you're tempted me with this Prescriptives! If you've tried both I'd love your opinion on how they compare.
hiya jen.
I haven't sadly. I have a few backed up items I have yet to review from LM but no mineral stuff :P
I HATE minerals with a passion too. I've kinda been trying to find the perfect one for summer myself and this was the only one I came across to date, after trying many, that was rather awesome. I was impressed with the staying power more than anything else.
I wish I can compare the two but no joy. I'll see about picking up some LM and see if I can do some comparisons for you!
I did notice that the reviews are raving on MUA!
I seriously *hate* mineral makeup as well. I did the same as you, went out and bought that damn kit, and what the hell?! I looked awful, I felt awful, ugh. A friend of mine has been wearing BE for months and she now has what appears to be a form of irritation that mimics rosacea. Uh, thanks BE!
But you've gotten me VERY excited about this one. I just moved to a little town and maybe, just maybe, they have a Prescriptives counter at the Dillards or Macys lol. NEED. I am in TX so I know all about the heat and humidity, blah.
It looks amazing on you, but even w/o makeup your skin is fabulous so you hardly need the stuff!! ;) I'm so psyched to try it myself. Thanks darling!!
Oooh actually I didnt like mineral makeup too, cuz I found the powder too sheer, drying and not long lasting at least, the ones I've tried...and I have tried a lot actually. ^^ This is so tempting! I so want to try this after reading your review. Sadly there's no Prescriptives in my country. ): But I'll check online. XD Great review~ =]
hiya melaine :)
I so heart your comments. It's nice talking to you daily lately.
Oh my gosh same experience here! I was having such a deep hate for it that anyone who raved I was completely irritated with lol!
I cannot believe the amount of people that RAVE on and on and on about how fabulous it is!
"oh my god mineral makeup has changed my life" gimme a break *rolls eyes*
Oh my gosh your poor friend!
I think the most exciting part about the prescriptives mineral makeup was the long wear. That seriously impressed me the most.
Yak! Sorry. My aunt and uncle live part time in Houston and my aunt is always complaining about the overwhelming humidity :P
aw shucks *blush* thanks darling!
I look forward to hearing if you love it!!!!!!!!
hello xisa!
I agree with you. Drying, sheer, not long lasting AT ALL. I've tried quite a few myself and all had the same results.
aw damn :( where are you located xisa? Def check around MUA for a friendly swapper!
Glad you enjoyed the review!
Have a great day!
Oh dearest muse, I was just like you and Melanie. I bought one of the first starter kits of BE from QVC and tried once and hated it. With all the mmu craze going on, I gave it another shot with some Physicians Formula and was disappointed again. I don't know if it is because I suck at application or the products are what sucks. I do know that since I don't usually wear any foundation, just a tinted moisturizer sometimes, I am sure that has something to do with my avoidance, too.
BUT, you are seriously making me think about rethinking my mmu stance. I mean, if YOU can like one, then maybe just maybe it might work for me. (But, I'm still pretty sure its the "i suck at putting this stuff on" that I will have to deal with first. Ha!)
*Oh, and speaking of QVC, I didn't get any BB stuff the other night, as, like you said, no easy pay on her palette. I coulda had a better deal thru her emailer.
Have a great day! Big XO'!
Oy ze Muse! I'm glad you found a MMU that works for you! I'm so happy! Now let me tell you why I think so highly of you: while other people blog 2, 3 times a week, the Muse churns out 2, 3 or even 4 posts a day! And all of your reviews are so lovely! To me you deserve a higher ranking or something.
Ah, let's go back to the Prescriptives brush shall we? Typical MMU brushes are denser as they need to hold the materials. And that brush is one hell of a brush I'm telling ya! I think after some couple of washes it will become softer. At least that's what I remember of my BE brushes.
hi oldergirlbeauty!
It relieves me to hear these stories. I swear I felt so alone when everyone was going crackers for mineral makeup especially BE. Especially when I just felt so itchy with it on and the coverage was simply rubbish!
Now physicians formula is a brand I actually LOVE and trust and I tried the minerals too and was so terribly disappointed with the outcome! i really expected big things from them as they do make some sincerely good products for the price!
Not at all. It's not that you suck at all. It's just that most of the formulas around just aren't that good :P
You're lucky you can go with just TM! I feel naked if I don't put on something plus I feel it creates a good working canvas for my blush and other makeup!
I'm a fickle person when it comes to mmu so if I like it that says alot ;)
It's really not that difficult when you get a knack for it. Kinda like fluffying powder on :) I was kinda disappointed with the selection this time for bb. and they never ever offer any special deals on items or flex pay! I agree better deal via her site b/c at least u get samples and shipping for nothing where as qvc charges an arm and a leg for shipping :P plus the tax and you're $10 or so broker due to that :P
Huge hugs lovie!
Have a great day and happy almost weekend!
hi dao!
Hehe indeed I has ;)
*blushes* aw shucks thanks dao! I try to get out at least 8 a day but sometimes life gets in the way. damn life doesn't it know I need to blog!?
;) hehe!
Awww sheesh thanks. My google ranking went down the tubes when I changed to my own domain! *prays to the google Gods to lift it back up again*
I hope it does become softer..hmm good idea..will wash tonight and soak it overnight :) it's freaking huge! Big as my head hehe. Have you tried the prescriptives mmu yet???
Thanks so much for your great comment dao! It made my day!
Oh, I'm going to see if I can get that over here. I need a decent mineral foundation, it's the one thing I'm ok with splurging on.
You are looking very gorgeous Miss Muse x
Aww, yay, I love talking to you too my dear! You are such a sweet and genuine gal that it is really fun to read your posts, comments and replies. I have been on the computer more lately as I haven't yet started my new job.
Speaking of talking, I don't see your running comment box in the margin anymore! Where did it go? I really want to tell you about the new job so perhaps I will send you a quickie email... I think you will find it exciting!
You're going to laugh but I immediately called the Dillards and Macys here to see if they carried Prescriptives... Macy's does and its on my to-do list today! Yay! thanks again so much for this review!
Oooooo Critty wants!!! BE maskes me itch too, damn all that bismuth they stick in there. I ordered my BE kit so long ago it came with a VHS tape - lol!! You would think they would have taken out the bismuth by now ... but I just checked, even all their shadows are still packed with the itchy stuff.
You have sold me on the prescriptives foundation though!
Big hugs,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you in the teal FOTD wearing the prescriptives. Those eyes look beautiful!
I'm glad to see you trying a MMU and liking it :)
I tried a few before I found that I loved Meow's purrfect puss foundation for light coverage days and AromaLeigh's glissade for heavier coverage days. Before that I used MAC's Studio Fix, or Studio Tech, in NW15, which is actually slightly too dark for me, but was my closest match. Which reminds, me, I got 2 of those puff jars from Everyday minerals and love them. I put my 2 types of foundations into them and then switch out whichever one I'm wearing that day in my purse.
My favorite prescriptives product they don't appear to make anymore, it was a lip gloss called Dreamy. I've thought about trying their custom blend lip gloss, but haven't done it.
Thank god it's almost friday.
This week just needs to be over, and soon. I think we could all use a big dose of fun.
hi laura!
Aww thanks Laura :) MWAH!
If you need help let me know! I owe you some favors darling ;)
I'll happily head to Macy's and grab it!
I dunno if prescriptives is available in the UK..should be though as I believe it's only been pulled out of the Singaporean market!
'ello melanine!
Aw thanks *hugs!*
Congrats on the new job! I stopped running it as the kids couldn't play nice lol. Some nasty folk decided to leave silly comments so I took it down.
sigh. I hate doing that but it had to go.
Fantastic! Do send the email! If you don't get a reply right away I will reply as soon as I can. I sometimes get overwhelmed with emails!
LOL fantastic! I can't wait to hear what you think! It's simply awesome. Definitely the best I've come across so far!
hiya critty!
Oh my god itchy is an understatement! The maybelline one did the same thing to me too!
LMAO Critty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! That's awesome! You're dating yourself my friend :)
It's so strange b/c they make high quality stuff like the glimmers and glimspes and mascara but the foundation ugh!
If you try it do step back and give me the low down :)
hi dd!
Oh my thank you ;) *blush*
I adore this stuff!
I have meow and aromaleigh on my hit list for sure!
Oh I'm so glad the everyday minerals jars worked great for you! I love those things!
the custom blend lipglosses are so temptttttting!!!!!!!!
God yes. I'm ready for the weekend in a big way!
Fun sounds good to me!!!!!!!!!!
hello i'm a long time reader and never commented.
i just brought this as you recommended it. i walked to macys during lunch i work on 34th. i couldnt wait so i ended up drying a bit in the bathroom. the coverage is good as you said and my face looks really good at the moment.
if it lasts as long as u say i'm going to be very happy
thanks for recommendation
Darling Izzy, u look lovely in the Turquoise e/s! :)
Ah..I just hope that Prescriptives will come back to S'pore soon. Just like RMK is coming back here in August! :)
U really got me sold on this powder with the ability to withstand the heat and humidity!
Izzy, u r not helping with my lemming list ;) It's growing longer n longer ever since I started reading ur blog :p
Stop ur magical powers!!!! lol
gracie xo
hello stephanise!
Thanks for reading Musings :) I really appreciate it. Don't be shy! Come on out and comment :)
Fantastic! I'm happy to hear you're loving it so far. Maybe reply back tomorrow and tell us if it was long wearing for you! Looking forward to hearing what you think.
I felt like it gave me a great canvas for my makeup but I was really impressed with the staying power most of all!
Thanks for your comment and I hope to hear from you again soon!
hello gracie!
Thank you missus ;) *hugs*
I hope so too! poor Iris has wanted the dual sticks when they came out and it was around the time it was pulled from 'pore which really stunk :P
AMEN! I was so excited about RMK making it's way back to 'pore now I can get cps wahoo lol!
Lord gracie you need it especially with the weather your side. It's like bulletproof on my face. I was pretty amazed. I've never seen makeup last so long prior to this.
hehe...honey my lemming list is just as long ;)
*zaps you with my cosmetic wand*
Have a great weekend!
Ohhhhhhh Izzy, me likes you in aqua/turquoise/peacock colours! What eyeshadow/eyeshadows is/are that/they?
hellllllllo liz :)
that would be from cool heat ;) I'll be reviewing the shadows soon :)
It's gulf stream and cool heat plus some shimmer from a kate dual carat ;)
Glad you likey!
Yes, I personally hate mineral makeup, but feel like it's my duty to find 'THE ONE', so I've tried quite a few and hated them all. Now I must try this Px foundation as well.
Wah?!? What happened to all those glorious close-ups of my beautiful Izzy?!? Why have they been replace with thumbnails?!? Who did this?!? The trolls? Those theft-y Chinese bloggers?!? I'll break their penises for this! Someone will pay!
I loved those close-ups. Brings them backs! :*(
PS: Have you seen the trailer for 'The Watchmen'? I didn't particularly love the series, but this looks like it'll be a full on turkey.
I'm the SAME way! I've been looking for THE ONE for a while now. I'm looking forward to you trying this out and telling me whatcha think!
LOL! ;) I was running out of room to store the massive photos. I think you just like downloading them and either throwing darts at them or doing unmentionable kinky stuff...ahem!
I promise I will brings them back for you ;)
I have a feeling it may suck..*wince*...think fab four...hmmmmm......I love the serials but unsure about the conversion to know how it is with anime, comics, and games.
the trailer does look hawt though ;)
I, too, thought I was the only person in the world who hated BE minerals. Not only did it make my face itch but during these dreadfully humid Delaware summers, the minerals melted off by noon and I was a mess. This past Friday I was at the Prescriptives counter and the sales associate said why don't I try the Presciptive minerals. I said, "No way; I hate mineral makeup." She said.. "just let me try it on 1/2 of your face." I reluctantly said Ok. Oh my gosh..... I couldn't believe it. It was everything they said it was and light years beyond. It is the best. I am a complete believer. Prescriptives has refined and perfected a great idea and I now know that I will not use anything else.
hi fairblue46!
I swear I feel alone sometimes myself lol! So many raves about it around!
What a great story fairblue! How fantastic! The same happened for me. When I got my sample I was REALLY skeptical I'd love it but as soon as I put it on I was amazed! plus it lasts alllllll day and no itchy feelings! w00t!
Thanks for the comment fairblue :)
I've been using prescriptives mineral powder too for months. Love it. I just however read some good reviews on L'oreal's mineral powders. Any one got any experiences or comparisons to share?
hey aonymous :-D
Mmmm haven't tried but wasn't loving Maybelline's :-D
Prescriptives was one of the 1st minerals I actually liked!
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