Musings of the Day: Manly Beauty Regime
According to an article on Reuters Japanese men are quite obsessed with beautifying themselves.
"Yoshitomo Sango treats his complexion to a face scrub, toner and face cream every morning before strolling to a nearby salon to get his hair done...."
Which brings me to my Musings today. What do you think of men that take part in a daily beauty ritual? Moisturizing? Toning? Maybe even applying powder or foundation....?

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"Japan's $3 billion male cosmetics market is one of the biggest in the world, accounting for nearly one-fifth of men's cosmetics sales globally, according to market research firm Euromonitor International. It estimates the global market will reach $25 billion by 2011...."
These numbers do not shock me in the least. Japan is a culture obsessed with beauty, could be why I love the Japanese so much, and having such a large male audience in the beauty world isn't any surprise. I think it's great for a guy to enjoy a beauty regime of any kind he chooses be it skincare or makeup. Any guy that feels skincare is important is so in my ace book plus the Muse has never made any secret over the fact that she loves pretty men!
What do you think?
Do you think men that worry about their skincare are awesome?
Do you draw limits on what they should and shouldn't concentrate on makeup and skincare wise?
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Labels: Musings of the Day
My husband is the one who taught me to use moisturizer, wash my makeup off, and to love MAC makeup. I definitely approve of men who take care of themselves!
Skincare regimen is very important to maintain a healthy skin. I don't mind seeing men doing that. Even my favorite band, Alice Nine's member (a japanese visual rock band) do so. And sometimes I feel a bit of jealousy because their face condition are better than mine. I think the trend now has spread to the west world. Some of the artists like Tokio Hotel lead singer is following the style and one of participant in American Idol (can't remember which season) also is bringing the trend of japanese men to america.
However there should be a limit for them. For performers, it is fine to wear the makeup on stage. But for the normal men, it is a no-no for makeup. Skincare is enough for them.
I'm all for guys taking good care of their skin but I'm not sure about makeup unless you're a rocker or something.
I have a male friend who does a full routine - cleanse,tone, moisturise (with SPF!), eye cream, face mask a couple of times a week, dedicated back wash to keep bacne at bay - everything. I think its awesome.
keeping good care of skin is okay the usual moisturizing,toning etc..and i guy is nothing without an awesome hairstyle....but i wud draw the line at makeup...i dont kno why but it simply creeps me having my brother kiss me before going to school and to get lipstick smudge on my bleeah...
hey dd :-D
your hub sounds awesome hehe.
Why else would I have married him? :P
I still can't believe my stepmother, mother and grandmother never taught me to moisturize or use SPF, and that it took a man to do it!
hi ivo!
Alice Nine is awesome! Their makeup is flawless too :-d
Gackt is one of my favorite J-rockers and he's always so incredibly flawless god his skin is like a baby's!
I don't see it so much here in the US as I do abroad...but it would be nice if we were influenced :-D
try makeup in public could be a prob unless you're going for a specific image a la goth :-D
I think it's great too beth :-D I guess it depends...goth or some such image is fine for makeup or of course no problems with gay men but I'd be slightly worried if a straight guy walked out of the house with lipgloss...of course if that's what he digs that's what he digs but I'm not sure I'd be into it :D
lol paths I understand hun!
ahh i'm cool with moisturizing and grooming...but makeup? i think men should save that for the stage. whether he's rocking at a concert or in a play. but yikes i would slap my boyfriend if i saw him touching my makeup! haha
women use make up to make themselves feel good about themselves and boost their self esteem why should men not also be able to do this
and i find it attractive if a man takes care of himself if he wears make up that doesnt mean he is gay merely extremyl comfortable with his sexuality which are the kind of guys i like as friends and more than *wink*
My BF is a hair stylist, so he definitely spends more time on his hair than the average guy. :) But, his face regimen is like most other guys'--a bar of soap if anything. An ex of mine had--no kidding--a bottle of some incredibly girly 'Purple Passion' bodywash in his shower and then once when I stayed over, he came out with a towel wrapped around his head, girl-style. i broke up with him not too long after that, LOL! That was too much.
LOL Giselle it def could be odd if he didn't have a certain look for himself. granted goth and such is fine but a regular old guy that watches football and decides to wear gloss one day...ya..that'd be weird for me :D
hi anonymous
I totally agree. Men that take care of themselves are very attractive :-D
Of course I would be slightly worried if they were dipping into my gloss hehe!
LMAO Bonnie great story!
LOL dd! awww he sounds awesome!
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