Bourjois Paris Effect 3D Max Lipgloss

Pimp'ed as a mood boosting gloss, new Bourjois Paris Effect 3D Max Lipgloss could easily enhance my mood from good to great with 33% more shine!
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A gloss that offers 33% more shine? What does that even mean? It has me hyper. Bourjois Paris Effect 3D Max Lipgloss is a dazzling lipgloss with a smoothing formula that has shine micro-activators...geez so blooming techy!
These micro-activators form a flexible and comfortable film making lips smoother and radiant with softly shimmering colors that enhance your smile. It's ok guys, you had me at 33% more shine.

Available in 6 shades, Bourjois Paris Effect 3D Max Lipgloss is available now within the UK, Much of Europe, Asia, and no where near the US. Yes, the love has left the building and Bourjois Paris US fails to update it's line as quickly as it does in other parts of the world. Oh the sadness, the heart breaks daily.
Wants it?
Check Evil-bay or start calling up those long lost Brit relatives to grab you some! Review coming soon!
Labels: Bourjois Paris
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