Best of Inexpensive Asian Skincare: B&C Super off Eye Make-Up Remover
As you may know I have a slew of Asian drugstore finds hiding out in my closet. I really like shopping inexpensive Asian skincare and I'm always full of glee when I can score a deal online or have a friend pick me up something from Japan or Korea. One of my fav finds from the Asian skincare world is B&C Aqua Way Super Off Eye Make-up Remover. You may recognize the B&C name if you know Japanese cosmetics as they are the company behind Love Clover. B&C also offers a slew of inexpensive drugstore skincare items such as Aqua Way Super Off Eye Make-Up Remover. This retails for around $4-$5 USD in Japanese drugstores but it's available readily online for US shoppers at around $8-$9. The price is a tad jacked up so the question to answer is it worth the price increase?

Jump ahead to hear about it!
Yes, if you have no friends or contacts in Japan to get this for you than yes it's worth the price jack. It's a quality item that I've used for two years or more now and absolutely adore.

What is it?
It's a subtly orange scented gel which removes waterproof mascara, hard to remove eye makeup, and eye shadow.

I'll start off by saying I'm not partial to gels or balms for removing my shadow. For example I think theBalm Balms Away is awesome however it's not my ideal makeup remover. I do prefer liquid to remove my eye makeup. That being said I can be convinced to love good quality items like Balms Away and Super Off Eye Make-Up Remover.
The formula is a very thick gel that doesn't foam or sud, no tricks or gimmicks, simply a gel here. Taking a little more than a pea size amount you rub it on makeup laden eyes sans water. As you rub the gel breaks up makeup and goes to work to remove it. After gently rubbing for a minute or so you can proceed to rinse with warm water. Presto! Eye makeup, even hard to remove waterproof mascara, is rinsed off.

I imagine the idea of rubbing your eyes for a minute or so isn't too appealing but I find that the gel allows your fingers to gently glide across your eyes so no severe tugging is involved. If you're terribly uncomfortable with rubbing you can simply work the gel onto lashes and ever so gently rinse them clean. Honestly, the friction of the gel makes for a ever so gentle removal.
It's possibly one of the best removers I've come across aside from Lancome Bi-Facil plus it's way cheaper. You get about a 3.7oz to 4oz tub for the price which will last well over 3 months with daily use.
If you're looking for the Best Inexpensive Asian Eye Makeup Remover, B&C Eye Make-Up Remover is it. It's Muse Approved for purchase! A tried and true favorite.

The Muse recommends purchasing from the following places:
Sasa $8.90
Imomoko $12.95
I'll be bringing you more of my favorite, best inexpensive Asian skincare picks soon!
Labels: Asian Brands, Best Of, Japanese Brands, Reviews, Skincare
ooh!!! I'm intrigued :) i currently use pure jojoba oil and even though it gets everything off, it takes a little bit of rubbing :( thanks for the review!
hi elle
I'm always looking for the best way to get my hard to remove mascara off :-D this does a great trick of it.
My pleasure! Hope it helps you!
Oh I'm adding this to my next sasa order! I usually use this baby oil from mustela... very nice to use before the cleansing oil but this is way cheaper.
I wear tons of waterproof makeup (liner mascara) because I have oily skin and hate panda eyes... I have to try this!!
Muse - you rock!
hey julie!
yay come back and tell me what you think!
Baby oil doesn't quite get all my WP mascara off. I wish it did b/c it's very cheap and smells nice too :-D
I hope you like this.
Aw thanks Julie you're a doll!
Can it remove MJ mascara? The lash extender kind?
hey bebe
yup works perfect for that :-D
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