Beauty Babble: Survival Beauty

Hey Guys!
I'm trying out a new category here at Musings called Beauty Babble. The Beauty Babble section will basically be a scenario of "possibilities" with questions and answers about what you'd do in situations where cosmetics would be needed!
For example.
Your house on fyressssss! Oh my god! What beauty item would you grab while running out the door! (might as well add this one into our Beauty Babble this week)
Fun right?
Jump ahead to see this week's Beauty Babble!

Your in a deep sleep, REM has set in, your snoring out of one nostril and drooling from your mouth while dreams of Colin Firth sweeping you across an English country side dances through your head! Suddenly an annoying beeping makes a guest starring appearance in your Pride and Prejudice fantasy, what the hells is it? Oh my god it's the smoke alarm! You have to jump out of your bed and get out of your house (or apartment, parent's basement, rental room, etc...) as quick as you can! You have to grab one beauty product! What would it be?
The Muse says concealer. I could probably live without the rest but I need concealer to cover up my scary puffy eyes, fine lines, and dark circles! I'd probably go with the Mally Concealer System, I figure I could pass it off as two products in one since it has a setting powder and a creamy concealer.

You're on a gorgeous cruise, the weather is beautiful, you've been enjoying fun in the sun and plenty of eating at that never ending buffet (does the food every end?). As you're waiting on that buffet line in your string bikini the captain announces you must abandon ship! Waiting life boats are prepared to dump you on a deserted tropical island. The captain happens to be a makeup junkie so he allows you to select one item from your train case to take with you! What will it be?
The Muse says SPF! As tempting as it is to say concealer or powder (imagine my oily face in that humidity), I'd much rather protect my skin with a good SPF, I'd simply die if I ended up all tanned and gross looking (the Muse no likey tanning). I'd probably go with Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection as it's one of my favs!

As you're yawning through your work day and procrastinating terribly by reading beauty blogs you notice your favorite blogger is going to the moon! You read further to hear she (or he) is giving away tickets to the moon, whoa. Foaming from the mouth you eagerly comment and enter for your chance to go to the moon with your favorite beauty blogger (your fav beauty blogger should be the Muse btw plus as soon as cosmetic companies start giving away trips to the moon you know damn well I'm holding a contest for one!). A week later you're contacted about winning but sadly you're only allowed to take one item with you due to strict moon travel accommodations. What do you take with you to the moon?
I'd so take some sort of anti-frizz gel or spray! Imagine a no gravity situation? You'd be looking like Einstein as soon as your foot hit pay dirt! I'd probably go with Lush King of Mods, Soap & Glory Hair Supply, or some of that Sunsilk Captivating Curls smoothing cream!
Now it's your turn. Put your self in all the above situations, a fire, a trip to the moon, and a humid tropical island. Now think hard....what one item would you take with you to those destinations? This Beauty Babble is all about Survival Beauty!
Post your answers in the comment box!
Have fun!
Labels: Beauty Babble, Haircare, Lush, Mally Beauty
A fire, you say? I'd take MAC's Flammable Paint with me. Ironic, I know, but it acts as my blush AND lip colour. Plus, its small enough to fit in my pocket! Its the best.
Cruise? Yeh, SPF. I hate the sun anyhow. Making everything extra toasty and such.
The moon? My Aquafina lippies. The moon looks really...dry. >.>
LOL oh all awesome ones puff!
I agree the moon does seem dry I better second guess that anti-frizz stuff and go with some gloss :-D
A labello!!! It's hard enough to come across..I can replace the
Island..SPF also..I am such a freak about the sun!!! I turn a shade darker just by thinking about the
The mac msf in brunette..I'm afraid hte moon's reflection will make me look washed out..
hey tammy!
LMAO tell me about it :-D Labello MUST have!
Aww my skin is a doesn't know what shade it wants to be :-D
LOL indeed the moon's reflection might make us look a bit blue or green or maybe a white cast....!
This is an excellent read! Very fun!
Fire: This is hard... can I just burn to death with my makeup? I've actually, thought of this before, you know. In many scenarios which require me to lose my makeup! I've never been able to choose :( Maybe I'll take my RMK Powder Foundation EX just because it's the most expensive thing in my stash that I love. The others that I love can be easily replenished
Ocean: As much as I love being tanned, I hate getting sunburned! yeah, I'd take a sunscreen. but I don't have one that could withstand the ocean glare!!
Moon: The moon does look dry! I'll take my Shu Uemura Phyto Black Lift Cream. I'm fine with the hair. since it's short, I could probably sport a Fro :)
hahaha...this is fun..
a fire:would be my YOJIYA face moisturizer...well,because it is currently the most expensive moisturizer I have T-T
Island: SPF too, I dont like getting tan too because my tan tends to look like a charcoal colour if you know what i mean ^^"
a moon: my LUSH moisturizer for face n body, I imagine the vacuum must be terrible on skins hehehe
LOL Connie glad you liked!
LOL! I'd go there probably, burn with my makeup, yes indeed I see myself doing that :D
Amen for SPF!!!!!!!!!!!
good choice for your lift off to the moon :-D plus we'd have helmets on anywhere so we'd be ok without the frizz agents hehe!
hi hana!
hehe glad you like it!
Amenssssss on the SPF :D can't live without!
Good choice on the Lush face cream :-D I'm a lushie facial cream fan myself! he!
Omg muse i love your entries esp this one ;) always so quirky and funny!
Probably a cream blush (NARS Multiple orgasm)because i can use it for my cheeks and lips for a pop of color. ^_^
stuck on an island:
I was about to say spf 50 sunscreen but then i thought about my Benefit Benetint! So I must say the Benetint because I need nice rosy cheeks and rosy lips just in case i meet a cute hunky guy there. =P
on the moon:
probably my frederic fekkai glossing cream to keep my hair nice and glossy :)
Damn, I just realized I can't live without a jar of Pond's Cold Cream...curse you, worst case senarios!
Fire: Would have to take my MAC Studio Fix - Gotta have perfect skin, there's bound to be some hot firemen...HOT haha I'm so funny ;p
Abandon Ship: A hairbrush - the drowned mermaid look doesn't suit me.
Fly me to the moon: Estee Lauder, Advanced night repair....since it's always 'night' out in space, it'll be working double time.
LOL! Sarah you're picking way too much stuff :-D
It's survival beauty!!!!!!! hehe!
hey nunu!
LOL you can hose them down with you fix :-D
ha! the though of a hairbrush never passed my mind but def need one :-D
great picks hun!
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