Lush Grease Lightning
Ahhh the good Lady Macbeth said it best when she uttered the words, "Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!" Haunted and obsessed by Duncan's blood all the good lady wanted was the damn spot to be gone (even if it wasn't really there at all)!

Flash forward, present day and still the words of out damn spot may fall from your lips on occasion when you see a spot or two rise up on your face! And of course we even get as obsessed as Lady Macbeth with those damn spots.
Never fear, Lush is here to save you from spots and make your face clear and happy again without the guilt of Duncan's blood on your hands too! Phew, thanks Lush the Muse was worried for a second there.
Jump ahead for it!
The Muse likes to think if Lady Macbeth was of sound body and mind she would appreciate the benefits of a good spot treatment like Lush Grease Lightning! Or perhaps John Travolta might make better use.....
Hmmm one does wonder about these things!
Whatever the case may be we can be sure that we'll make plenty use out of Lush Grease Lightning. Brand new to the Lush skincare collection is this super spot zapping face gel! Made with aloe and witch hazel and plenty of other good for you ingredients this gel dries invisible and zaps those spots clear away!

Hmmm a natural spot remover? I can get on board with that. On occasion the Muse has been known to break out here and there so a spot treatment would be handy especially one made my Lush!
Available now from Lush UK Mail Order (and soon to follow at Lush NA Mail Order).
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yum..this one seems interesting :D I wonder when will they sail to australia *dreamin*
hi hana! hopefully soon!? :-D
Hiya. I just bought this. =D
Just wondering if you apply it directly to the spot, or all over your face?? I've been reading the reviews and I can't work it out...?
hello melia!
sorry for the delayed reply :(
I'm not sure. I haven't tried it yet. I assume the spot!?
what does the bottle instructions say?
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