Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush 3-in-1 Body Wash

I sincerely love Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Body Double Mists with a passion. They smell so scrumptious!
So of course I was completely excited to see that they extended the line recently and are now featuring Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush 3-in-1 Body Wash.
The new body wash comes in Candy, Juiced Berry, Coconut Craze, Honey Do, Slice of Heaven, and Appletini.
You can use these as a shower gel, bubble bath, or shampoo a la Philosophy 3-in-1's! Awesome right? Plus they are priced at 3 for $25 USD so you won't break the bank too much by indulging!
I seriously do NOT need another shower gel but lord knows I really want to haul some of these.
Anyone with me?
Tired 'em already?
Loving them?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: For Your Shower and Bath, Spring Collections 2009, Victoria's Secret
I like washing my hair in the shower so this would be awesome for my frugal self. sadly my skin is overly sensitive and is easily irritated so I'm afraid the wash may not like my skin.
I got one in Honey Do, but I haven't tried it yet. I love Philosophy's 3-in-1s, so I hope these are good too!
aw shoot sarah :( my skin is like a bulletproof vest hehe I can use just about anything...too bad vs isn't like bbw and has a sink around so you can try it out on your hands/arms to see if you have any reaction!
hi zanne!
oh jealous please stop back when you used it :) eager to hear how it is!
I like the 3-in-1's from Philosophy myself ;)
cutie cutie cute! I love them all and gave one to each of my friends at my baby bash
ahhh awesome sabb! Wish I was there hehe!
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