Sephora Brand Retractable Waterproof Eyeliner
The Muse has a deep, affectionate relationship with MAC Technakohl.

It's possibly one of my favorite pencils from MAC and works like such a dream. But, ado, everything is not always perfect in Technakohl land.
Is it me or does it irritate the population terribly that Technakohl wears down so quickly? I actually find the product useless once it's worn down to a stubby little smidgelet of a pencil. The sharp even edge that I loved so much is worn down within three or four uses and basically after that I only get proper use out of my Technakohl by using it on my waterline as it no longer has that sharp, precise tip that I so dearly loved lining my upper lash line with!
All in agreement say I!
But of COURSE the Muse was fairly excited to see the Sephora Brand Retractable Waterproof Eyeliner for $12 USD...ooooo cheaper than Technakohl...but guess what else?
Not only is the design pretty much the same but the dreamy, creamy formula looks the same too but guess what else!?
A built-in sharpener to keep your pencil tip extra sharp and crisp for lining and defining for months to come! Ahhh blessed relief. Question remains is the formula just as good as MAC Tecnakohl? If so, count the Muse happy that someone finally figured out a sharpener was in order!

Oh by the about a smudge tip too? Sephora thought of it all with this one kids!
Loves it!
Good on ya Sephora! MAC failed to remember it but you didn't!
Yay or Nay?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Sephora, Spring Collections 2009
Isn't it possible to use a regular sharpener to sharpen the points of technakohls?
hi anonymous
I doubt it as that would probably crush it as it's a tiny pencil head and most sharpeners are for standard size pencils. This has a tiny size sharpener.
hey nell
think whatever you said got booted before you typed it fully hehe!
You said: all in agreement say I, so I said "I", lol ;) But in all seriousness, these pencils look great!
LOL nell DUH!
sorry 'bout that :-D
My Avon representative (who started me on selling Avon mostly to myself in November) was doing a make-over on me and trying to teach me a few of her tricks since my mom is as anti-makeup as they get (she refuses to sit down and learn from me) and therefore my rep thought that I did not know a whole lot but I do even though I do not really wear makeup yet buy it frequently. What she did was take a tissue after she applied my eyeliner and rolled the point back to its original shape on the tissue so it would apply like when it first was used (it looks like the Sephora brand one above). I have not tried it yet as I am still struggling to try to convince myself that I am worth spending time on myself but if the trick does not work then you can completely ignore my comment.
hi staines!
That sounds interesting! I should try that with my stubby mac technakohl!!!!!!
I'm gonna try it and let ya know how it works :-D
thanks hun!
Love this new layout btw.
thanks stanies!
You're very welcome!
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