Musings of the Day: I Hate It but She Loves It!

What are some products you simply hate that other people know the ones that everyone raves on and on about but you just don't understand why they love it so much!?
Jump ahead to hear mine!
Two products that come to mind for the Muse are MAC Fluidline and the Bare Escentuals Foundation Kit.
There are SO many better options around than MAC Fluidline! I think it's ok but the way people rave on and on and on about how amazing it is really makes me sit and puzzle...??? What am I missing? It applies streaky and I have to sit and reline's just not that great.....
And jeez if one more person tells me how great the BE Foundation Kit is I may scream! I tried it three times! That's right, three times! I purchased the kit on three occasions and every time I ended up feeling like I may itch my skin off! Gawd! It's terribly itchy and it makes me feel like I have a mask on! Hates it!
How about you?
What product or products do you hate that the rest of the world absolutely loves?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Bare Escentuals, Musings of the Day
1) I agree with the BE set. It streaks, it itches sometimes (damn Bismuth, which is another thing: this is a filler ingredient, yet they claim is makes you glow!), and buffing particles that your body can interpret as dirt into your pores is supposed to be a good thing how? (Run on sentence, I know, but I'm ranting here). I have tried this set so many times, and only bought it twice, and am always disappointed with it. Cheaper online brands are so much better...
2) Maybelline mascara (the one in the pink packaging)... eww... enough said.
3) Since 2 is kinda a given for most people: Stila convertible eye color. I hate these so badly. You can't see the amount of eyeliner or eyeshadow left (no big deal on its own, but added with the other problems...). The eyeliner smudges long after it was set, the eyeshadow creases and flakes. Both eyeliner and shadow fade quickly, even with a base. And the eyeliner is dried out feeling, even when new!
I've never tried BE but I agree with you on MAC Fluidline. It smudged horribly on me, and Kate's gel liner is definitely better. Granted, it still smudge but when you compare to MAC and the price, uggh >.> (MAC is quite pricy here)
Another thing that people raved about but made me shook my head is MAC Studiofix powder foundation. I dont know, I feel like there's nothing special to the powder. It doesnt control my oils much, fade within hours...I cant take it when my foundation fades...DX Other cheaper powder foundation performs better than this MAC one...
It may seems like I am bashing MAC but I still like its e/s :D
BE foundations are one that i cannot stand it makes my face itch so bad it's not even funny. I tried it at least three times myself. I wanted to love it, but it is not in the cards for me and BE.
Lancome Hypnose mascara OMG spider clumpy lashes i hate hate hate hate this mascara
i have to agree with you about the BE foundation. i read somewhere that BE foundation is best for those with lighter skin tones and near-perfect skin (basically, for those who really only need a loose powder with some sheen). it doesn't make my skin itch, but it feels (and sometimes looks like) i just put a bunch of dirt on my face, albeit shiny dirt. and doesn't do much for the stuff i want to hide on my face (blemishes, scars, etc.). i don't think i'll ever really be a fan.
I would say MAC lipglosses (waaaaaaaay too sticky for me. I don't mind re-applying as long as my long hair isn't always getting stuck to my mouth!)... and I will have to agree with you on the BE foundation haha =P I have also tried it 3x and it fails!
MAC lip glass in Underage: yes, the color is really pretty, but it's freaking sticky! I would never buy MAC lip glass except the HK collection and cream team.
I agree with BE foundation. Didn't work for me at all :(
Believe it or not I really think that MAC pigments are overrated seriously for ex. Naked and Aire-de-Blu they have all those glitter that falls all over my face and I really hate that if I want glitter I'll put glitter right away, dont get me wrong the colors are beautiful but I cant stand the glitter.
The only 2 that I really like are Vanilla and Teal <3
That's it my two cents about the "great" MAC pigments, thank you for let me vent :P
Ok, I'll probably get crucified for this, but Yves St Laurent Touch Eclat Concealer..... I think it's way overhyped, and there are HEAPS of cheaper and better (IMO) concealers out there.
I totally hear you on the BE kit. I worked at a store (rhymes with menorah) and put that stuff on probably 1000 or more women in the 1.5 yrs I was there... and it rarely looked good on anyone, including me. I don't hate all mineral makeup but I think the BE formula is inferior. The other "huh?" product for me is Maybelline Great Lash. Why does it always get such great ratings in Allure, etc? I can't stand it.
I think shld b the Maybelline eyeshadows & Loreal True Match Mineral Foundation... None of them works on me yet, Loreal Mineral Foundation is patchy n even broke me out.
Maybelline Geat Lash is touted as the best in the world by just about everyone.....yea it sucks. no length, no volume, no definition, no curl.....can you say shoe polish?
I'm also not really a fan of any of the Outlast/Lipfinity type products. I dunno, they may have improved lately but the ones I've used were awful....they wore away, felt weird, dried my lips, turned grainy after an hour, etc. Thankfully new formulas keep coming out.
I want to love cream shadows but I don't want to take 5 extra steps in my day to keep them from creasing. I already prime my lids.
Revlon foundations. Any of them. These seem to be fairly highly rated for a low end foundation on MUA, but I cannot understand why. I suppose they are fantastic if you like the "clay mask" look and have the skin tone of an oompa loompa. Hideous stuff.
He he he. I don't like BE makeup either, looks very unnatural on me. I use the MAC FL, but I only really like cake liners and the FL are just so much easier to deal with, but the cake performs better.
The one thing I hate that everyone loves? The horrendous Lavender Whip lipstick. It. Will. Not. Go. Away. Yuck. I don't need to try it to know that I will look like a corpse if I out that on. I also don't like glittery lip glosses. Don't the sparkles irritate? Don't they stay on your lips, while the color fades, then when you reapply the gloss you just get more and more sparkle until your lips look like a disco ball? Are they gritty? Ugh, cannot stand the sparkly, glittery glosses.
I'm with you on the Fluidlines. Didnt' like them at all. I also don't like BE Buxom glosses. Don't understand the big deal, and they made my lips crack.
Others: Nars Luster & Orgasm blush, Guerlain lip glosses (staying power is so average for the price), Dior eye shadows (what pigment?) and Chanel Glossimers (tacky, numbs the lips).
I´m totally with you on the BE foundation, itches and looks awful on, hate it!
Another thing is the NARS Orgasm blush, just isn´t all that special in my eyes, and those claims that it suits everyone is either just not true or I am the ONLY exeption.
And the best selling Maybelline Great Lash mascara, come on, it´s a do nothing formula if I ever saw one, and the packaging looks crappy too.
Ah, a little rant feels good from time to time...
I do not understand the obsession with YSL Touche Eclat, it it does nothing to hide my dark circles and the colour is all pink and weird. Hate it!
I simply hate Make Up For Ever HD Foundation. I just can't make it work for me. It looks nice once I put it on but an hour later it looks like a mess. I have tried many different combinations of primers, setting powders, and application methods to make it work, but it doesn't. And i think I am just more used to a thicker/creamier foundation, so I feel that this one is way too thin for me.
I feel so left out. I want to love it, but I just can't.
I also hate the BE set..I only bought it 2 times though. =P It felt SO heavy and it made me break out like CRAZY!!!
Another products I really don't get the hype on is Stila lip glazes..I feel like my lips look GREASY with it on..or like I'm drooling..
Maybelline Great Lash - don't get it. UD 24/7 liners - eh not that great IMO, I like my cheaper Prestige liners better.
I don't understand all the hype about philosophy's Hope in a Jar. I have been so unimpressed with it. I put it aside, use other moisturizers, and go back to give it another chance - and always end up asking why? why bother?
Couldn't agree more. Hate Hate Hate BE Foundation!!
hi Kaoru!
Amen! I can't stand it :( LOL great description...exactly my is buffing not clogging pores?! AHH!
I purchased it three times...once it ended up in the trash and twice I returned's such bull and what's with all the raving about mineral veil!? I can't STAND it!
I can't say I tried the convertible eye color and I honestly prob won't after your rant hehe!
Thanks for sharing hun!
hi xisa!
MAC FL is just so over hyped my god. I agree KATE rocks it when compared to FL!
I haven't tried the studiofix powder but will avoid it after your rant ;)
No no not at all bashing I think MAC has a big time cult following and many fan girls, including myself, rave on and on about it when in fact some of it is just not that fabs ;)
hello anya1976!
Me too!!!!!!! and breaks me out! It's so NOT in the cards for me either LOL!
Oh never tried that mascara from will avoid at your rant ;)
hi jean! How are you!?
I heard the same thing I also heard that it works best for oily skin types rather than dry.
agreed on the dirt feeling! It covers pretty much nothing at all :P
I think it's a great kit for a young girl just starting in makeup but for anyone who has the battle scars of age or dry skin...def no good!
hi nosh!
How are you!?
I agree...I've actually come to some sort of peace with them but for ages I HATED them and I could never understand all the hype about how wonderful they are.
I really still get irked at how STICKY they are :P but I do admit that it really lasts longer than any gloss I've ever tried.
BE is such an epic fail.
hi MeeboMello!
LOL totally understand....I really had such a raving rant about lipglass for many many years lol
hi kelly
:( ya def an epic fail!
hi и¡†α!
I have tons of mac pigments but I have to agree..the fall out is such a pain in the ass that it makes the product a fail sometimes. Everyone always says how easy it is to clean up the fall out but I honestly think it makes a major mess :( So I def hear your pain ;) and join your ranting....don't get me wrong I like them but they do drive me batty too!
oh no you won't anonymous!
It's really nice and I like it myself but I admit that there are WAY better options out there!
hi Claire!
LMAO on Maybelline Great Lash...I haven't a's so 80's...or is that me?
Hells yes on the BE kit..they make fine products..some of the kits are awesome but the foundation kit is a total fail for me! Just utter rubbish!
hi Syn@3sTh3sI!
I always have a prob with drugstore brands in the US so I totally hear your pain :P rubbish!
hi laura!
LOL this is a popular response ;) poor maybelline lol!
I'm the same with cream...I've fell in love with a select few but most are crap :P
I'm hearing your rant on outlast products...tried one and thought it was crap :P
hi Anonymous!
Agreed..LOTS of raves for these on MUA and how they are as good as any counter top brand but personally I find it's all crap!
and def agreed clay mask or oompa loompa skin!
hi Pavlina!
ditto on my skin! I like cake liners too but I dunno FL fails on me for some reason prob b/c I suck at lining ;)
LMAO I can hear that...I can't work's very pretty but I seriously cannot use it..too mod!
LOL I'm a shimmer-a-holic I fear :) so glittery glosses are part of my everyday but I understand how you feel!
hi Anonymous!
AHH me too on BE buxom..hate 'em but the full color ones with the brush are awesome! the ones with the sponge applicator SUCK!
hey nell!
ugh I HATE it. LOL I'm one for saying it's suitable for all skin tones..I'm shocked it doesn't work for you...! :( How about Super O? Maybe better pigmented for you!?
LOL that great lash made the list a few times so far and I agree totally! It was over in 1980!
hi Emma!
I agree..I generally like it but honestly for major dark circles or other undereye ones it's kinda useless :P
hi jackieg02!
I swatched it in store and really didn't get the hype...just seemed like a runny foundation and nada special about it?!
There, there it's ok ;-) hehe I'm with you!
hi tammy!
Ditto!!!!! itchy as hell! LOL really? I dig on stila lip glaze lol haven't experience the drooling look yet!
hi j!
LOL popular reply on Maybelline everyone is NOT getting that one :)
I have to indulge in a few prestige...I actually like that line alot plus it's cheap ;) likey!
hi Stephanie!
DITTTTTTTTO! I purchased in four or five times and kept trying to love it but ended up returning it! They always say it's perfect for all skin types but it makes my skin oily as hells
LOL amen Adina :)
I absolutely hate plush lash and diorshow.I mean seriously? Terrible brushes. plush lash doesnt come with instructions and doirshow i mean pfffft have you seen that brush??!! the formula weighs down my lashes and automatically uncurls them!!
omg yes yes yes diyana! plush lash blows and it's really hyped...i love iconic butthe diorshow is a no go on me too!
Oh, I have lots of these, haha. Great post, Muse. BE, Diorshow Blackout, Plushlash, Smashbox foundation kit, Philosophy skincare & the Kat Von D palettes.
None of the BE colors worked on me and it really didn't blend into my skin no matter how much moisturizer I put on. Diorshow made my short lashes look like I had literally TWO lashes on each side - it clumped so badly! Iconic didn't work that well for me either :( Plushlash wasn't too bad after I figured out how to use it (THAT took awhile). I prefer to layer it over Tarte's mascara though, rather than on its own.
The Smashbox foundation kit was, possibly, the worst non-DS foundation ever. The luminizing primer turned my face into a virtual oil slick...I have combo skin, but I've never seen it so shiny before! And it itched badly after about 20 minutes. Awful. Since then, I've been pretty hesitant about buying Smashbox in general.
I love Philosophy Microdelivery, their scented lip glosses and their 3-in-1 shower gels, but that's it. Purity broke me out horribly even though I actually really liked the smell and feel. I had to return their Miracle Worker kit :(
Sadly, the Kat Von D palettes did not live up to their hype. I bought Ludwig and Beethoven and the pigmentation was not up to my usual standards (MAC, Dior, UD). I probably should've returned them, but they're good for travelling, I suppose.
urban decay liquid eyeliners by half way through the day bits will have flaked off meaning i have bits of eyeliner missing not a good look!
the oil cleansing method (okay, not really a product, but still) sucks big time & touch eclat & Mac glitter pigment (not a big fan of overly "draggy" glitter, specially in combination with contacts.. OUCH :O)
hi kerri!
Couldn't agree more about the pluslash hun and philosophy skincare! ugh so disappointed to hear about Kate Von D...was really wanting these!
damn that stinks that purity broke you out...! I'm a big fan!
I have to say the skincare is mediocre especially considering it's fan base!
iconic I loved when I first tried it but I get a bit annoyed at how much work goes in to applying it :P
thanks for sharing hun!
hey randomblode!
oh no! sounds bad :P def will avoid :)
hi Anonymous!
oil cleansing is def love or hate for me. Like how well it removes makeup hate feeling blurry eyed half an hour later :p
ack can totally understand that glitter and contacts are not a marriage most divine!
Hello :)
I am guessing that I am not part of the majority in MUA because I have a long list of "favorites" that have done hell to my face:
1. Benefit's Benetint.
Okay this is just WHOA overrated for me because this was nothing at all like I thought it would be. It instantly dries my lips no matter what I do and causes it to flake within the first hour. After seeing it being heralded as a "cult favorite" in many magazines, I thought it was going to be a dream - convenient, beautiful. But it was more of like lip damage in a bottle for me. It always makes my lips peel and then even though I think it's dry, in a few minutes I see it seeping into the lines of my lips and becoming blotchy :(
The worst part? I am now dying to own a bottle of their new own, the pink posie one!
2. Philosophy Hope In A Jar
Sad :( If I am not mistaken Oprah declared this as the best in the world. No effect on me, nothing at all, except for dry skin.
3. Olive Oil used as a cleanser or moisturizer
Saw this in MUA. Beautiful results in the first month, really beautiful skin. Then pimples starting popping up, large ones, and I though okaaaay, must be coming from something else... this was my worst run-in with bad skin. It took me many months, up to a year, to recover from the damage it gave me. My skin has never been bad. Suddenly I had acne everywhere, forehead, nose, cheeks...
4. Last but not least...
Channel's eye shadow quads
Bought 2. Beautiful colors. I don't understand at all why, but these, to my horror, are very sensitive!! On warm days, they are the first to go away. I always apply shadows with a wet brush and these will completely vanish from my lids if it's slightly humid, if I slept late (true), or if I accidentally scratch my eye, etc. Sometimes they last, but most times... I don't even feel like using them anymore, the first time I did I was shocked to find myself with a BARE eyelid. I kept re-using for a couple of days because they were expensive :( Some days I wake early, apply wet Majolica Majorca eye shadow, go through the day, bake a pie, work at home in the evening... by eleven my face has melted off except for the vibrant eyeshadow with yet a crease. And it's like, Y500?
hey cherry
yes, benetint is severely overrated but it's such a cult fav b/c it was such a unique product a few years ago that NO one had :-D which made many of us rave on and on about it. Posietint is very different texture and formula wise you might find you like it a whole lot better when compared to benetint :-D
Hope in a Jar I try so hard to love but man is it bad!
wow..honestly I'd never used olive oil on my skin...meant for salad not skin hehe!
Interesting on the Chanel...sometimes expensive isn't always better :-D
thanks for sharing hun!
Yes, one reader already said, and I confirm!
First product, everyone loves, but I hate is:
(1) YSL TOUCHE ÉCLAT: bad ingredients (mineral oil), and the colours are not really flattering (for my pale Asian skin at least). My hg one is the DIOR Skinflash.
(2) ESTEE LAUDER IDEALIST: everyone is raving about it like oh, this really made my pores nearly vanished or things like that, BUT I really really hate it.
Every time I applied it, I wanted run into the bathroom again and wash it off, 'cause I feel like my skin is going to suffocate.
Can't stand the silicone feeling at all. It's awkward. Worse thing is, it even made my skin break out.
hi jess!
YSL TE is really overrated and whoa didn't know it contained mineral oil bad bad for around the eye area! I'm a big Dior fan...the booster pen is simply amazing!
I never tried EL Idealist.... so I guess that's off the list hehe!
Silicon has that effect on me too which is why I don't use Smashbox Primer eep! makes me feel me itchy and broken out :(
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