liiv Botanicals Vitalizing Face Serum Review
liiv Botanicals Vitalizing Face Serum is formulated with Plant Essence Technology which captures active plant extracts and delivers rejuvenating benefits directly to your skin.

Oh and it kinda sorta smells like dirt too!
Dude, for serious. I'm still trying to put my finger on it but so far I've come to the conclusion that liiv Botanicals Vitalizing Face Serum kinda sorta smells like dirt. Or maybe it's dirt and rotten fruit...hmmmmm....I'm thinking Avon has some sort of reverse psychology going on with this. "If we make it smell pretty they won't buy it but if we make it smell like dirt they'll think it's REALLY an important facial product!" Mark my words, make it smell like dirt and they will come!

But guess what? Even thought it has a strange odor it actually works pretty darn well! The serum is meant to be applied twice a day all over your face, targeting facial lines and wrinkles....the Muse hasn't reached the wrinkle stage as of yet thankfully but it also promises to make my skin brighter and more radiant, I can appreciate that. The formula contains an SPF 20 which endears itself further to me plus it's the most divine texture. Although it smells rather weird (don't worry you'll get used to it and even find it pleasant as time goes by) and looks kinda weird (think swamp water), it still manages to feel simply delicious. It's cold and slippery and absorbs easily leaving your skin feeling soft, silky, and slightly moist as if it was drenched with a cup of cool water.

The product was created to reawaken the appearance of youth but the Muse likes to think her youth is around and still kicking so hopefully I don't have to recover my youth in a bottle of facial serum, at least not yet anyway. However, if you're seeking a product that's meant to help visibly lift skin, enhance it's brightness, and make it smoother and more firmer, liiv Botanicals Vitalizing Face Serum is something well worth checking out.
As for the rest of makes a damn fine prep prior to moisturizer! My skin seems to love it and the extra moisture is a welcome relief for my dry winter skin. I haven't noticed much difference since my testing began a week ago but I'll definitely finish off this bottle and consider a secondary purchase as it's an inexpensive product ($20 USD or less) and it's organic with plenty of good for you ingredients.
Avon continues to delight me with the liiv Botanicals Collection.
See more of the collection by visiting

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