Stash Spotlight: Urban Decay Eye Shadow
As the Muse recalls the addiction to makeup started with the purchase of one Urban Decay Eye Shadow....

The downward spiral into makeup addiction hell began soon after!
All that glitter, all that pigment, all that bloody shimmer...who wouldn't want to collect them all?

I've sinned many, many times with my Urban Decay Eyeshadow purchases....please forgive me? You know you loves 'em too but it's ok if you don't want to admit it.
Your faithful makeup junkie,
the Muse

Lover, collector, obsessed fool for Urban Decay Eyeshadow?
Tell the Muse!
Tis ok, you can admit your addiction to your fellow diseased cosmetic junkie! I won't tell anyone shhhh....sometimes these things get out of hand.

Labels: Spotlights, Urban Decay
I like the colors I have :)
The only thing I hate is the glitter fallout on my face. I don't experience that with my mineral eye shadows or MAC, but sadly I always do with the chunky ones from UD.
That being said, nothing beats Half Baked and its finish for me. That color has me just in LOVE with UD. Sellout and Asphyxia are pretty, too. Flipside and Flash are beautiful.
awww thanks for sharing, is it weird that I feel giddy looking at all those e/s??? :D
omg MUSE! that is gorgeous!
im drooling as i type... :P
Muse, I'm totally amazed with your dedication to building the collection. It's definitely envy-worthy. How come I've never read your post/review about any of the shadows? I must have missed it/them!
I spy a few Subway Token style UD shadows in those group shots!!!
I've only got a few UD shadows, but I really do like them! Great pigmentation... and loads of shimmer! Yay!
Midnight Cowboy - bought it for my wedding day 7 years ago, at a time when the most exciting thing in my make-up bag was a brown eyeliner. Now, Jesus Mary and Joseph, my bathroom looks like the United Nations. I only have about 16 individual shadows (so far), but I have started collecting palettes as a quick fix. And of course, that's just the shadows... My credit card is about to get a very nasty contusion on Friday when the new ranges start arriving at my local stores. I need more make-up the same way Bill Gates needs more money.
But I love it so much! :D
Seriously jealous of your stash there Miss Musey. :)
Whoa!! That's impressive! No need to feel ashamed, I have a makeup desk. Some people keep things like pens, pencils, files, etc. in their desks. I keep makeup in my desk, lol. And more on top. My laptop has to share space with my mirror and brushes and skincare and hot rollers and... LOL! I'd take a picture but I'm not sure if I should be proud or just cringe at the mess.(There's more skincare in the bathroom too!)
Ahhhh, the beauty of it....
What a sight for sore eyes!
Thank you, Musey!
urban decay definitely have the best eyeshadows out there in my opinion (besides mac).
all the UD colors are amazing too, and they are super pigmented!
lol, WOW. i like the compass-y design....all those colours. no dupes? that's amazing. i seesome very interesting colours too, like a brick red and olive green.
Shadows? She haz 'em.
Holy crap, those pics remind me of a National Geographic spread on a deep sea treasure! LOL! Awesome color collection...I love it!
That was me with lipsticks at one time. If I combine my 6-year-old's lipglosses and lipsticks with mine, it almost makes me feel like young Jen again, *smile*!!!
I love UD eyeshadows. They are the bomb!
Holy crap muse! Haha, I adore UD eyeshadows, though they are thankfully (for my wallet) elusive in my town! Wish I could say the same for MAC ;)
That is so funny because UD was my first cosmetic love. While I have since then moved on, you know I hoarde like a champ.
I just posted on my blog how I have been hoarding nars lately. Its a sickness I swear!
That's an awesome collection musey!
I have so many palettes that I've covered most of the colours that way - which is your favourite?
Mine are Peace & Graffiti in the Deluxe shadows and -of course - Midnight Cowboy in the regular shadows. I love MCRA so much that I have it in 2 palettes and I've hit pan on my single.
Yay for Urban Decay!! x x
This is... awesome. And also slightly disturbing. I've never tried this shadow but I'm guessing from the photos that it's pretty much the best.
hey dd!
omg fallout sucks :P I have the prob but with mac piggies too and just loose shadows in general ;P
I use scotch tape to pick it up hehe!
my absolute fav is cherry!
hey nikki!
LOL nope I feel giddy myself :-D
hi rasilla
hehe thanks hun :)
Come on over and I'll share :) promise!
hi lia!
lol...thanks :)
Umm I've had my ud shadows for ages before I started my blog that's prob why I never really bothered reviewing...I just normally review if a new shade pops up :) If you look through some past posts I used to do plenty of FOTD's using these :)
hi Elle
yup! I'm so glad they changed the packaging the bloody old ones drove me nuts :)
Amen! that's why I lurve 'em pigmentation and shimmer ;)
hi bev!
yup me too...I've had it around 10 years or so...was a first purchase for me and simply awesome :)
LOL awesome :)
I'm with you hun! I simply love makeup and lord knows I keep a long as we enjoy it right?!
Thanks for sharing hun! I love hearing makeup stash stories :-D
hi Claire!
LOL makeup desk AWESOME :) I have a room for it all lol so we are likely in the same boat :)
take a pic take a pic I wanna see :)
hi nell!
LOL my pleasure!
hi fluffychicken!
Agreed 100%! They were my fav before I discovered mac :) and still are!
hi laura!
no dupes ;) hehe :) the red is a fav mine ;) you really need to try these if you haven't already they are awesome!
LMAO Laura :)
Hey jenny!
LOL!!!!!! thanks :-D I have a serious addiction ;) *hangs head in shame*
aw shucks you're as young as you feel hun!
hey pixie!
agreed hun! :-D
hey laura
lol I'm slightly embarrassed by it all :)
UD has always been such a prob in the UK damn them get to more shops now hehe!
hey adina!
Ditto! dude your nars is beautiful!
hey chica!
thanks hun! favs are cherry, mildew, midnight cowboy, and polyester bride.
damn wish I can say I hit pen :) peace and graffiti are my favs too in the deluxe shadows :)
I actually wish I had more ud palettes as these take up so much room :P
hi Georgia
Thanks hun. It's a great shadow..especially if you like shimmer.
Hi Muse! Here ya go, makeup desk pics: Someday I'll have to take a pic of my perfume cabinet! LOL. (Of course a girl with a makeup desk has a perfume cabinet, right? And a shower gel cabinet...LOL).
hi claire!
LMAO that's awesome! Damn girl that's some serious stash :-D lol!
awsome blog. I have a shower gel cabinet too! LOL we are SO diseased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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